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Everything posted by VERYSTORMY

  1. If you and / or your sponsor are not using an agent, you are heading for issues
  2. If you obtain employer sponsored PR the consequences of leaving the employer will depend to some extent on which particular visa you obtain. If it is a 187, then the PR visa would be cancelled as it has an obligation to stay with the sponsor for two years after grant. If it is a 186, then there is still a risk of it occurring. Have you looked to see if you are eligible for applying for a PR visa that has nothing to do with your employer such as a 190?
  3. Just be aware that Victoria has now announced it will no longer offer sponsorship for any off shore applicants
  4. ILETS or one of the most common ways of getting points. Most (the vast majority of applicants from the U.K. take it) Do though make sure you revise for it. Do not assume you will just pass it because English is your language. We regularly see things such as English teachers fail it.
  5. Temporary off shore visas are not being processed at the moment.
  6. I would speak to a good registered migration agent.
  7. Just going to emphasise what Marisa says on ILETS. Do not underestimate it. We have had English teachers fail it and I know of at least one person with a phd in English fail it. You will need to revise. There are a lot of resources online to help. Yes, you can, once you obtain a visa work in whatever occupations you wish. There is no requirement to stay in the occupation that you used for the visa. My strong advice would be to appoint a good registered migration agent.
  8. My recommendation is to appoint a good registered migration agent
  9. Totally impossible to say. The skilled list will change massively by then and probably the entire system. The advice I always give is never change career in the hope it leads to a visa. It is too risky. Change career because it is something you want to do and if down the line you find it leads to a visa, then good. If it doesn’t, then you are still happy in the career. Though, be aware, even if you qualify for a visa, it doesn’t mean the occupation is actually in demand. At the moment and for a long time when primary teacher was on the main list, the chances of getting a job anywhere you would want to live was and is tiny
  10. I am not sure what your question is. You have about another 18 months to wait for the partner visa to be processed
  11. You can apply for work rights if you can show hardship. However, be aware that employers don’t particularly like employing people on a bridging visa. This visa has a processing time of 50 years. During which time, you would have only access to limited health care under the reciprocal arrangement. You would have no access to state benefits. And, as the Australian government has done previously, I wouldn’t be surprised if it is abolished in the future. This would mean potentially having to suddenly leave Australia. At the moment, it is moot anyway as Australia is not processing temporary offshore visas and not allowing entry to anyone that isn’t a permanent resident or citizen. You would be far better looking at the skilled route.
  12. As someone from a gold background, unless you REALLY are an expert in it, don’t consider it.
  13. There is no point doing medical yet as the visa could take 18 months and the medical is only valid for 12 months. So, a good chance you would have to redo it.
  14. As mentioned, 80 points will be of no use as although the technical minimum is 65, nobody will get an invite for a 189 on less than 90 points. However, all is not lost. I would strongly recommend a consultation with a good registered migration agent as there are likely other options
  15. I will just say though, you are very young and plenty of time to develop a career which might let you have more options in the future
  16. I have lived in both. We started in Sydney and then spent 8 years in Perth. I would say if you like city life, the Sydney. Particularly coming from London. Perth has its pluses, but it is very small.The city itself can be walked from end to the other in 15 minutes. Beyond that it is just suburbia with identi kit shopping centres.
  17. You will all get it at the same time as there is an option to link the applications. That way you all attend the same ceremony. It therefore makes no difference on whose application the children are listed
  18. You need 12 months of evidence of living together to apply. Applications processed in the U.K. are significantly quicker than those applied for onshore
  19. At the moment, there is no way for you to enter Australia. You would be better applying for the partner visa from the U.K. and it is substantially quicker anyway.
  20. Speak to Bob at Pet Air. You need to do this sooner rather than later as it isn’t a quick thing to do. It takes some months
  21. Yes it does. A 187 can be cancelled if a person leaves their employer. The OP needs to see help from a migration agent such as Raul.
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