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JockinTas last won the day on March 17 2016

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  1. It's a bit cloudy today and 21C. There is a music festival happening up by the lighthouse so I hope it doesn't rain as it's all outdoors.
  2. Yes I wondered when I saw Pingpoma's post. Living there or on holiday?
  3. Skani will hopefully come along with advice on the Hobart area Cal. In the 3 years we've been here I've not ventured to Hobart yet. :shocked: Been previously when on holiday in Tassie and always found plenty to do. Weatherwise Hmmmmmm - well, we've been in April a couple of times and the weather was really nice but bring a jumper and brolly just in case. I know when we came one Easter, the place was packed and accommodation was at a premium so best to book if you are here at that time. You will have a lovely couple of days!
  4. Friends in Sydney have told me about the heat you've suffered this past summer and now the rain. The warmest it reached in Devonport during the summer was 27C. Summer is also the driest time of the year. We had a fairly wet and stormy winter last year so we deserved a lovely summer.
  5. Into the second week of autumn. Sunny, slight breeze and 21C.
  6. It'a the last day of summer and the weather is warmer than it has been all summer long. 26C. Went for a swim - lovely.
  7. Snow fell on Mount Mawson, Tasmania yesterday whilst many parts of Australia sweltered in the heat. http://www.smh.com.au/national/heatwaves-hit-act-sa-and-nsw-while-tasmania-prepares-for-snow-20170210-guabs0.html It was windy here in Devonport and 19C.
  8. Good to hear you have settled well and especially lovely to read that your little son is a lot better here too. :smile:
  9. I experienced temps of 40C when we lived in Perth. I honestly don't remember it bothering me much - mind you I was a heck of a lot younger then. Even when the babies were born, I don't remember it bothering them either. Somehow we cope and just get on with it. It was dry heat though. It's humidity I find hard to deal with though my old neighbours in Perth tell me that Perth gets a bit of humidity now - far more so than in past years.
  10. I was just saying to my other half that I prefer the cool drizzle of today over the heat (27C) on Christmas day. Mind you, I would probably start whinging if it was like this for more than a couple of days. That's why we moved here though ................. for the not quite so extreme weather. January and February are usually more settled.
  11. We've had lovely weather for a wee while now but today it's drizzling so the garden has perked up no end. It's 21C.
  12. Really nice day. It's 23C and not a cloud in the sky. Harry on the dog beach this morning.
  13. ^^^^^ It was a lovely full moon last night but I didn't notice it being any different from normal full moons.
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