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  1. The secondary applicant will need to do medicals and police checks in due course. But if you have not started the process, these are not things that I would recommend you start with. In fact it is better to do them later. The immigration department advice is not to do not do them until specifically asked. Anyway I will keep it short as this thread is about teaching not the visa application process, there is a migraion section of the forum that is best place for more generic visa questions.
  2. I wouldn't say it is difficult to get to Australia, now USA that is a difficult country to get to, but Australia has a fairly accessible immigration program - if you are in the right jobs. Sounds like your OH is the better visa prospect. I would explore the Develop Programmer occupation first, if he can get a positive skills assessment for that it is eligible for the 189 visa so a sponsorship would not be required. The Web Developer requires state or employer sponsorship, the latter would seem a bit unlikely to me, but there are a couple of states sponsoring. FNQ would not be a great option for IT jobs, although you may fare quite well there. But I would definitely be thinking of Melbourne, Sydney or at a push, Brisbane, for living and save FNQ for regular trips. It is a part of the country I love too, I am saving it for retirement though.
  3. Bungo


    Very sad news indeed. RIP Gill. She was a real asset to the forum in the day.
  4. I would go for a gun. This looks like something for George Lombard. He will give you an honest appraisal and sadly I do think this is heading for a decline but you got to make sure you do all you can.
  5. An undertaking to bear all costs for your son is not going to help in the slightest as it is not enforceable. As well as you could just change your mind, you could also find yourself simply not in a position to do so. So honestly, it will not do anything at all, it will be ignored. Yes you should send every medical report you can, but really this is no time for a forum. You are very, very close to having the visa declined and have one last shot at it. You need professional assistance urgently before that happens.
  6. What is not clear and why would you think the road rules don't apply to you? I guess you need to take an extended break or look into bus routes. When you are allowed to drive again perhaps you could do everyone a favour and drive more carefully.
  7. Thread was in Ask Vista earlier. Anyway, I would agree with this summary. The pound has fallen since Brexit but it is still better than it was for much of the time I was investigating my move and living in Australia which was 2009-2014. And during that time I was always monitoring house proces and they have gone up hugely over that period, I remember before we moved there were plenty available for $1million in the Sydney suburbs we were thinking of, definitely not now. So yes an improvement in exchange rates, if it happens, could be totally negated by rising house prices and money spent on rent.
  8. I think it is only housing that really varies across the country and Cornwall is not as expensive as the SE in that respect. Most people cannot choose to live in Cornwall because of limited work options rather than because of cost. My sister moved to Cornwall thirty years ago, she is a nurse at Treliske and leads a very comfortable life.
  9. Not familiar with the PTE test but that does look really odd, especially for a native speaker. Do you talk to a person or is it recorded?
  10. I have just read what Vetassess says for this occupation and it states that if the qualification is not at the right level then the experience will also be negatively assessed. So I expect it was just the knock on impact, that they are not going to assess your experience as being ok when the qualification isn't. Fine arts degree does sounds like a bit of a stretch to me too as this occupation reuqired a highly relevant degree. A meeting with a migrwtion agent seems like a sensible next step to me.
  11. The Hague Convention applies no matter what visa you have. So yes she needs your permission, but I am puzzled. Do you mean your wife wants to go back for a visit or for good? If the former why wouldn't you let her go back for a visit? Bringing the Hague Convention into a domestic matter of a holiday seems like it could be rather damaging to matrimonial relationships. If you mean that the marriage is breaking down and she is leaving for good, well then how will you stay anyway if it is her 187 visa application that is underway? Obviously that is not going to go through if she leaves the country.
  12. Of course it is not true. Why should the Australian taxpayer be funding your expenses for three months, that would be outrageous.
  13. You are not only permitted to work in those regions, you are permitted to work in any deemed regional area.
  14. Well that isn't what I meant, I meant have you looked to see if there are any jobs in your field in those areas on seek. By the way, the 489 requires you to live in a regional area, but it can be any regional area (according to the list of postcodes).
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