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Everything posted by SarahRob198

  1. Amen to that. And I really wish I had the money to try something like that
  2. I am truly overwhelmed at the response I have received. I thank everybody for their opinions. I actually don't know where to start with replies, but I have gone through each of the replies and listened to everyone. Without a shadow of a doubt we have had a massive culture shock. Me and my partner, can certainly see why people would love to live here, but now, we can also see why people choose to leave, and go back home. We have sat down for the last 4/5 days discussing every option available, looking through our pro's and con's lists, trying to figure out which makes more sense to do, stay or go? but we find ourselves repeating the same stuff over and over. Without doubt my partners job is a major obstacle, whilst I am actively seeking full time work, she is fighting to stay in her job. We both worry from day to day what would happen if my partner broke down and quit (which she says she won't, but I can see how much her job is effecting her) would she find another job, considering its taking me so long to find one. In our minds, we keep comparing the day to day living, we keep remembering our days off taking our son outside to the trampoline (in the UK), taking him to different places and enjoying ourselves, genuinely enjoying our lives, but again, with a job change over here, will we get that feeling back? but then we keep asking ourselves, even after another 6 months, will our hearts truly be here in Australia? we like the country, but feel like we'd be more at home, at home..... atleast, we think? I am probaby driving you all mad now, I seem to be saying the same thing over and over. Without doubt reading through this is helping us both, and we really appreciate the time you are putting in writing a reply to us, thank you.
  3. Honestly, the last 4/5 days, we have done nothing but write list after list. Positives of going back, positives of staying, negatives of going back, negatives of staying, I might actually upload them, to see if people agree, but again, the lists are how we feel. The unfortunate thing about the lists is, both have the same number of positives and negatives as each other, so there is no definite, "yes lets stay" or "lets go home" My heart is so torn between what is best.
  4. Thank you all for replying. Tink - I genuinely don't feel that the alternatives here, will be able to replace what we had back in the UK. But at the same time, I don't understand why I was more than happy to uproot our lives back in the UK, to attempt a life here in Australia. Why can't I decide what I truly want from all of this, yet I was quick to say "yep, lets move to Australia"...... Answers only I can answer . Tickled pink - We are based near the Gold Coast, Pacific Pines. I have spoken to a couple of people, but can't exactly say we are 'friends'. Petals - You are right, the bullying is intolerable, I feel so sorry for my partner, and admire her for sticking to it. We were quite lucky in the UK, we we earning enough money for bills, and had enough to do what we wanted, when we wanted, aswell as spending time with friends and together. I would like to think I could be happy here, then make my desicion, but I can't see how I will ever be truly happy here, but whilst saying that, I don't see why we are so desperate to go back home, when we were so quick to leave? again, questions only we can answer . I appreciate your comments, thank you.
  5. Hello everyone, I have taken over my partners account to post a message. Long story short I am 24, my partner is 21, our son is 4. We permanenty moved over to Australia in Jan 2013 (My partners family have already emigrated 5 years ago) so we thought we would give it a go. Before arriving in Australia we were pointing out all the bad things about the UK, the weather, our little flat, we didn't enjoy our jobs especially but didn't hate them, the Chavs! but again we werent too bothered, we often looked ahead and thought Australia will be a hell of alot better. Since being here I can't seem to shake this empty feeling inside, I can't seem to settle down. We got our own place to live, as we were staying with the family at first, we got a car, and jobs. My partner works as an apprentice chef, and unfortunately has split shifts, she no longer has alot of time for us. She has gone from finishing work in the UK at 2pm and spending the rest of the day with friends/family, to working 10am-2/3pm then back in at 5pm-9/10pm. Our son is in nursery from 8am - 4/5pm so she misses him greatly. I only work casually as I have found it very difficult to find full time work. We often wonder if its my partners job that is making us feel this way? and maybe it is, but we honestly think we cannot settle even if she found a different job. We talk about walking to town back in the UK, and casually looking through shops, we think about staying inside when its raining/snowing with the heating on, wrapping up on the sofa with a duvet watching a film, popping round to friends houses for a chat, working with people that actually want to speak to us, ( my partner has been bullied from day one at work ) walking around a Tesco store without feeling out of place (like we do here in a woolworths store) we just seem to miss all the little things, but why did we uproot our lives if nothing was wrong, the saying "if its not broke don't fix it" sticks here. Why I am writing this I don't know. Maybe I am seeking closure that going back home is the correct thing to do, but I know nobody can tell me what will happen in the future, or whats right and wrong. If we go home, I don't have my parents anymore, I lost them both to sudden heart attacks within the last 6 years, so if we go back, we are well and truly on our own, yet we still want to go? WHY DO WE WANT TO GO!? The question I find myself asking every minute of the day. Anyway, I hope this has made sense, and would love to get other peoples opinions or other peoples stories of when they have actually moved back to the UK from Aus and emigrating. Thank you for reading, Mike.
