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And the UK election result is.......


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Obviously their is some angst in Scotland over the English.its self evident in the recent election But me i have never had a problem with my neighbours over the border. And when I get back I am sure to enjoy a great holiday there. Not sucking up but the landscape and the people I met on many of travels there are second to none.only if it was a wee warmer I would contemplate moving there.:laugh:. I do have Scottish blood aswell ( bloody black sheep of the family) The Gordon's.i won't let it hold me back though:laugh:


Why is it evident in the election? Seriously the majority of scots don't have a problem with the english. Obviously we have some idiots but it's the same anywhere. It's seriously not about that. It's about politicians so that's not really any different than the various english people protesting is it? Yeah the landscapes brilliant, I seriously need to travel around scotland at some point. There's loads of places I haven't been. A few people on my Facebook are in the Hebrides right now and it looks gorgeous. Loads of england I want to explore too

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I don't think I'm glad they got in, but they probably were the better option.


The thing that worries me is that we may shortly find out what the lib dems were doing for the last five years.


I think they were rather silly to not have shouted about the stuff they did BEFORE election day... they didn't really do a good job of campaigning.

Ideally I wanted a Con/Lib coalition again but I knew it wouldn't happen so I voted the party that had the best manifesto to suit my interests/needs... and since DC had already been in power for 5 years I thought he would be the most capable to continue.

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Why is it evident in the election? Seriously the majority of scots don't have a problem with the english. Obviously we have some idiots but it's the same anywhere. It's seriously not about that. It's about politicians so that's not really any different than the various english people protesting is it? Yeah the landscapes brilliant, I seriously need to travel around scotland at some point. There's loads of places I haven't been. A few people on my Facebook are in the Hebrides right now and it looks gorgeous. