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BritChickx last won the day on March 10 2023

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About BritChickx

  • Birthday 08/01/1991

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  1. Thank you all for your replies and well wishes I'm sure it has me that's changed but also I never really lived in Aus before, I only ever travelled. Obviously the usual daily grind exists and that's fine, but it's definitely made me think about what I want long term and it will eventually be to live close to family and keep to short term travel/holidays throughout the world. I have no regrets about coming and I won't be too hasty in returning. There's a lot of things I like about Aus, and we are both on better wages so that helps too and will make the most of earning and saving more . We aren't sure on the area we are in either, it's gorgeous but we are after a bit more hustle and bustle so thinking about travelling for 2-3 months and then re-settling elsewhere if we decide to stick it out longer than 18 months. At the moment we're just gonna see how things go. Now I've been working a couple of months I'm gonna make more of a conscious effort to meet people - going to meet up thing this weekend. We fully intend on making the most of being here though, have already booked an Aus holiday for next month . PS not intending on starting a family, we don't want kids, so its just us which makes deciding what to do a bit easier as well.
  2. I've known since the first week I've been here that I will eventually move back to the UK. My partner feels the same way. It's a funny thing really - I've spent almost a decade aiming to return to Aus after travelling here years ago and wanting give it a go at living here. But it took me being on the other side of the world to truly realise that I couldn't imagine spending the rest of my life in another country to my family. I think now that I'm in my 30s I've become more family orientated and maybe more family dependent. I used to see family at least fortnightly. And I never disliked where I lived in the UK either. My partner and I have been here for 3 months now, and obviously that isn't long enough to give it time to settle. I'm enjoying where I am and getting settled in with work and we make the most of our days off exploring but I think at some point the pull of family will make is return. In the mean time will make the most of being in Oz.
  3. Oh nice! Even better then. I was going off who I've seen share their experiences on FB pages. But that's awesome!
  4. I've seen a lot of people recently approved with 65 or 70 points for the 189 but mostly health professions such as nursing. It's worth a shot depending on the occupation. If not go for the 190 to give you 5 more points.
  5. There's nothing on our grant letters to indicate that I (main applicant) have to arrive before my partner. We are going together but if we weren't it doesn't look like it would be an issue (on ours at least).
  6. 491 Victoria visa granted last month! Nurse - 70+ 15 points (myself and partner). EOI August 2022 Invite to apply Sept 2022 Visa lodged 21st September CO contact november 2022 Medicals and police checks cleared December 10th Visa granted 29th December Used the DUC who I would highly recommend
  7. There's no harm in looking into doing a skills assessment in the UK before you go on a WHV, depending on what line of work you are in some skills assessments can remain valid for 2 years. I'm a nurse and mine lasts for two years. You might also be eligible to apply for a 190 onshore on a WHV, if you work in your nominated occupation in Aus, again depending again on your occupation.
  8. Hey, thanks for replying. Ive just checked and I get 65 points minimum, 70 with my partner, 75 with state sponsorship. But 65 is the min. I was hoping to look at the 491 visa as that would allow me to apply for a permanent visa afterwards? Will look into the 482 aswell though! I used a WHV years ago, I'm waiting to see if when the new agreement comes in, if I can apply to the new WHV as a fresh applicant or not. Depends on if the subclass is different, technically it's a different visa then? If that's an option then I'd go down the WHV route first then apply onshore, but I'm doubtful I can get it so looking at other options.
  9. Hi all been around for a while but first time properly posting on visa topics. I've been qualified as a nurse for 3 months, I realise it's not enough experience yet but I'm aware that I can apply for a skills assessment after 3 months, I'm guessing it's just a case of each individual visa or state requirement for entry in terms of experience? I'm wondering what the best visa is to go on? I don't mind temporary to start with as long as I can definitely apply for permanent afterwards onshore. Ideally want to go out as soon as possible but hoping to apply late 2022 after I've had a years experience. My field is ICU so hoping that will be an advantage. I'll be 31 when I apply for the visa and hoping to get 20 points from the PTE test. Any help would be great, thanks
  10. Yes that's correct. I went through this process myself... entered on a tourist visa and then applied onshore. Was given a bridging visa. I didn't get my visa granted though as i returned to the UK but that's another issue haha.
  11. Mine is just my phone - Samsung Galaxy S7! Thanks to everyone for keeping this thread going. 7 years strong I have nothing interest to capture at the moment but once I'm on hols I'll try to get some good shots!
  12. Watching GMB...absolutely heartbreaking listening to the mother of a daughter thats still missing. If her friend is seriously injured theres a good chance she is too.. or worse
  13. Really horrific no words really...
  14. I haven't had any issues finding my way around but thanks for posting help
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