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  • Birthday June 2

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  1. I'm very happy to see the forum is back online but I for one am hanging up my PiO hat. I've learnt so much from this forum and I hope I've been able to help others too, but it's time for me to move on for various reasons. Please feel free to contact me through the private messaging system if you wish. The very best to you all whether you're migrating to Australia, returning to the UK, or just happy wherever you are 😊 Take care, M.

  2. A quick fact check; $870,000 would be sufficient to buy a home in any Australian city with the exception of Sydney. In Melbourne and Canberra you're going to be living in suburbia, but they're still affordable on that kind of budget. One assumes that the OP could obtain a mortgage too, which would further extend his budget. He also mentioned that he can earn over USD $1,000/day, which is a fantastic income. Blimey, I wished I'd become a welding inspector instead of a teacher! https://www.domain.com.au/research/house-price-report/march-2023/ £450k is some solid coin and a lot more money than most migrants arrive on these shores with, so I don't see any problem for the OP financially. However, his pathway to PR is going to be a lot harder, and as others have said, consulting an RMA should be his next step. @MrTee I'm 100% behind your reasons for wanting to leave the UK. Have you considered any other countries? I believe it's a fair bit easier to get PR in NZ, although don't quote me on that!
  3. You're not the only one to have experienced an unpleasant bottle-breaking incident. A number of years ago I was parked up in the shopping centre at Victoria Point (south-east Brisbane). It was early evening, about 6pm, and I'd just returned to the car with my shopping. There were some hoons in a ute a couple of parking spaces away from me, talking loudly and drinking. I should've just driven off straightaway, but I'd received a couple of messages on my phone which I started to read first. The conversation these guys were having was typical 'locker room talk', but at a volume anyone within half a mile would hear. I gave this guy a disparaging sideways glance, to which he replied "WTF are you looking at". I said nothing and just wound up the window, at which point he threw the empty bottle so it broke right in front of my car. Fortunately, I was able to reverse out of my space without having to get out to remove the broken glass. On another occasion I was gardening and some P-platers came hooning up our street which is rather rare given that we life in a cul-de-sac, so they must've been visiting someone. A couple of hours later my wife and I were watching TV and we heard the familiar sound of engine revving and loud music playing, followed by breaking glass. Two bottles thrown out on either side of the road and glass everywhere, which took me quite a while to sweep up. I've often see broken bottles in the vicinity of the pub at the weekends when I'm out jogging, so unfortunately what you've experienced isn't just an isolated occurrence. The government could easily stamp this out by making throwing a glass object from a vehicle a far more serious offence than littering, but they can't even effectively legislate against kids riding eScooters, not to mention having sufficient police to actually enforce it afterwards. I'm sure this type of thing happens in the UK just as frequently too, but because the boundaries between good and bad areas in towns and cities are more clearly defined, if you're fortunate enough to live in a good area then you won't experience it as much.
  4. The poor reputation of the suburbs halfway between Brissie and the Gold Coast proceeds them, although I don't think they're quite as bad as they used to be. The nicknames always give me a smile though... Logan => Bogan Shailer Park => Trailer Park Browns Plains => Brown Stains Rochedale => Cockroachdale Slacks Creek => Slags Creek Capalaba => Crapalaba Bethania => Methania And a few from the north side of town, just to be fair... Deception Bay => Depression Bay Morayfield => Moronfield Redcliffe => Deadcliffe
  5. Well I'm sure if you compare Coogee Beach, one of the most affluent and bourgeois suburbs in Sydney, with regional QLD (which the Sunshine Coast is), you're going to see a significant difference in attire regardless of the climate. I worked in Brisbane CBD for several years in the mid noughties (nearly 20 years ago) and people dressed smartly for work in the city, even back then. If you'd travelled to regional NSW or VIC you'd have found plenty of fashion disasters, weird haircuts and bad tattoos there too, so it isn't just a Queensland thing.
  6. But 41 of those hours you spent on PiO
  7. I've often heard it said that the coldest winter you'll ever experience is your first winter in Australia, and I'd say that's true. Most people tend to migrate during the Aussie summer to miss the British winter, and ensure their kids start the new school year. You feel like summer is never going to end, but it does. I spent my first winter in Sydney, and I remember waking up one morning at the start of May and thinking "Hmmm, this really isn't shorts and T-shirt weather any more!" QLD winters are a lot shorter of course, but you only have to head 20-30km inland from the coast and you notice how cool it gets at night. Brisbane has never record a sub-zero temperature, but it regularly goes below freezing in Ipswich. I recall they recorded -5C there one year.
