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bristolman last won the day on March 14 2018

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  1. Bloody hell I can barely remember what I had for lunch yesterday lol
  2. Yes many of the plugs on appliances here are the same but just like here you can buy plugs to do the job yourself.
  3. Well I can't disagree with that but I had no idea you weren't able to do something as simple as change a plug, just about everyone I know is breaking the law lol
  4. I will be accused of lying but it's beautiful at the moment, not a cloud in the sky lol
  5. It snowed for about an hour this morning, now nothing.
  6. A bit of a flurry here but it's practiclly gone already, more on the way apparently. Hopefully the shorts will be out in a few weeks and then no more long trousers until November or maybe even December again ?
  7. Yes Monday is supposed to be lovely. I think I can handle a cold weekend lol
  8. I've never heard of cutting plugs off but to be honest either get power boards as has been mentioned or just buy a load of plugs off Ebay and swap them over, it takes about 10 minutes to do each one and I suspect a plug will cost about $1.
  9. Weather's a bit crappy at the moment, in our village, it's been pretty mild but a cold snap expected over the weekend.
  10. bristolman

    State of the NHS

    We have a wonderful pick your own place near us, beautiful sweet Strawberries. I've always thought milk was too cheap to be fair.
  11. bristolman

    State of the NHS

    No, I don't think it was lol
  12. bristolman

    State of the NHS

    It's always nice to see others having equally good experiences because some think I can't see through my rose tinted glasses lol
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