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How much did it cost you to migrate to Australia.


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You should take into account what you sell in the UK as an offset.


If you sell a car and furniture in the UK then buy a car and furniture in Aus, it may not have really cost you much.


If you sell a house in the UK, and then rent and buy in Aus, same applies.



What value do you put on a happy life is the point I suppose.

People keep doing it, that is for sure.

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The skill assessment, IELTS, Medical, Visa Process and reccie cost us close to $30,000. Our flights and shipping was paid for by my previous employer (moving from Middle East, and was a contract requirement for that on departure), so we saved a bit there.

The first year in any country when moving as an expat is probably the most expensive, rentals, set up costs (lots of little things that add up), adjusting to costs and figuring out where to buy things and how much you should pay.

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Not as much as I would have thought..but only two of us..had job to come to wth cheap accomodation. .rubbish job but got us started..didnt bring anything but clothes..so just flights n visa/skills ass. costs...i always wonder why more ppl dnt do it who really want to as we didn't find it that expensive considering what u get in return..i dnt c point in dragging all your uk life wth u in a box to aus either..unless really expensive things..your moving for a change usually, leave it behind..lived a few places in aus n cheap good second hand stuff so easy to cum by

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I did that notoriously expensive parent visa route- dread to think of the total cost! But 60k visa plus all the accompanying checks & son's Citizenship costs ... 5 annual flights & stays to get him used to the idea ( & visit his sister ) until the time was right to apply... shipping 4k .etc etc But I always knew I'd be paying my way in so all good :)

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I came over 35 years ago on a WHV. Can't remember what it cost in those days but it wouldn't have been much. I also had to have a medical which was a pre-requisite for WHVs back then. So visa/medical costs would have probably been around 30 pounds?


I worked for an airline in the UK and pulled a swifty by buying a cheap staff return ticket to Australia for 72 pounds (10% of the full fare of 720 pounds) and then handing in my notice. Months later I got a refund on the unused return so the flight here cost 36 pounds.


I stayed with friends on arrival and then with friends of friends. I got a job the first day I started looking. I shared accommodation once I started work so never needed furniture. I brought a single suitcase with me and friends later brought me another one when they arrived here on a cruise which allowed them unlimited baggage.


So total cost to me to get here was around 66 pounds. :smile:

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Came on a 457, so no visa costs to us.


OH had his flight paid but myself and daughters flights were around the £1500 mark for all three of us, that did include a stopover in Hong Kong for three nights though.


Brought a large sized move cube for £1000.


So all in all, looking at what others have paid I think we did ok.


Could have paid more than that just for a decent family holiday.


We did though after 6 months here, once settled, had jobs etc, bring our two Labradors over ( that was always going to happen). That cost a few thousand, but that was paid out of money I earned here, so not sure if it can be counted in start up costs??

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We came on a CPVisa in 2007, seem to recall the visa was $55,000, the AOS was @14,000, then shipping a small amount of stuff about $3,000. Flights were about $5-6k, we came economy plus (or what ever it was called..extra legroom). We sold our beautiful Audi A4 for a mere pittance, 8000 GBP I recall and bought a Mazda6 when we arrived. Didn't have to spend anything on accommodation as we stayed with our son and DIL. Exchange rate then was about $2.5/1GBP. I think at the current exchange rate and the current cost of CPV, and the cost of housing here, we would probably not even consider it now.


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For heavens sake, we both said what we included, I am sure everyone is perfectly capable of reading.


And you seem to be the one taking this a bit too seriously, should everyone be running the wording of their posts past you? Or perhaps you would like to issue some questionnaires?


I'm sorry, it seems like everyone is taking my post completely wrong - I wasn't trying to tell anyone off, just suggesting that it would make comparisons more meaningful if the question was more specific. Which I thought would be helpful to people reading the thread. That's all.

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We had a holiday home not a hotel which would have worked out cheaper. My OH started his job 4 days after arrival so we lived on his wages from that point. We got our furniture cheap and cheerful from Garage Sales and, Fantastic Furniture each week as and when we could afford it, starting with our beds and one cheap TV. It did us good like living back in the day when we didn't expect everything all at once handed to us on a plate . We had one old lap top and one dongle and one pre paid phone . One $4000 car we had to drive my OH to work at 6am so we had the car to take our son to school and do all the stuff we had to do before picking him up from work.

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I'm sorry, it seems like everyone is taking my post completely wrong - I wasn't trying to tell anyone off, just suggesting that it would make comparisons more meaningful if the question was more specific. Which I thought would be helpful to people reading the thread. That's all.


Well you were going on and on about other people's posts and then accused somene else of having their knickers in a knot!


And what exactly did you have trouble understanding in my post, seeing as it is the one you keep referring to? Send me your questionaire through and I will see if I can make it any clearer.

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I understood everything about your post. I was merely using your post and Bobj's to illustrate the different ways people could answer the question - one (Bobj) including just the fare, and another (you) giving a much more comprehensive account. I was trying to say that for the benefit of people on this forum, your more comprehensive approach was more useful.


I had no intention of upsetting anyone and I'm sorry if I did, still totally confused how anyone could take offence. My comment about Bobj getting his knickers in a knot was meant to be a lighthearted comment.

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Visas for 2 adults and one child plus medicals, agent fees, new passports, IELTS etc = £6k

Shipping costs = £2k

Flights = £2k

No initial rental costs when we arrive as staying with friends and I already have a job so hopefully we won't need to use our savings.

We'll be selling our two cars here and buying one is Oz so hopefully no additional spending required there either

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Can't give actual costs as it was 12 years ago, but it cost us very little.

The old 410 retirement visa was not expensive, I think in the low hundreds. moved from Brunei as an expat, so company paid for the shipping.

Cheap tickets as worked for an airline, might even have been free as being repatriated!

Stayed with friends and then rented for 6 weeks till we bought our house.

Best money we ever spent.

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The skill assessment, IELTS, Medical, Visa Process and reccie cost us close to $30,000. Our flights and shipping was paid for by my previous employer (moving from Middle East, and was a contract requirement for that on departure), so we saved a bit there.

The first year in any country when moving as an expat is probably the most expensive, rentals, set up costs (lots of little things that add up), adjusting to costs and figuring out where to buy things and how much you should pay.


Upshot of that is that in my time, they took any white person. Now they can pick and choose...Those who want to start the 'ball rolling' should really give deep thought to commit themselves for that cost.


Much as I love this wonderful land, I am under no illusions and know there are problems re work and adjusting and costs to get here.


And the fishing is far better.:tongue:


Cheers, Bobj.

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I think her memory might be failing a bit because she tried to say that she didn't know she could, either that or she was trying to feel better about her age lol. We talked about how it would have been a completely different situation to now, they were even braver back then!

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I used an agent when i did it so that upped the cost a bit, really can't remember exactly what the whole cost was but somewhere around the 5 - 6000 pound mark i think.

definitely worth it though, great having the chance to live in aus

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