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Beautiful Gestures on PIO


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Someone sent me a pm today (you know who you are) offering to bring me back something from the UK that i'd mentioned. They don't know me, we've never met, but I was struck by how kind they were and wondered if anyone else had been touched by a gesture made by a PIO member?

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Someone sent me a pm today (you know who you are) offering to bring me back something from the UK that i'd mentioned. They don't know me, we've never met, but I was struck by how kind they were and wondered if anyone else had been touched by a gesture made by a PIO member?


Watch out poms after summat ;)

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Guest Guest26012

Not had anyone bearing gifts but have had kind words from PIO, in the form of messages, private, you know who you are. Much appreciated! Hoff amongst others thank you!

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Guest The Pom Queen

My little one gets some parcels now and again from a lovely person on here and I get some wonderful letters from his OH.

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i had a lovely email on the first aniversary of my mothers death , i was having a bad day opened my email to find the message , i was so amazed that they would remember the date , let alone what happened , there are some really thoughful beautiful people out there xxx

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Yes a certain grumpy old git on here looked after me earlier this year when I had surgery in Brisbane.He even went to an Ppointment with me when I had some pretty painful treatment.His lovely wife collected my hubby from the airport,put him up for a few days,when he came to help me travel back to Darwin.A certain lovely lady who no longer posts on here Susie.sent me lovely gifts from Tasmania.Her wonderful hubby sat on skype helping me get cyclone ready just before Cyclone Carlos struck.Hubby was away and I did not really know anyone here in Daewin at the time.Lovely,lovely Tinks sends me messages to see how I am.Even our resident guru Bobj sends messages.Got to love our virtual PIO family.

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I got some weirdo send me a few messages the other day, he asked for friendship, so I thought, why not, within 10 minutes, I recieved a few messages.... wasn't quite sure about it, so I deleted him as a friend and blocked him... thought it was pretty scarey :cool:


But there are some nice people on here, and I'm sure I will come across some of them sooner or later

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Guest The Pom Queen
I got some weirdo send me a few messages the other day, he asked for friendship, so I thought, why not, within 10 minutes, I recieved a few messages.... wasn't quite sure about it, so I deleted him as a friend and blocked him... thought it was pretty scarey :cool:


But there are some nice people on here, and I'm sure I will come across some of them sooner or later

If you get something like that happening please report the pm or email myself

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I'm putting someone up in Feb that I have never met, 21 year old. Comes from the Highlands of Scotland so can't be an axe murderer! It's play it forward - hope someone would offer my son a helping hand if he goes traveling.

I've had 60 likes for one post which is pretty cool!

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Guest The Pom Queen
TBH I'd be suspicious of someone bestowing gifts or favours in an unsolicited manner. Usually, theres an alterior motive.

I don't think so, some people like to help. Plus how many people out there prefer to give than receive?


Ps I'll have my gifts back then :tongue:

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Was bought a lovely coffee yesterday in Costa Coffee by a great lady who I have met on here who doesn't live too far away from us in the UK and will be moving like us in the New Year to Brissy. We plant to get the kids together for bowling before we all go so at least everyone feels like they know someone when we get there. None of this would have happened without the brill Pomsinoz :biggrin:

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There are great people out there who have no ulterior motive - my recent house swap experiences told me that. The thing is to take precautions just in case they turn out to be mad axe murderers and act as though they are not. Usually they are delightfully not.

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Not so much, physical offerings, but when I was going through some tough times last year with the loss of someone and ten moving to Uni (within a day) and then struggling, the help, advice and support on here was just incredible.


People where just outstanding and without the wonderful posts/pm's and advice I would have absolutely dropped out of Uni.


I'm so glad I didn't. It's so much better now, but without PIO I wouldn't have stuck around to find out. Xx

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Going the other way I gave a bottle of perfume to a member, I bought it, but it reminded my husband of his ex wife, so rather than chuck it I posted on the forum, a member got in touch with me via pm and I posted it to them, and got a lovely message back saying it brought back lovely memories for them, I felt so useful


i also sent a necklace to another member for his girlfriend, haven't heard off them so hope a) they like it or b) it arrived .... It one one i had created myself


i have received lots of lovely messages though from members wishing me well and saying how much they like my posts, and enjoy my friendship which means so much to me ..... And is as good as a gift x x

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Guest Guest 47403

I've had some lovely gestures off people on the forum even offers of putting us up initially when we were considering Perth, and a certain lady who did live in Tasmania was a real gem offering access to really cheap accommodation in Tasmania.

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We have received a couple of offers of meeting up, going for a beer and even one lovely lady offered us a place to stay if we ever got stuck when we first get out there. I am often astounded at the generosity of PIO members and we would not have got this far without the support, generosity and on some days just a good giggle. I think everyone is like minded on here and knows what it is like to have gone through the process or be going through it. I have made some really lovely friends on here and one day would love to meet up or if they are desperate for some bits and bobs from the UK, then would be only too happy to take them over.

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I think we are all good people at heart, just sometimes our busy schedules take over and it is easier to focus on our own needs to the exclusion of anything else.


The posts above show that there are genuine acts of kindness going on within PIO and I'm sure there are lots of other stories but the members concerned are too modest to blow their own trumpets.

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