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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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Guest guest80131
I think I may have skipped the queue a little as I phoned before Xmas and told KP I had booked flights for feb 6th. When I rang back this week he gave me the 6to 8 month spiel until I reminded him I booked flights, and it was only after speaking to his supervisor that he said I would get finalised on feb 1st just before I go.


So if I had my flights booked for late Feb/ early March and I ring them and tell them that then they'd bring mine forward too? I think you may have got very lucky but good for you! Don't ask, don't get!


I understand what you mean I think its not transparent at all and have seen peoples granted well before other peoples


I understand they don't have to explain everything and they have their standard lines to make their job easier, but surely there should be one pile of applications that ALL the CO's take from the top. That way first come first served is easier to actually do. The way I understand it is that each CO has their own queue, and inevitably that means some CO's get through theirs quicker than others.


as I said I will let you know as soon as I hear anything else and hope it comes through quickly for you and everyone else on here


Thank you, that's very much appreciated. Don't get me wrong, I'm very happy for you guys that have been told to expect yours soon. If it was only a few days difference between our processing times having applied after me then I wouldn't be frustrated, but it's a good 2 months before I'm getting mine and you guys applied 2/3 weeks after me, especially as I have been told there is nothing left to do to mine other than actually grant it. Please don't think I'm moaning at you, it's not your fault at all! Just to emphasise, I am very happy for you both!

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I applied for sub class 100 (t'husband and 2 kids are already citizens) in October and was told to wait for medical for 3 months. Had my medical in early January, police checks have just come through so hoping my visa will be granted in June. Our CO is LG. our main questions/worries are around between now and June and will it always take the 8 or 9 months it says. On face value our application seems fairly straight forward.

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I applied 15 Nov and was told not to do medicals til after Feb.. Was anyone else told not to do theirs for a few months? It concerns me that someone that applied in Dec has already done theirs..


Hi Capslovesit,


We applied in Oct, sent in further evidence in Nov and at that point KP advised that he would be in touch in the new year when he needed police checks/meds.


I figure the longer he leaves it, the more time we'll have to arrange the move when the grant comes through.



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Guest guest80131
Any July applicants been granted the last week or so?? Applied 14th of July so 6 months today for me... was told 6-8 months so the real countdown begins now!


Oh, really...? I applied 12th July and was told 9 months. Who is your CO?

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Oh, really...? I applied 12th July and was told 9 months. Who is your CO?[/color]


I applied at the end of July 2012 and it was acknowledged around 2 August 2012.


My case officer is DP. I emailed him regarding the grant and he said that he could grant any time in February.


As I am already in Australia, I just needed to book flights out of the country and confirm the dates with him.


So my visa will be granted in first week of February, whilst I holiday in Auckland!!!! :biggrin::cool:

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Guest guest80131
I applied at the end of July 2012 and ...... my visa will be granted in first week of February.


I guess I really need to get onto my case officer about this. Another who applied after me being granted theirs months before. Congratulations to you, of course.

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Hey guys it's still nice reading up on here to see how everyone is getting on, i've been so busy lately selling things and packing, we fly a week today, it's crazy how fast time has gone to be honest, but i wish you guys all the best for your future and your applications to Aus! It's an emotional roller coaster but worth everything it really is, take care guys xXXx

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At what stage do you know you will be getting a visa for certain? When we applied they said don't quit jobs or book flights etc

until visa has been granted. Seems lots of people on here have booked flights and arranged to move before visa was granted. I'm sure we will be fine (married a long time and have children) but not getting it granted is always in the back of the mind.

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Guest guest80131
hey chuckles just wondering if you contacted you CO and if they said anything to you ?


I asked in early Jan about it and they said I had to wait until April... but I just saw this...


When my CO told me that he had received all my documentation and my medical was clear and I just had to wait for the final grant, thats when I booked my flight.


I've been told the same, all my docs are fine, medical is fine, I just had to wait until April for the grant. So what you're telling me is if I book flights for Mid March, for example, and rung up and told them that then they would bring forward my grant? Seems very risky to me!

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I asked in early Jan about it and they said I had to wait until April... but I just saw this...




I've been told the same, all my docs are fine, medical is fine, I just had to wait until April for the grant. So what you're telling me is if I book flights for Mid March, for example, and rung up and told them that then they would bring forward my grant? Seems very risky to me![/color]


I wouldn't suggest you do that! Your CO might turn around and say no... its obviously a case by case basis that they agree to grant earlier... I asked our migration agent if we could do that and he said its not worth it cause you could piss off the CO and have them turn around and change their minds.. - worst case scenario but you wouldn't want to wait all this time for that to happen!

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Guest guest80131
I wouldn't suggest you do that!


Don't worry, I have no intention of booking flights until my visa is granted. However I think it's only fair that I should at least be considered to be granted at the same time as people who have applied after me but have been told to expect theirs before.

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Don't worry, I have no intention of booking flights until my visa is granted. However I think it's only fair that I should at least be considered to be granted at the same time as people who have applied after me but have been told to expect theirs before.



As far as I have seen on this site over the last 7 months ish, people do seem to get their visas granted in a fair order. It may just be that you have not been told that your visa will be granted yet (as your CO knows you're in the UK and therefore you don't need to book flights to leave the country). I asked in early January and my CO was still telling me 8-9 months. Then I asked again on an off chance and he said it could be granted in February, which is just over the 6 month mark. I just had to confirm what dates I will be out of Australia and he has put a note in his diary to grant the visa then.


In terms of booking flights to Australia before your visa is granted - it is a bit risky and is not advised by the case officers, but I always had in the back of my mind that I might have to leave after my 3 month tourist visa expired, if my partner visa still hadn't been granted. We were just impatient and wanted to spend Xmas in the sun!! :cool:

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I asked in early Jan about it and they said I had to wait until April... but I just saw this...




