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Cots last won the day on May 14 2021

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About Cots

  • Birthday 16/07/1975

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  1. Hello Does anyone know, when completing a tax return, where you account for your Uk earnings if you arrived part way through the tax year? Is it classed as a foreign income of sorts? Are we double taxed on it? Can anyone advise? Thank you
  2. Hi all, Asking for my friend. Her 82 year old dad is really unwell with lung cancer in Jersey where we are from. She is now an Oz citizen. She’s going to apply for the exemption because she has to try. What are peoples knowledge and experience of applying to leave temporarily under compassionate grounds?
  3. Cots

    We are mad Lol

    I thought I’d update anyone who’s interested… we left quarantine on May 21st, rented an Airbnb, husband and I both got jobs within 2 weeks having spent our time in quarantine applying for jobs, In fact I’ve just started another job with more money than the first. After 2 months we applied for a mortgage using a broker and on September 17th we walked into our new house! it hasn’t been easy as I’ve applied for lots of jobs and got lots of interviews but all worth the slog. My 3 children have been in school since the end of May so settling in nicely.
  4. Cots

    Quarantine food

    Hey guys, I thought I’d end this thread with an update: the quarantine bill arrived 4 months to the day of leaving the hotel. Total, $5075 for a family of 5. We’ve paid it all with no debates about the food. It’s old news now LOL
  5. Cots

    Quarantine food

    The car is bought. I have my old QLD driving license CRM from when we were here before which is all we needed. I’ve just paid for the insurance
  6. Cots

    Quarantine food

    Okay, I want to respond, firstly, I may seem angry but I’m not angry, just frustrated. I said the hotel were kind to the twins and they were, there is more food that we can eat and on day 2 that was okay but after 10 days of carrots and broccoli with random meat, it’s no longer fun. I don’t blame the hotel, they’re doing what they can. If we received one ready meal a day plus alternative lunch, that would be better. My children don’t love veg, who’s kids do? So everyday it’s a struggle to get them to eat properly. 2 of my kids are carrying a little excess weight and I’m trying not to encourage them eat too many treats which is just being a good parent. we have a kettle and a toaster because we’re in a self catering unit, not a hotel with a kitchen, as mentioned earlier this is an alternative to a hotel and something they do for my families i understand. if we are only charged for 1 room then that will be a real bonus as far as cost goes, keeping it around 5k and not 7k. As it stands today we have 30 ready meals in the fridge we haven’t eaten. We are dropping them to a church mission in the morning so they won’t go to waste. We could take them with us but we know we’ll never eat them again. From tomorrow we will laugh about this as a family when we see the ufoodz adverts but as food is the highlight of our day it’s been a chore and something I thought id share with the forum when we first got here. On a positive note, although it has been a bit pants, the hotel has done the best it can. We’ve used the time wisely, I’ve got a job interview Monday and husband has 3 interviews next week. We’ve re enrolled in everything we need to, bought a car which is being delivered to the hotel in the morning when we leave, we’ve applied for a rental and have booked viewings for others to see next week, it’s been productive. Apologies if I was sensitive
  7. Cots

    Quarantine food

    I’m bowing out, most of you are an aggressive bunch who have been on here for way too many years and you struggle to see the point others make. It’s difficult to say everything you need to say in a post and you can miss out elements but then need to defend yourself because of it. I moved to Australia to get away from the anxiety I felt living on a small Island where people constantly criticize and judge. Scotland would have done me but we could apply to Oz. People on here have said things like, count yourself lucky you can have the new life. It’s not luck, we paid the money, husband did the qualification tests, we completed the forms and there are many, and we got the visa. That wasn’t luck, it was hard work and expensive. We have the right to live here. Take care all and cheer up!
  8. Cots

    Quarantine food

    Because he’s ’ had enough of the ready meals, as have we !! maybe I wasn’t clear: 5 days out of 7 we will get brea for breakfast and a ready meal for lunch and a ready meal for dinner. 1 day out of 7 we get toast/bagel/stodge for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and a ready meal for dinner and 1 other day we get cereal for breakfast, sausage roll/pie for lunch and a ready meal for dinner. So the majority of the time it’s a ready meal kind of day and it’s too much.Bearing in mind they’re calorie controlled and mainly vegetables, as much as I want my kids to eat well; they’re not fans of veg. We’ve all had enough of it. Does that help you understand why he’s filling out on bread? I can see it really bothers you also, I don’t want them filling out on packaged treats like brownies, it’s not really good for them!
  9. Cots

    Quarantine food

    It is very much like that isn’t it? I appreciate you chipping in on my behalf. My 13 year old son is now living on toast and cereal.. I know we could buy food in but it really does work out expensive on top of the already high charge that will be made to us. Nobody asked for Covid and the circumstances it has brought with it ie. £10k flights when they would have been £3k plus a landing fee of €5-7k (quarantine) as well as the almost quadruple costs of shipping blamed on Covid.
  10. Cots

    Quarantine food

    It is very much like that isn’t it? I appreciate you chipping in on my behalf. My 13 year old son is now living on toast and cereal.. I know we could buy food in but it really does work out expensive on top of the already high charge that will be made to us. Nobody asked for Covid and the circumstances it has brought with it ie. £10k flights when they would have been £3k plus a landing fee of €5-7k (quarantine) as well as the almost quadruple costs of shipping blamed on Covid.
  11. Cots

    Quarantine food

    I very much appreciate you having looked into this. It does make me feel a little better that the cost will be more around 5k than 7k.
  12. I wouldn’t bother having my children vaccinated unless its required for travel or such like but not because I fear the vaccine will harm them. My 12 year old daughter passed Covid on to me at Christmas after she caught it from a teacher. She was asymptotic and didn’t feel a thing, as was her friend. I have 2 other children, my youngest shared a bed with me for 3 nights prior to me testing positive and yet he was still negative. My husband and other son also did not catch it from us and we spent much time together before we knew it was in the house. I worked for the government and spoke directly with the medical officer of health who said children really were not affected by Covid unless they had underlying health issues.
  13. There is absolute truth in the statement that the more you test the more cases you will find.
  14. I agree with the above. If you’re going at some point then just go for it! We decided in Feb and were here by May, house sold and packed up, my husband’s business was dissolved, 2 cars sold and 12 suitcases packed
  15. Cots

    We are mad Lol

    In London and Doha it appeared that large amounts of cargo were being put on the plane and one fellow passenger suggested it might be one of the reasons they’ve kept going, because they were doubling up their useage. As I said previously, there was under 100 on London flight and 165 on flight from Doha so maybe they’re committed to travel to due to their cargo?
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