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Everything posted by benj1980

  1. So what happens when there is another mining boom, everyone leaves alternative jobs for the cash and then try to come back when there is a bust? I've only been here for the current bust!
  2. That's interesting in WA, I know parents who have been discouraged to hold their children back. Not sure if this is just the culture of the area or a state policy.
  3. Not as a registered teacher no. You need a four years of Higher Education and a teacher training degree of sorts.
  4. Just read there is a 40,000 nurse shortage in the UK, I understand the politics behind this. Maybe more will be looking East instead of West? I know we have gone off topic but what I would say is the Indians that I have met in Australia have been and are awesome. Real family people and take pride in their work, I get that they don't always get the rub of the green that Poms may get in terms of job opportunities (unless they're doctors!) but I'd rather have a family with this type of attitude and ethos live next to me than most others that you see around.
  5. If you work in outback or country towns how easy is it to get back into metro areas after a period of time? Out of sight, out of mind. Teachers used to be looked favourably if they had worked in the country/outback but this isn't quite the case anymore. So I'm not surprised the supply in coastal areas isn't bigger, I wouldn't spend x amount of years training to live in the outback for the rest of my life!
  6. For many this makes no difference, for some this would be their only chance potentially due to the extra points available. 189 is arguably the best visa you can get. I'm sure no one will be up-skilling to Neurosurgeon!
  7. My wife went to playgroup and met Mums on the school run. I maintain she has more friends than I do! But that was ideal as originally I was working and she wasn't so it helped her settle in. We have a bit of a mix of friends now as well Poms, Aussies, a few kiwis thrown in...
  8. There's only a limited amount of training schools in Australia, is it that there are not enough Junior doctor positions available and that the overseas doctors that are recruited are specialists?
  9. Local soccer club as my son started playing within a few days. Then rugby, lifesaving... Children make socialising a lot easier, we now meet up with different parents at different times of the year.
  10. That's interesting, no one has ever asked me how hard was it for me to get a job... Where do ABS get their statistics from Centrelink?
  11. I believe they are known as Urban planners...
  12. Are these all migrants @starlight7 ?
  13. The way I look at these rankings is if your university seems to fair well in the majority of these they're doing something right!
  14. After coming over visiting friends we imagined where we could slot in!
  15. I think 30k GBP is about right. I include an agent in that cost. But we minimised shipping and shopped around for flights etc. People do things differently and having your skill documents assessed cost different amounts depending on the skill. Some people spend a fortune on English tests!
  16. We temporarily stayed with friends. We used their address and enrolled our children, we are still in catchment now 20 months later. They started school 4 days after we arrived.
  17. Are you telling me Australian trained doctors aren't getting jobs?
  18. I thought I lived in the most isolated city in the world?!
  19. Well I don't have to worry about it as I don't live there!
  20. I have no faith in Corbyn to negotiate a good deal for the UK, I think May will be better equipped to do this. I really like pretty much every Labour pledge in their manifesto but I don't know how they would fund it. Saying corporations will pay, as well as higher tax earners isn't any stonewall guarantee as corporations in particular find loopholes. The UK does not need further debt and I can't see how under labour this will decrease. There's an awful lot of 'power to the people' posts on my Facebook at the moment and there seems to be a momentum shift, although I suspect the majority of my friends are just keeping their thoughts to themselves instead of calling Tory voters murderers, pro child starvation or the like!
  21. For the people who have bought a property and are in negative equity? If people have recently bought and could make a few bob good luck to them! I guess the majority of people would like a stable house market in any case. You disagree?
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