  8. @Cheery Thistle as a long-standing QLD resident, no offence taken. I'd concur with most those observations, with a few caveats... 1. 2. The climate in QLD is the driving factor behind most people's choice of attire, and dressing up like a dog's dinner is neither comfortable nor practical. That said, most seem to dress smartly for work if they're in a business or customer-facing role, or for special occasions. Generally, Aussies are a lot less formal than Brits and not quite as up themselves about wasteful fashion trends, which personally I feel is a good thing. 3. It definitely adds to the charm for me, although I appreciate many find it hard to adjust to which is why they never leave the major cities. 4. I've never got used to the insularity here. It's the one single factor that makes me question whether I really want to spend my remaining days in Australia. 5. Hooning and other anti-social behaviour is annoying but you can avoid it most of the time. Just make sure you don't live on a main road or busy street. 6. It's a pain but you adapt to it, and it's not so noticeable during the winter months. 7. 8. Freaking out over creepy crawlies is definitely a tourist/new migrant thing, but you'll find fly-screens keep out 99% of the nasties and your resident gecko will finish off the rest! 9. 10. Indeed. Unless you live a hermitic lifestyle, an annual skin check at the end of summer should be de rigueur.
  9. That's true, although state schools can accept out-of-catchment enrolments as long as they are not oversubscribed, and few are. There's also 'at the Principal discretion' so if your child is already enrolled in a school and you move, then they can continue attending that school - particularly if they are a good student By the way, glad you had such a great trip!
  10. I'd have thought that you will have already paid more tax in Australia given the higher tax rates for foreign residents than you would be due to pay on that income in the UK, meaning that you'll not need to pay any further tax to the HMRC because of the DTA. However, you won't be entitled to a refund from them either. You will need to prove to the HMRC that the income has already been taxed in Australia. That's just my take on it, but I might be completely wrong! One of the experts who contribute regularly might point you in the right direction but failing that you could contact the HMRC to clarify what you need to do, or consider getting professional tax advice.
  11. I thought your comments were very helpful @Nemesis, but there were others which were condescending and factually incorrect. I chose to draw attention to that in a light-hearted manner to avoid further unpleasantness. I've been following PiO for many years, and more recently have been making a contribution. During that time I've found it to be an invaluable source of information, courtesy of some of the more-helpful and knowledgeable members. However, I can recall many occasions in recent months where newer members have expressed dismay at negative and unpleasant remarks made by more-established members, and have stated they will no longer be contributing. It may well explain why the numbers on here have dwindled so much in recent years when compared with other expat forums. Telling another member that they're inconsiderate/irresponsible and to 'man up' is just plain offensive, but when the majority following thread appear to agree with that comment then it's tantamount to online bullying. It's very poor show and as the old saying goes, if you haven't got anything nice to say then just don't say anything at all!
  12. Given the crankiness of previous comments, it appears that some may have forgotten their daily dose of glucosamine! Have you ever considered what may seem blatantly obvious to you with your lifetime's worth of experience, isn't even be a blip on the radar of someone half your age? Only yesterday I had a teenager ask me if I could show him how to tie his school tie. I asked him if he'd ever asked his parents, to which he replied he had but they didn't know either. There is actually no such thing as 'common sense'. It's just our understanding drawn from knowledge and experiences we are very familiar with. From the sounds of it the OP made a genuine mistaken by not realizing the significance of the Australian passport in terms of travel requirements, and I doubt they'll make the same mistake again. And to put the record straight, holding an Australian passport is not a responsibility - it's a privilege. https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/citizenship-subsite/Pages/Learn-about-being-an-Australian.aspx# Responsibilities and privileges of Australian citizenship Responsibilities - what you will give Australia As an Australian citizen you must: obey the laws of Australia vote in federal and state or territory elections, and in a referendum defend Australia should the need arise serve on jury duty if called to do so Privileges - what Australia will give you As an Australian citizen you can: vote in federal and state or territory elections, and in a referendum apply for children born overseas to become Australian citizens by descent apply for a job in the Australian Public Service or in the Australian Defence Force seek election to parliament apply for an Australian passport and re-enter Australia freely ask for consular assistance from an Australian official while overseas
  13. I agree on all points. The OP didn't provide much information about their circumstances but hopefully we've provided some helpful information between us so he can move forward, or seek professional advice if required.
  14. I recall you'd had a poor experience in that regard which must've been frustrating. Hopefully it was an exception and most financial advisors are a little more helpful, even if you aren't exactly minted. If the OP has a small amount in his super (e.g. $100k) then cashing it in before leaving Australia would make sense, just as you have done. Whilst not to be sniffed at, £50-60k isn't a huge sum of money in the grand scheme of things. By the time you've factored into the cost of moving back etc, what's left over could probably be invested into an ISA over a couple of years. However, if we're talking about a significant amount then 'cash and run' might not be the best course of action. Assuming the OP doesn't intend to work when he returns to the UK, he'll be able to use his UK personal allowance which would be approximately £63,000 over 5 years. He could take a smaller lump sum from his super and then draw the rest as an income stream, and still pay no (or very little) tax in the UK. That way his super would stay invested, with the likelihood of producing better returns. Also, there wouldn't be a large cash balance that would require investment, plus the need to spread it across different banks for security if the amount was greater than £85,000 (FSCS threshold). I mentioned 5 years because the OP said he was 62, and I assume he will be entitled to a full or part UK state pension at 67, so that's another income stream to take into consideration. That's why I suggested seeking professional advice if his query hasn't already been answered by previous comments in this thread.
  15. You could always consider paying for advice if all the free advice you've received already hasn't provided a comprehensive answer to your query. Just saying.
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