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Parley last won the day on July 22

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  1. In your shoes i might consider moving to Queensland. I have a relative who lives in Townsville and basically shorts and t-shirt all year arounc. No heating costs. You do need air con in the summer though. The cost of living should be a lot cheaper than Sydney or Melbourne. Moving to a freezing city in North England doesn't sound too appealing if you will struggle to stay warm.
  2. The Australian pension is a lot more generous than the UK state pension I think.
  3. I can't imagine any leader from either party campaigning to rejoin the EU. Obviously if the people reject it in a referendum then the leader has no choice but to resign. David Cameron learnt that lesson the hard way. I doubt another leader will want to repeat the experience after such a short time. Work better with Europe -yes. Rejoin the EU -No.
  4. Parley


    A levels are being scrapped in the UK.
  5. I moved to Australia a few weeks before i turned 14. Worked out great. Although i did miss my previous best friend of course.
  6. Well you need to understand what remain in the UK means
  7. According to wikipedia it can lapse if you leave UK for more than 2 years. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indefinite_leave_to_remain
  8. It isn't an age issue. It comes down to how much money you have. If you are a citizen you can move back at any age.
  9. Stay in Australia until your preservation age which is 60. Declare yourself permanently retired. Withdraw all your Super if you like and then move back to the UK. Only 7 years so not that long. Depends on your balance perhaps but if you have a lot in Super that is what I would be doing.
  10. It is a family decision. Families make these decisions to have children and know all the ramifications in doing so. It is good that many improvements have been made over the years. I was lucky to get 1 day off special leave when my child was born. Now the men get some official paternitly leave. Not everything is about money though.
  11. My understanding is you are no allowed to move into a property owned by your super fund. This would a serious breach. Make sure you get advice before doing that.
  12. Can't you just go up to the top of Centrepoint tower to get a great view of the city 360 degrees. I assume it is still there.
  13. When you start a brand new permanent job with any employer in Australia it is quite usual for your employment contract to include a 6 month probation period. So if you turn out to be useless the employer can easily get rid of you. So banks may well want you to have passed this point before they lend you a lot of money.
  14. If you have ever sold any crypto then they will probably send you that message every year. But i think now all those crypto companies do provide information to the ATO.
  15. You might be right. I hadn't considered that.
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