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Everything posted by benj1980

  1. I'm not a nurse but interested in the loophole that has been found. @Lrob I'm pretty sure if you've been working for say 7/8 months that qualifies your work experience as 3 months full time equivalent?
  2. Masters does qualify her as the additional year, we have had this query on numerous occasions on different threads. This isn't likely to change any time soon either as if anything Australia are looking to raise the standards to qualify as a teacher. AITSL are very strict on this and no teaching board in Australia will allow a teacher with three years university study to be registered to teach. It's a pain but needs to be done I'm afraid!
  3. Without evidence that you are together it will be very difficult. You should speak to an approved agent.
  4. What job would you have if you came over? If you struggled for work I'm sure that would increase the anxiety.
  5. Well thousands of mining jobs are opening up so that will probably help...
  6. I'm with Telsra prepaid and have international minutes as part of my package. I've never used them. I use FaceTime/Skype. I don't even know if I can call landlines and mobiles with my international minutes, can anyone share?
  7. Good luck, I know how nerve wrecking it is!
  8. This doesn't faze me as it's all relative. My pay has more than doubled and I don't pay double the bills so I am better off!
  9. I could afford to go out in Perth if I wanted to but I have better things to spend my money on like my children! Most of our entertaining and entertainment is centred by like minded families and we have a great time socialising. I'm not suggesting going out here isn't a rip off but comparing most things to the UK is also a rip off, but since I get paid the equivalent of double I don't feel the need to complain about this. It's a relative I guess? Oh and you're absolutely right I only invite people that I know into my house...
  10. Obviously other parents thought we were cruel but we were keen for the children to start asap to help them settle in!
  11. I know a family that turned up with a thousand dollars having already booked accommodation for a month but no job offers. Absolute madness, but they made it work!
  12. People in a high street may act differently in different cities but when you are sat besides people waiting for gymnastics to finish or at the school gate I'd suggest people are pretty similar. I'm presuming most people don't try and make friends with people whilst they are commuting to work or out shopping, so it still seems a silly point of view. Maybe it's simply because I'm fun loving and friendly?!
  13. My invite took less than a week but this was because the next round of invites were coming up. Hopefully you'll be good to go!
  14. Totally agree, saying that Perth is unfriendly FACT, is a little ridiculous! The biggest ally you have is having a four year old who will go to school, join clubs etc. I'd suggest if you have hobbies, sign up and get involved that way you'll make friendships. My children are in several clubs and I have got involved in my local rugby team. I have friendships from work and have met some lovely parents who we socialise with. I started working a week after arriving in WA, my wife had made several new friends within a few weeks of arriving due to the school run, I was quite jealous of her coffee meet ups! We're in Mandurah though so maybe it's just friendlier than Perth?! The friends aren't going to become deep and meaningful friends straight away that takes time. There are a few couples that we don't really see anymore as well, I guess this is purely natural selection over a period of time?
  15. Open and direct, I'd describe as blunt which I like! I naturally like a good moan and have had no problems adapting despite things working out really well for us and that as a family we find ourselves in a more favourable position to the UK. I guess I've just changed the things I moan about
  16. At my school we have many international students and we have more than our fair share of students with additional needs who are provided additional support. I work in a public school in WA so it's irrelevant to the other post. In the UK there are a few private dyslexia schools, I don't believe we have them over here and dyslexia support like the UK is minimal in any case (in my experience as a SENCO). So you're then looking at literacy programmes for international students which as some private schools encourage international students to enrol have resources in place to entice them in. But as I have already suggested you pay for this and possibly for in class support if required.
  17. I didn't come out on a 457 visa but I feel the same way about pressure (or lack of) and are on the whole happier in my job. If anything I get frustrated as to how relaxed things are. Things are getting a bit more robust but I can't see it going full English crazy any time soon!
  18. Personally I'm amazed that the people on here have slated Australian schools this way and swept them all in one category! Emily I'm not aware of any Dyslexia schools in your area but as I'm aware that public schools sometimes have programs and support for dyslexic students I'm sure you'll be able to find a school that has some sort of program/support, but of course you'll pay extra for the privilege!
  19. A brutal assessment and one I don't particularly agree with but maybe I will in a few more years. I'm coming up to 2 years in and still think it's a great place to be and more importantly my children would be devastated if we wished to move. Job wise my wife and I have very similar jobs to what we had in the UK on much better pay, I couldn't build a property next to the sea at the cost that I did in the UK and we've made lots of friends who we happily socialise with. I guess having primary aged children helps with this...
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