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I'm leaving soon!


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Well as some of you might know,I am returning to Adelaide to live.I can't honestly say its been an easy decision.Infact its probably one of the hardest decisions I've ever had to make.I truly love and adore the UK,but my RRV visa runs out on 13th Jan 2016.I have been in the UK for 17 happy years,and managed to renew my 5yr RRV 3 times.However.....Last January it came to renewal time again,and immi only granted me a 1 yr RRV this time around.Only to be expected!

I've had to base my decision on returning to Australia,on the fact,Im now separated,have 2 daughters and 3 grandkids living in the UK.My daughters are Australian.The youngest,is with a partner who has an opportunity to move with his job to Australia,so they are looking at that option,the eldest daughter feels they will move across at some point,so if that happens,I will technically be here alone!

I guess I am very lucky that I do love and adore both countries.I feel at home in both so re settling into SA won't be a problem.I'm staying with my twin sister initially who lives in the burbs of Adelaide,but I have plans to move somewhere rurally. No job as yet,but I'm resourceful and have a flexible approach when it comes to jobs.My son,two sisters,and 2 brothers (plus various nieces,nephews and cousins)live in SA,so it will be nice to spend quality time with them all.I do feel sad about leaving my daughters and grandkids but we will all be together again one day.

I leave the UK Jan 4th 2016 and arrive in Adelaide 6th Jan. I will keep posting until then,and beyond.:cute:

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Good luck!

Hobson's choice really, which in some ways must make it easier I suppose? We may well be following you in a while (At least temporarily) and probably leaving most, if not all children here.

It's such a difficult decision, I really feel for you, but I hope it all turns out exactly as you want it to. The UK will still be here if you decide you want to come back at some point in the future, but in the meantime enjoy everything Australia has to offer!

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  • 3 weeks later...
I think I'm beating you! We are flying out tomorrow, leaving home about lunch time today - only for a month though! Bon voyage when it comes!!!


Yes Quoll you are!I leave on Mon?Holy Crap its come around fast!Yikes!lol Safe journey Quoll and it will be love for you to catch up with your other son,and his family.xoxox

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