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Everything posted by benj1980

  1. This is a new one on me! (I'm give it a little bump up!) It's the international version isn't it so you've been working in an international school? I just had a look on the AITSL website and it didn't mention QTS anywhere...
  2. Good point, unless you want to tell an officer that your address is incorrect and get a fine?!!
  3. Yes you keep your other driving licence, although that will you do when it expires?!
  4. You have a 3 month grace period to switch over so don't stress about driving licence.
  5. There's SmartTeach and TES are trying to make strides into teacher recruitment in Oz. Generally school websites (if private) and the state recruitment sites have jobs advertised. However many schools won't take you seriously until you walk through the door with a CV.
  6. Absolutely, you'll end up with people simply speculating. Unless of course someone was in the exact same problem from India (maybe). AITSL are very strict on their criteria and they won't care what experience you have or the schools you have taught at I'm afraid. They focus on your entry into teaching qualifications primarily although you can gain extra points for experience if successful.
  7. Glad it worked out for you, there seems to be plenty of teachers who have made the transition successfully. Through local networking events and CPD I've been amazed by the amount of Pom teachers around.
  8. My invite took less than a week but this was because the next round of invites were coming up. Hopefully you'll be good to go!
  9. I didn't come out on a 457 visa but I feel the same way about pressure (or lack of) and are on the whole happier in my job. If anything I get frustrated as to how relaxed things are. Things are getting a bit more robust but I can't see it going full English crazy any time soon!
  10. The issue would be gaining employment when registering with a teaching board. I'm not aware of this being acceptable to teach in a high school age setting.
  11. Can you do a PGCE? If you're qualified to teach you're a teacher in the UK's eyes and they certainly wouldn't previously accept completing another teacher training course. I may be a little out of date with this now. So hopefully someone can give you a definitive answer! Perhaps you should break down your qualifications so we understand entirely what advice would be best given?
  12. Have you got any SEN qualification? Primary as I am sure you are aware is currently off the list and probably what you are focused on as this is what is assessed.
  13. Come on where's your update presumably you have just arrived?!
  14. Has it changed? You weren't required to have experience previously? You would be the equivalent of a grad over here surely?
  15. Playitbyear - 8s are achievable but don't expect to do this without a little practice. Certainly Maths teachers are in demand along with science I would say. You would go into a pool situation (after application) and would need to be pulled out of the pool to be offered a job. Applying for registration is different to AITSL as this is purely for migration purposes. You will need to obtain registration through Western Australia Department of Education when you have a visa to be able to teach over here.
  16. I have a Psychology of Education MEd (BPS doctorate route way) Does this mean in theory I could be a School Psych in Oz? My first degree was Business!
  17. Ed Psych as a Masters? Where can you do that in the UK, I thought it's all doctorate now?
  18. Some states recognise additional qualifications such as a Masters as well for pay. But with 13 years experience you won't need to worry about this!
  19. Ivor isn't in the same league as the quality pasties mentioned above and don't get me started on Ginsters!
  20. I think that would be acceptable, I had a lovely day out in London!
  21. I arrived on the 1st November but with my registration completed, that allowed me to start relief work as soon as a school contacted me. Luckily it didn't take long and I had a choice of schools for relief work. In which I ended up with a full time position. If you want a way to give yourself a chance of a full time position for 2017 get your registration complete in the UK.
  22. I did something similar at one point and they gave me a few pointers concerning my answers to the questions and what I may expect from potential employer questions.
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