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  1. Premium economy seats vary a lot worth checking. I agree some are not worth the extra but others really are. It even varies depending on the aircraft.
  2. Just book them with the airline or agent. Some airline premium economy are pretty good and a lot cheaper. They have leg rests and more recline etc. you just need to get googling. Surely an agent would cost more than going direct anyway.
  3. May may be franchised and this can explain variations is service. Who are their partners in Australia? I think many shipping companies have struggled recently with routes to avoid troubles and higher shipping costs so may cut corners to keep costs down. Definately get separate insurance though, cheaper and less hassle to claim as independent. We used Letton Percival.
  4. I think you still need to get your skills assessed in order to qualify for the GAP training which must be done in Australia. Have a look at the information on the Down Under Centre can’t get the url to paste sorry. Each State is different but you need the overseas assessment first regardless of whether you need it for the visa application.
  5. Unfortunately no. The remain permanently is correct IF you are in Australia. After 5 years you lose the right to enter freely and require either a RRV resident return visa or citizenship. The simplest would be an RRV but after so long it would be a stretch. You do have close ties with your sons but you would also need to prove why you had to remain in UK for so long ( compelling) it might be worth running by an agent. I assume you are over 45 so no skilled visa would work. Parent visas are available but they are expensive and take 12 to 15 years!
  6. Absolutely. Anything wired into the mains is a no for DIY here. I believe the rules have tightened up in the UK as well.
  7. Wicker declare but be aware they may charge you for fumigation or destruction! Depends on the day it seems. Some get through ok others not. Dyson yes clean really well and wash/wipe off any obvious dust Changing plugs is not difficult try it before you leave. Bring adapters for those that can’t be changed (transformer types) and put an Aussie plug on that. Be aware that some states like Queensland forbid you to even change plugs!
  8. Typical!
  9. Depends on what you mean by high. If they feel there is an underlying problem you might be asked to see a specialist or your gp. Simply needing medication for high blood pressure will not be a show stopper though.
  10. Just make sure you all have citizenship before you leave. So many people regret not doing so.
  11. We get excellent insurance with our westpac credit card, no annual fee, just have to pay a min of $500 on the holiday before travelling on the card. Equivalent insurance was at least $500 pa elsewhere. It even covers holidays within Australia and car hire excess.
  12. I would still consider travel insurance though. Especially for the older members in case of problems en route. It would also ensure repatriation as well as cover for valuables.
  13. Yup. Someone I know fell en route to Aus at Singapore airport. Broke his hip. Fortunately insurance covered emergency operation and hospital recovery plus medical transfers back to UK. He also claimed for the missed holiday in Aus. Would have cost a fortune otherwise. s**t happens!
  14. It won’t let me paste the link but it is on the ATO website under forms. Just google ATO and the form number and it comes up. You can print it off. I did this a while back and it takes a while as they approve it then send it to HMRC who then inform the pension company to stop deducting tax at source. You can claim back any tax paid in UK either from HMRC or I think by offsetting on your ato return. As I said it took a few months, some of the current years tax can be refunded by the pension company (mine was) but anything before April can’t be.
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