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Life of a Forum

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

After hearing some gossip this week and being told I'm being talked about I thought why on earth do I bother with forums, do I need the extra stress.

Then I stopped and thought, even though we have one or two who like to try their hardest to spoil things and upset people they are a very tiny minority.

I have made some wonderful friends through the forum, both virtual and in the real world. I have adopted @ali as my sister and @Rossmoyne as my mum. Plus many other members who I'm very close to.


I have found through my years on here that people have always come and gone, some we have been glad to get rid of others it's been sad to let go.

We have lost a couple of lovely members to the big man upstairs, I often think of them, such lovely people who were taken away at such a young age.

Then we have seen lots of relationships blossom and a couple of marriages between members, this couldn't have happened without the forum.


I have heard of members offering people jobs, houses, references, help etc these are all wonderful people.

At the meet up this weekend nearly everyone I spoke to had made friends through the forums. Those who had recently arrived to Perth were made to feel very welcome and left with numerous contacts and new friends.


So, I'm sorry to the people who like to have something or someone to gossip about but I won't be letting that get to me. You are the minority and are outweighed by the wonderful members who we have.


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I think every forum has its keyboard warriors! I've also seen a lot of good come from this forum, and gained a lot myself, which is worth ignoring the crap. I see several threads which from the mere title and the members posting that I just prefer to ignore and leave them to it.

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I have to say this forum has helped me and my family tremendously! If I have a question I can ask or usually find the answer somewhere on here. I made a friend on here in a very similar situation to me, arriving a few weeks before me going to the same part of Melbourne, who I met up with last weekend, so before we even land in Oz I have someone to reach out too. And that wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for this forum.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I have to say even though I do dip in and out, I love this forum. I initially came on a couple of years just for some visa advice however soon enjoyed getting involved in the general chit chat. It does feel like a little family of friends.

I tend to find that if someone is being catty / gossipy / unkind, it’s usually because they’re actually unhappy about some aspect of their own lives / situation but would rather direct that at someone else – it’s more indicative about the type of person they are than the person they’re talking about.

It is sad especially as it’s obvious there’s a lot of hard work which goes into running this forum. I for one very much appreciate having it available

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Kate, Stand tall and be proud that you are good enough for someone to be jealous of you .. Make a positive from someones small minded negatives..


You are a lovely person with a great forum and as the saying goes '' there's nowt queerier than folk!'' lol


Cal x

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I adore this forum and without it my visa journey so far would not have been as straightforward. I can spend hours reading posts and threads about life in Australia and have personally been given invaluable advice from other forum members and if I ever get to Oz I look forward to meeting up with members and sharing what will hopefully be a happy and successful experience. So for Poms in Oz I am eternally grateful.

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Guest The Pom Queen

How lovely to hear some positive feedback, it's nice to hear that the forum is the helpful and friendly place I want it to be. I think we should all have a group hug and give ourselves a pat on the back because its members like yourselves that make it such a wonderful place to be :hug:

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There is, I think a difference between gossip and vindictiveness and as I know what his is about I think it's the latter. The lesson is though, be careful who you say things to as it oftenn gets back to people

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There is, I think a difference between gossip and vindictiveness and as I know what his is about I think it's the latter. The lesson is though, be careful who you say things to as it oftenn gets back to people


Gossip I can put up with but vindictiveness I can't stand. What possible pleasure do they get from being nasty.

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So you were listening to the gossip Ali ?

I heard what the person had done so I guess in a way thats gossip. I then chose to believe it as there was evidence to prove it and it therefotr became fact not gossip. The vindictiveness I admit is my own assumption regarding the motives behind it. Hope that answers your question Parley

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There is, I think a difference between gossip and vindictiveness and as I know what his is about I think it's the latter. The lesson is though, be careful who you say things to as it oftenn gets back to people



..........unfortunately...........you cannot predict how others will pass on what you said....

..........to me.......if I'm happy with what's come out of my mouth.....

..........how others interprete it is their business.....

..........99.9% of us know on here.........you havnt an unkind bone in your body....

..........some can always find a negative in the best of life......Xxx

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Never doubt yourself chook. As old as I am, I have in the past thought of you as a "mum" figure. You've helped me out, even if only with a friendly ear that I could bend, and in my darker moments, you've been incredibly tolerant of my misdemeanours.


Jeeeeez, I can suck up good can't I? :-)

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When I emigrated 6 years ago, this place was absolutely my "bible" second only to the Immi site. We were helped big time by people we met on this forum in person and who since became friends. I've met up with many and whilst I don't see them often enough I still class them as friends. I'm pretty sure we would have managed the transition alone because we were determined and we always have a "can do " attitude but it definitely would not have been as easy.


We we are a melting pot of people and personalities though and let's face it apart from the shared migration process we some of us don't have that much in common and in the real world we might not all get on. Having said that I've only met one person in real life who wasn't the person she portrayed on here, the complete opposite in fact, but everyone else including you have been exactly the person they are when they post on here.


I try and stay out of any gossip which actually leaves me pretty clueless most of the time but that suits me, life is far too short to worry about it and life here is far to good to give a flying f**k anyway :cool::laugh:

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After hearing some gossip this week and being told I'm being talked about I thought why on earth do I bother with forums, do I need the extra stress.

Then I stopped and thought, even though we have one or two who like to try their hardest to spoil things and upset people they are a very tiny minority.

I have made some wonderful friends through the forum, both virtual and in the real world. I have adopted @ali as my sister and @Rossmoyne as my mum. Plus many other members who I'm very close to.


I have found through my years on here that people have always come and gone, some we have been glad to get rid of others it's been sad to let go.

We have lost a couple of lovely members to the big man upstairs, I often think of them, such lovely people who were taken away at such a young age.

Then we have seen lots of relationships blossom and a couple of marriages between members, this couldn't have happened without the forum.


I have heard of members offering people jobs, houses, references, help etc these are all wonderful people.

At the meet up this weekend nearly everyone I spoke to had made friends through the forums. Those who had recently arrived to Perth were made to feel very welcome and left with numerous contacts and new friends.


So, I'm sorry to the people who like to have something or someone to gossip about but I won't be letting that get to me. You are the minority and are outweighed by the wonderful members who we have.



I for one am grateful you do " bother " ... I love coming on here ... for me a cuppa and PIO first thing in the morning is the best way to start my day ... I have met you twice Kate ... you are a kind and lovely lady ... there will always be someone who will take pleasure in gossiping and causing an upset ... they should be pitied for the sad people they are ...

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