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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. The reality is, Australia, like most of the world, is entering a recession and it is going to be a deep one. Jobs are going to be hard to find for everyone. Let alone someone that needs to finish “training”
  2. The OP states prior to lodging EOI
  3. Yes, as long as his occupation isn’t one that needs the test as part of the skills assessment
  4. You can do it yourself, but I do not recommend it. Have you checked if QLD is sponsoring bricklayers as this visa needs state sponsorship At the moment the 491 and the 190 visas are closed and we don’t know when they will reopen or in what form.
  5. How? Tourists are not allowed to enter. The border is closed.
  6. There are still flights, but yes they at be expensive and you need to factor in you will need to spend 14 days in quarantine, which I believe now must be paid for by yourself
  7. At the moment to get an invite for a 189 you need a i I’m I’m of 90 points and preferably 95 points.
  8. But that isn’t a great option. The OP’s family are from India. So, no reciprocal agreement on health. So, reliant on private health only.
  9. Yes, you can apply. Though, unless your employer is sponsoring, it, it is difficult as the 189 visa needs 95 points to get an invite and the 190 is currently closed. The passport though may also be an issue, I would speak to a good migration agent
  10. Tourist visas are not being granted at the moment. Even citizens have issues to enter. He should speak to a good registered migration agent
  11. Actually, the total number of deaths from any cause, is now lower in the U.K. than pre pandemic https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsregisteredweeklyinenglandandwalesprovisional/weekending3july2020
  12. But, you still haven’t covered the fact the current infection rate in Australia is far higher than the U.K. Australia, today had 317 new cases in Melbourne alone. UK had 530. UK has 2.5 times the population
  13. You need to inform them for your own sake. If you don’t and that comes to the attention of migration down the line, it could have serious negative consequences for you.
  14. There is no acknowledged, it is just automatic as soon as your passport was scanned on entry.
  15. The 190 is effectively closed at the moment. The federal government chose not to allocate places on July 1. Nobody knows when that may change.
  16. I will give another view. The proportion of people getting infected with Covid in the U.K. is now actually lower than Australia. Significantly lower. Even in England, which has the highest rate of the four nations, it is below Australia based on population. Scotland yesterday had 3 new infections and the WHO say it is on course to eliminate the virus. With regards to economy. Every country is going to feel this. But, I will say this, we provide a service to large construction projects, in all sectors. In all sectors, we are swamped with orders. To the extent, as I write this, my boss is interviewing to heavily recruit new staff and another member of management working late to buy capitol equipment. No country is out of the woods and no country has dealt with it ideally. It will be some years distant before we can make that assessment. As for health services. In the middle of the peak, my wife called her GP to say her hips hurt. She is 50. She has managed to see 3 consultants, her GP multiple times, had a range of tests carried out and thankfully come back with something minor. That, in the middle of a pandemic in the space of 3 months. The last time I needed to see a consultant was a relatively urgent in the middle of the pandemic, I waited 1 day. The last time I needed to see a consultant pre pandemic, it was referred by the GP at 8:30 in the morning and the appointment was 2:30 pm same day.
  17. The 491 and 190 are currently closed. Also, have a hard think about the ability to find a job in a regional area as an accountant. If, when the 491 and 190:reopen, it is still available. Which I wouldn’t bank on. Most people have been surprised for years it is still on the list given there has been an over supply of accountants in Oz for years.
  18. Well, if it is on the list, it is eligible. But, have you checked if any states have it on their lists? You need to go through each states list and see if any have it and any special conditions the state are requiring.
  19. You normally have 28 days to upload medical and police checks. However, you are looking at least a year before you are asked for these. Then, you have 12; months to make first entry. That doesn’t mean you have to move in 12 months, just enter Australia. That can be a holiday or even just arrive at the airport and get the next flight out. You have five years to make the move.
  20. It is essential you use a migration agent as things are in a state of flux. For example, at the moment, the 190 is closed.


    Well, at the moment, the 190 is effectively closed. Have you obtained a skills assessment?
  22. It depends on the occupation. Some don’t. But, although you may pass a skills assessment without experience, the chances of an invite are close to nil without.
  23. Why not give Paul a call who replied above and is one of the most respected agents out there.
  24. They would entitled to Medicare, but nothing else. They would also need to pass the medical at the end
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