I've been told the same, all my docs are fine, medical is fine, I just had to wait until April for the grant. So what you're telling me is if I book flights for Mid March, for example, and rung up and told them that then they would bring forward my grant? Seems very risky to me![/color]


FWIW, actually no, it wasn't risky at all as I had already arranged a 12month tourist visa just in case my spouse visa wasn't ready on time. This was on the advice of my CO, as he had already confirmed all was in order for my spouse visa and it was just queued. So I wasted a few quid on a tourist visa I won't use, but I was flying out either way.

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Hey all!


This forum has been a wealth of fantastic information for myself and my Australian girlfriend so I just wanted to add our experiences so far.


I lived in Sydney for six years (WHM then 457) and met my Aussie girlfriend there in April 2009, living together since Jan 2010.

The company I worked for on my 457 was acquired by a larger company just as they were preparing my residency application in August 2012, most of the staff were made redundant and ending the residency application process (much to my frustration) due to the dissolving of our existing HR and new company policy of no people on visas. This forced me to head back to London in November at the end of my 457. My girlfriend is now over here with me and we decided that the 100/309 visa process is much better for us than going for the long wait on independent residency (I'm an IT Systems Engineer) so we applied on 7th January 2013. Payment was taken on 10th January 2013, so we're just waiting to hear back on any further information.


I'm employed at an IT company in London, supporting us both, so it's just a wait on how long they decide to process the application for... with six years of living in Australia already before application and a monster amount of relationship proof, we hope it won't take too long to grant!

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I'm also onshore, so I thought I'd give my CO a call as my application was only two weeks after Netbg. I was told that it couldn't be granted any earlier, certainly not in Feb, even if I could give him dates and booked a flight to Auckland. He told me all 8-9 months were looking at more the 9 month waiting time and anyone getting theirs granted sooner only would be because of certain/special circumstances?!

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Guest guest80131
As far as I have seen on this site over the last 7 months ish, people do seem to get their visas granted in a fair order. It may just be that you have not been told that your visa will be granted yet (as your CO knows you're in the UK and therefore you don't need to book flights to leave the country). I asked in early January and my CO was still telling me 8-9 months. Then I asked again on an off chance and he said it could be granted in February, which is just over the 6 month mark. I just had to confirm what dates I will be out of Australia and he has put a note in his diary to grant the visa then.


I passed the 6 month mark last week. That's fine as I was told 9 months and this was repeated to me a few weeks ago when I phoned, perfectly happy to accept that. But in the time since then, to see people granted theirs before me when they've applied after me suggests they're not in a chronological order as is explained over the phone. Fantastic for those lucky enough to be granted, not so great for the ones who are overlooked and overtaken. I fall into the latter category.


He told me all 8-9 months were looking at more the 9 month waiting time and anyone getting theirs granted sooner only would be because of certain/special circumstances?!


Exactly what I was told. If having flights booked qualifies as "special circumstances" then fair enough... otherwise it's frustrating.

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I passed the 6 month mark last week. That's fine as I was told 9 months and this was repeated to me a few weeks ago when I phoned, perfectly happy to accept that. But in the time since then, to see people granted theirs before me when they've applied after me suggests they're not in a chronological order as is explained over the phone. Fantastic for those lucky enough to be granted, not so great for the ones who are overlooked and overtaken. I fall into the latter category.




Exactly what I was told. If having flights booked qualifies as "special circumstances" then fair enough... otherwise it's frustrating.[/color]


They are granted in the chronological order in which they land on your CO's table. the thing with it is that some CO are faster than others, some have holidays (during which none are granted), some are off sick (falling behind on grants). Some grant for time in advance (as AB did in the first week of dec.) I had a CO who had 2 holidays and was off sick during our 6 month wait. had I not called her when I did, our grant wouldn't have come until early Jan, which would have been almost 7 months. It's the luck of the draw as to which CO you get. It will come.

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Guest guest80131
They are granted in the chronological order in which they land on your CO's table. the thing with it is that some CO are faster than others


And that's the only explanation that I could come up with. Is there a tactful way of finding out where in my CO's list I fall?


I had a CO who had 2 holidays and was off sick during our 6 month wait. had I not called her when I did, our grant wouldn't have come until early Jan, which would have been almost 7 months. It's the luck of the draw as to which CO you get. It will come.


I am sure it will, it's just frustrating that the ideal grant time for me would be late Feb/early March and I can't have it until mid April, when others applying after me get theirs late Jan/early Feb. I don't think it would pay to ask for a quicker CO, in fact I think that we be quite insulting to the one dealing with my application. But I am crossing all fingers something goes my way soon!!!

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I passed the 6 month mark last week. That's fine as I was told 9 months and this was repeated to me a few weeks ago when I phoned, perfectly happy to accept that. But in the time since then, to see people granted theirs before me when they've applied after me suggests they're not in a chronological order as is explained over the phone. Fantastic for those lucky enough to be granted, not so great for the ones who are overlooked and overtaken. I fall into the latter category.




Exactly what I was told. If having flights booked qualifies as "special circumstances" then fair enough... otherwise it's frustrating.[/color]


Superchuckles, is there any reason why you can't just go out on a tourist visa, and go offshore to get your spouse visa? I know it more cash, I don't know if that's feasible for you.

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Guest guest80131
Superchuckles, is there any reason why you can't just go out on a tourist visa, and go offshore to get your spouse visa? I know it more cash, I don't know if that's feasible for you.


Purely a case of not being able to afford to be out of work.

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