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starlight7 last won the day on November 29 2020

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  1. No and I certainly wouldn’t try to smuggle one in,either. They grow so quickly and easily here you don’t need to.
  2. I worked there for 25 years. It is a suburb on the up- used to be not too good for various reasons.
  3. Haven’t felt British for over 40 years and it was reinforced when we went there just before all this Covid business. I suppose because all our children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are Aussies.
  4. I find they never shut up, totally the opposite. Depends what circles you move in I suppose.
  5. 8.30- 4.30 pm would be a short day here. Just saying.
  6. Of course another thing is that the UK you left has changed a lot. Sometimes we remember it as it used to be. I don't know the place anymore now, it feels foreign to me the same as I suppose Australia feels for those who have been absent a long time.
  7. Same as you, ramot. You know where you feel 'at home' and that's it, really. I don't even want to visit my birthplace now since Covid, no appeal whatsoever. I still think the tv programs are better there, though and still watch them for preference.
  8. Melbourne is very much what you make it because there are vast differences in areas to live, type of people you meet etc. It is very big and sprawly. When we arrived in the early 70 s I thought it was exceedingly ugly, mainly because of the trip in from the airport. If you find the ‘right’ suburbs it is actually charming and green and pretty with good local networks and communities. So many things to do, especially when you get older. Theses days I rarely go to the dead centre (city) because it has been decimated by over zealous politicians and their fondness for draconian measures against Covid but I can live very happily without that. The population has dropped somewhat just now which is a good thing that they have done. Unintentionally I am sure but there are benefits for the ‘remainders’.
  9. I think SBS is better than Netflix these days though none of them are that good. Vigil was good- most of those British ones are, unlike the American trashy things . The Scandinavians have good ones if you don't mind subtitles
  10. Queensland was certainly looking good during the Melbourne lockdowns. I think it will take a while to recover down here, so many businesses closed up especially in the city.
  11. So many horror stories about Australian citizens being stuck in Europe and Asia who cannot get home, I wouldn't take a step outside Australia just now.
  12. Normally Melbourne is a great city. Not just now as I am sure you are aware. I've lived here most of my life and we have never had it like this. We are not beach goers but we do have a holiday house down at the island which we are not allowed to visit just now. The beaches are mostly fine, even close to the city. I have never come across a dirty one but maybe I am lucky. It's been nearly 50 years, though. We like the Eastern suburbs ourselves with lots of trees, rivers and greenery, good private and public schools and a stone's throw from the Yarra Valley but it is a personal thing. It is very safe, you don't need to lock your door but I expect that will change one day the way things are.
  13. I guess we are used to wearing the masks in Victoria and it also protects you from colds and flu- virtually no flu this year which is a big plus. I will continue to wear one in shopping centres at least as do my fellow Victorians. i don't wear one out walking, they are annoying and too hot but if instructed to do so I would. They don't tell you to wear one for fun, there is medical evidence that they do help. Even in 1918 they realised that ..
  14. I believe they don’t wear them in New South either. I think they are silly because it is a small price to pay. We learnt our lesson the hard way down here and hope no other state has to go through it . It wasn’t pretty. They don’t cure anything but there is a measure of prevention.
  15. Must be different for you. Everyone wears them here and if you forget you get 'the look'. Half the people even wear them outside as well.
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