  6. Hey guys it's still nice reading up on here to see how everyone is getting on, i've been so busy lately selling things and packing, we fly a week today, it's crazy how fast time has gone to be honest, but i wish you guys all the best for your future and your applications to Aus! It's an emotional roller coaster but worth everything it really is, take care guys xXXx
  7. Hey guys congratulations and what a great present yor right our visa has been granted too, great, we wanted it before other half handed his notice in at work, we got the grant yesterday and he is handing his notice in today couldn't have timed this better ! What an awesome way to start Christmas too, i was starting to believe it wasn't going to be granted until after Christmas. Just for the record, we applied on the 19th as stated on the notice of grant to the 6th of December. Good luck to everyone else, we fly in January at last the wait for the grant is over, now just the wait for the flights which is fine and will come in no time i'm sure. All the best to everyone xXXx
  8. Great news, we've emailed the CO and this morning we got a reply to say the visa will be granted within the next week yaheyyyyyy xXXx good luck to everyone else
  9. Hey guys, just a quick update, still no visa grant as of yet, i've sent the case officer yesterday and hope to get a reply at some point today, who knows the reply could be the notice of grant (yes please) It's good to see all you guys are getting granted your visa, all the best and congratulations.
  10. Hey mate, good to see your there already, what date was it again that you appied because if i'm not mistaken we applied the same day/week! Are you going to be contacting LG anytime soon? If so how would you word it, it's just i'm unsure of how to put 'THE QUESTION' lol
  11. Hey guys, haven't been on here for a while, been busy preparing for the big move, selling, sorting and saving lol! By the sounds of things it all seems to be going great for everyone, the grants seem to be coming along nicely, that's what we like to hear, it a matter of weeks now for us t get our grant, it's so exciting hey, well good luck to everyone else, i'l keep you guys updated with our grant, does anyone have a link for the spreadsheet to show us what date we applied please?
  12. Mng75 we are in the exact same boat as you! Want email her too, LG is our case officer! We have now booked our flights for the 22nd of Jan because we were told we could as long as we let her know which we have done, we applied end of June and have been told Nov/Dec time! Think an email to confirm the dates are still the same is in order.
  13. Can someone please put up the spreadsheet as i would love to have a gander at it, not been on here in a while so it'd be nice to see how far off we are in the list if that makes sense. Congratulations and all the best to everyone who has receive their visa grant since i have last been on
  14. Awesome, and again congrats to those who have been granted their visas recently, only another 3/4 months until our visa grant date, then we fly in 5
  15. Well congratulations Anika, your wait is finally over, it seems to be going pretty steady the wait for ours, seems like only yesterday we spent every minute of every day trying to get our heads around all the evidence etc. Before we all know it we'll be sunning it up I'd just let time take it's course, it's not as if the case officer is going to forget about us all if we don't send an email the week before projected grant. All the best Anika and to everyone else too
  16. Yayyyy Julie congrats to you too we are all getting there slowly hey, all the best hun
  17. Congrats to all who has recently been granted their visas, a bit more closer for those of us who are still waiting but our time will come for sure Patience is a virtue And good luck to all those guys who have either just sent theirs off or who are new to the forum
  18. CONGRATULATIONS to you guys getting your visa grants.. and for those still awaiting their August grant i'm sure it will come round quicker than you think. My fingers are crossed for you all and i wish you all good luck. I wish you all the best in the future and with your big moves Oh happy days hey
  19. Waheyyyyyyyy congratulations! I can imagine how you are feeling!! We just can't wait now All the best to you all in the future. Where about are you going? We are off to the Gold coast when we get there in Jan
  20. Guys if this helps my case officer emailed me in reply to my several questions last week and told me to go ahead and book the flights and give her the dates once done so she can make sure the visa is granted by that date, by the time we fly it will be 7 months, she estimated the 5-6 month mark and still it hasn't changed, infact how can it change now she has told me and a few others to go ahead and book. People have been getting grants withing 5 months and a couple of days lately, surely it would have been 6 months + if this was the case........
  21. So we booked our flights today and emailed the CO confirming these dates to give her a date in which the visa needs to be granted by Hooray, not it definitely feels real
  22. Reading all these posts makes me think, i'm so glad that the chance has come for us to move now while our son is only 3 going on 4, he has not got much of a say in the matter and to be honest we have told him and explained in as much detail as we can, he knows he will be leaving his current school to move to a whole new country (but as long as all his toys go) that's how he thinks and that's all that matters to him really, no issue of leaving friends behind, no relationship issues and infact he gets to see his Nanny and Grandad wh ohe only sees on webcam at the moment. I really fell for all you guys as my parents made the BIG move to Aus in 2008 having planned it since 2004, i have PR status and went on holiday with my parents and bros to validate the visas, it wasn't until a few months before they were due to fly i fell in love with my current partner to which we have now got our son together and are making this big move ourselves, but i decided i didn't want to go and so i stayed here. Anyway I hope all goes well and everything turns out well in the end for you all, all the best.
  23. Hi TheGrahams, i read your post and decided to do the same thing, she had previously told us nothing else was needed and the meds and police checks were fine, that my partner's application will be ready to be finalised in November/December, this was great news but still left a niggling doubt as to whether that was a 100% yes. This was our reason for sending a further email, basically stating our prospective travel dates and wanting to know if we can book the flights or not and she told us to go ahead and book the flights and she will make sure the visa is granted by then What a great day this has been, there is our answer as to whether it is a 100% yes or not. Whoooo, next we need to start selling everything Then buy the suitcases lol, we will be booking our flights tomorrow for January, then will be updating LG so she knows when we need to leave by, we are very happy with her responses, so fast and efficient too. That always helps i suppose. Good luck with the rest of your wait, have fun booking flights and all the rest All grants lately seem to be within 5 months processing time, BRILLIANT STUFF.
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