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Everything posted by rammygirl

  1. The skills assessment is the same for 190 and 189. Find your skill on the list and follow the link to the skills assessment agency for that skill. It will tell you what is required. Some skills just need proof of qualifications, some require work experience, some require an English test, some require a practical test and a few require all of these! So what ANZCO number and title on the list are you planning to apply for? This may well be different to other posters on this thread so their experience will be different. Also look on the official sites for information Department of Home affairs for a start.
  2. Assuming you have done your assessment already then no. Doing police and medical checks early will shorten time given to make first entry. As processing time is unpredictable atm unless you are in a tearing hurry I would wait until you have a CO who requests them, they don’t take long to sort.
  3. If your PR expires and you wish to leave Australia before becoming a citizen you need an RRV (resident return visa) NOT a tourist visa.
  4. If your application was approved after the test - and you can check this on line, then you should have got a letter a few weeks later. After this your application moves to your local council to invite you to a ceremony? Is your postal address up to date on the application? Have you checked with your local council to see if your details have been passed to them? My son applied in April, did test in November and is attending a ceremony on Australia Day. Must be a small ceremony though as in local library and he is allowed to bring several guests! This is SA.
  5. As far as I know the 3 year ban can only be waived if you are applying for a PR visa. Maybe you should consult an agent about your possible route forward. Is it possible to do the Masters remotely?
  6. Only 457 visa holders pay additional fees for schools. As a 489 you will pay the same as a PR or Citizen. No schools are entirely free here though, all have admin, equipment and other fees. There is financial help available but I don’t think you would be able to get that as a new provisional visa holder. Each school website will have details of any fees.
  7. In a container not an issue. Just make sure it can't leak!
  8. My advice. Go for it knowing what you know BUT if you can apply for PR ASAP either direct entry 186 or independent 189/190 if at all possible. Things can and do change as VS noted, and not usually for the better! If you wait for transition and it falls through at the last minute ( seems to happen a lot if you read these and other forums) your OH will have a limited time to apply for PR also with regard to his age. Better to get a skills assessment and apply sooner whilst the job is on the list. In two years it may not be on the list . You could even start the process now and apply for PR alongside the 457. Personally I would not take the risk without having a plan for PR that didn't rely on an employer, even local gov departments make sweeping cuts.............. Victoria don't charge school fees at the moment but I expect that will change, other states have changed their policy in the recent past.
  9. Your main issue with tack will be customs, they may well wish to charge for fumigation. People have had issues with pet accessories in the past. I would consider shipping them separately to your household stuff, worth checking out anyway.
  10. No as you have already applied and met the residence requirement. Best to let them know you are away though as you need to be in Aus when citizenship is approved.
  11. Ideally you should not leave Australia between applying and getting approval, this usually can take a few weeks. They state you must not but sometimes people have to for work and therefore they need to inform the authorities. You are supposed to be inside Australia when the approval is granted. After approval and before ceremony ( this can be a few months) you may leave if your visa is still valid or you have an RRV. You must however be available for ceremony and they notify you by post only in majority of areas, so best to let the council know your plans or discuss likely dates before booking a holiday of more than a couple of weeks.
  12. Agree with Nic. Treated feathers are fine, although one shipper told me I couldn't take mine. Needless to say we didn't use them.
  13. rammygirl


    She was already greatly missed from the forums she participated in. Thank you for sharing the news. I will say a small prayer for a lady I never met but liked a lot.
  14. You can't get a nomination approved without RCB. Did they not explain why it was refused? You need to find out why it was refused to see if it is possible to address this before re applying. The RCB have criteria your employer needs to meet, so I can only assume it does not meet them or has not provided enough evidence. Do you/ they have a MARA registered agent?
  15. If you read further in that document it tells you that once citizenship is approved you still have to wait for the ceremony for conferral of the actual citizenship . As that can take several months you are allowed to travel as long as you have a valid visa whilst you are waiting for this. Either your PR visa or an RRV if the travel portion of your PR visa has expired. it is only on conferral at the ceremony that you become a citizen and your visas are no longer valid. At this point you will need an Australian passport if you wish to travel abroad. Stages are, application, test/ interview, approval, conferral ( ceremony). the longest wait is from approval to conferral for most people and you can travel between these two stages.
  16. You can travel once your citizenship has been approved ( normally within a couple of weeks of the test) and before the ceremony, provided you have a valid visa to return to Australia. You do not have to stay in Australia for the wait, but you need to be in Australia for the test, decision and ceremony. Unless you are applying from overseas as a special case.
  17. Just a reminder if the travel portion of your visa has expired you will need an RRV to travel until you have your Aus citizenship and passport.
  18. So are you in the UK now? I am a bit confused if you are submitting under transition shouldn't you still be working for the employer? also you do know that decision ready applications no longer get priority, although if the agent has done the paperwork well it will be granted quickly once allocated to a CO.
  19. We'll good that you are already there. But I think baby will still need a visa if born whilst you are TR, if you have an agent they will tell you. They are more reliable than immigration staff as they can be a bit flaky and have been known to give wrong advice.
  20. Congratulations - when is the baby due? Most likely they will put the application on hold until the baby is born then as long as employer agrees baby can be added to application and they will both need medicals. alternative is that she has the x ray! as they can protect with a shield and the levels are very low! although it may depend what stage she is at. this will mean you can get the visa but the baby will then either need a child visa or be born in Australia, in which case they will become a citizen at birth. you really need to discuss with the employer as well as this can impact your start date. you need to go through all possibilities really.
  21. if all the paperwork is good it doesn't take long to process. Only hold up if high risk country and need external checks. Let us know!
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