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  1. Not all. That's why we used Crown Relo, one of few who are Crown in the UK and Crown here in Aus, no sub contracting. Cal x
  2. Hi I have Primary Biliary cholangitis an almost identical disease. We have been here in QLD 17 yrs now but i piggybacked on hubbys PR visa. When we went for the medicals ,i took a letter from my specialist stating where my condition was at, what procedures i had/ required, what medication i took etc etc. I was referred ''for further investigation'' and the private specialist just did what my own specialist had done- wrote a letter listing procedures and medications and where my condition was at etc We did use an agent , Visa Bureau, they were great but to be honest they couldn't really advise us on an individual medical condition as its ultimately up to the medical board. Our visa was granted a couple of months later. Good Luck with everything Cal x
  3. This probably wouldnt apply at all in this case as mechanics dont need to register or licence like Electrcians etc. 9 out 10 employers would take an experienced diesel / plant mechnic on, going off UK references and qualifications. Getting the job wouldnt be a problem for a good mechanic. The hurdle will be getting the visa so worth speaking to a good agent for advice. Cal x
  4. There definately isnt as much unspoilt country in Lancashire and Gtr Manchester anymore, as for Greenbelt land ,'' never to be built on''... Bull poo.. i was horrified when i went back a few years ago , so many fields and greenbelt land now built on. It was sad to see. Cal x
  5. Here in QLD , children can start full time school at 4 1/2 to 5 years old. This is prep and it's compulsary in QLD schools. I think WA may start them 6mths older. Cal x
  6. See if this link helps you - https://www.acro.police.uk/s/acro-services/subject-access Cal x
  7. A good cover letter stating your new to the country hence no aussie rental history, along with a copy of a healthy bank account and a job offer (if you have one), tends to put you in good standing with most agents. I did relocations for a few years and learnt this trick quite early on. Try to befriend an agent who covers the area your looking as that does no harm either. Cal x
  8. A while ago now but we used Crown Relocations to ship hubbys tools. He put what tools he could through a hot engine wash and packed them into brand new cheap plastic tool boxes. His top and bottom box had to be seperated and light enough for 2 people to lift. We had no issues with anything and recieved everything as and when it was stated we would. Good luck with everything, there is tons of work out here for a good mechanic. Cal x
  9. I think it depends on the UK company the funds are with. My daughter processed her over the phone and had it paid to her Aussie bank account. No UK account required. Cal x
  10. There is a few oldies still around however i havent heard off Pablo on here in ages. Cal x
  11. Would Hubby's job be in the CBD ? pinpointing where it will be will make it easier to suggest areas. As an example , you wouldn't want to settle in a far south suburb if the job is on the North side. Also would you be relying on public transport or have cars? Cal x
  12. Yes i believe most people do have a good experience when using a shared container, i am personally unaware of anyone who has had issues (stuff missing) with a shared container and that includes all the years i did Relocations. But one thing i will say to avoid any confusion is, if customs want to inspect something in a Movecube , it is unsealed just like any container. Its not like Movecubes never get unsealed as portrayed in an above post. Cal x
  13. We used shared containers twice and didn't have a single issue either time. I wouldn't hesitate to use one again if the need arose. Cal x
  14. One agent answered above. Unfortunately a skills test and language test is needed for lots of visa's and to be fair thats only a snippet of cost compared to the whole migration journey. Cal x
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