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Que Sera Sera

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Que Sera Sera last won the day on February 5 2017

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  1. Why dont int you speak with an agent and stop risking further money?
  2. There is a smoked cod, but It's presented on ice but is frozen and then thawed. It's not Australian though. Basa again frozen and thawed is absolutely a best seller mainly as its as cheap as chips. All of the fresh Australian fish are nice in my opinion. Rankin Cod, Barra and Snapper especia ly Sweetlips is gorgeous.
  3. We applied for our Citizenship and had the test at the end of July. In September we flew to England for two weeks, then had our ceremony at the end of October. Our visas had not expired though and we travelled on our British Passports.
  4. A horrible situation to find yourself in. I think some people just do not research and understand the ramifications of many aspects of migration. If one of you isn't keen that's the biggest red flag! No one can predict a marriage failure of course not but if you both want to be there to stay this isn't so much an issue. Of course also many will emigrate to be with a partner without a great deal of shared life experience, sometimes as little as 6 months, all a big worry.
  5. 5 years ago today we climbed onto that shiny white bird to start our amazing new life here. Never regretted it for one single moment, and genuinely miss nothing. My OH misses his Soccer team and the local pub but other than that he too is very happy. We came out with £10,000 and very little else. 5 years on we are doing alright for ourselves, giving ourself a great but deliberately fairly modest life. Yes would love a boat etc etc but I like not working full time much much more. We've met some lovely people and have some really good friends. OH is FIFO at the moment and we are saving like little squirrels to pay the mortgage off. So far so good.........:cool:
  6. <p><p>Hi Laney, yeah all good thanks, managed a 4 week sulk but gave in as the house is too quiet with my girls all gone haha. How's the renovating going?</p></p>

  7. <p><p>So lovely to see you back:-))) , I hope you are all well xxxxx</p></p>

  8. It can be done many of us have done it. Now leave the woman alone, it's her experience, hers and her families lives. She's clearly an intelligent woman, with a good job to go to.
  9. Im sure you'll manage. We built also as this was a lot cheaper than buying outright in our area. We only had $7000 for the grant. There are some builders advertising a small deposit here, so they may do the same there. Good luck.
  10. Is that definitely the case with the deposit? It must be different in Queensland then because we weren't able to use our grant, in our case $7000 towards the deposit.
  11. She's on PR though so rent assist and child allowance from the off will help.
  12. If there are medical concerns you should consult with A MARA registered agent before submitting anything.
  13. Can you start planning your first visit out. Look up flights and Google where they are going to be living. It helps to feel part of the move.
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