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Amber Snowball

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  1. Glad you are feeling better today. You’ve been away in Australia for a long time, give yourself time and be kind to yourself. Even though you have visited often whilst away, it’s still a big move permanently, facing daily life and struggles and generally fitting into what is essentially a new country again. I was fine moving back to the uk and haven’t really looked back, but when I moved to Australia I had a few wobbles, until I got settled. Treat it like a move to a brand new country and give it some time. Welcome “home!” And if this doesn’t become home permanently , then I will send best wishes to wherever you find yourself!
  2. Exactly. I could write a list of frustrations about both places. It’s about where you want to be I think. Because if you are where you are meant to be, the frustrations reduce to niggles and don’t matter so much. And you can always move again if/when needs change. Life evolves. I can’t even bring myself to want to visit Australia currently even though my son is there. I still struggle to verbalise why I wanted to leave, but all I knew was I couldn’t stay. It sounds nuts even to me! All the best with your move back, as it sounds like you are decided!
  3. Choice is good! I hope that Australia is everything you hope it will be. It was good to me for sure and I am in a better position financially now because of it. I think like everywhere health, lockdowns, lifestyle are region specific, so Vic locked down hard from what I can gather but other places closed their state borders and carried on near normally internally. Access to healthcare can be erratic as well state to state, region to region. But if overall things are better for you, these things won’t nark you so much! Health and happiness to us all on this thread, wherever we are! Huzzah!
  4. Good luck with your move back. I left my son in Australia when I moved back to the uk in 2018. We’re still as close as ever. God bless whatsapp!
  5. I moved back to the UK in 2018 after 13 years in Victoria. Family wasn’t a reason at all as I am not that close to them. I am fine here, have more disposable income and whilst the rain can be a bit grinding, I am in Cheshire, I lived in the Dandenong Ranges with many a fire warning, so to my mind, if it’s raining it ain’t burning!!! I don’t think anyone can answer this for you, as each situation is unique. Cheery thistle clearly needs to move as she has had enough, in 2005 I would have sounded just like her, but in 2018 I could make a load of complaints about Australia, so I moved,Cheery is moving, we will both be happy somewhere, but probably not in the same place at the same time! I share cheery’s concerns about moving to be near family but then not seeing them much, as many have experienced that, but you may not have that problem. In short, no answer to your problem but you definitely are not alone.
  6. I think I used Direct line one way option when I moved back to the uk in 2018. Just in case I needed cover whilst in transit and also I could get cover for the excess on the insurance for my hire car before I bought my own car in the uk. The excess if they decide the car is damaged is quite big, so it gave some peace of mind. Others wouldn’t worry, but I thought it prudent.
  7. They raised the age of the working holiday visa didn’t they? Maybe it was that.
  8. hi, please do post when you find out, as this is probably something a few have done, so would be useful to know. I got pinged speeding when I first moved to Australia, speed camera in the middle of nowhere, hadn’t seen a speed sign for about an hour. I guessed what it might be and guessed wrong!
  9. Oh wow, that’s so nice! You are/were welcome! Can’t believe that was 2018! So pleased you are doing well.
  10. As long as the agent is mara registered, so they don’t make promises they can’t keep and take your money anyway. Plenty of ill informed shysters out there. They will be able to look at the exact details of your case and then at least you’ll know for sure. There might be some pathway for you. Good luck.
  11. This is the Aus partner visa which doesn’t apply to the OP. Nemesis was referring to the UK visa which has a savings or income requirement. But the OP definitely needs to speak to an agent as age is against them and I don’t think they will qualify for a remaining relative when everyone involved is married with children.
  12. I think we all wobble a bit moving in either direction, it’s natural. But I moved back to the uk in 2018 after 13 years in Australia and I am fine with it. although family wasn’t a factor. Nowhere is utopia these days, niggles all over, you just need to prioritise the best decision for you, now. As said above you can always return to Australia in time. Sometimes different places are better at different stages. Go with it, enjoy the time with your Dad. @Quoll I hope you haven’t been washed away on your visit. It’s teaming down ooop north!
  13. Yes the TOR! I think that process is much quicker and easier these days. I moved not long after it was introduced and it was a nightmare! The thread on here saved me with tips and contacts, it really did!
  14. Exactly right! Money over (organic) matter! A good clean should be fine. Or it was when I moved back, but that was 2018 now. You don’t want it growing things in transit but they don’t seem to be as vigilant as Australia in that way.
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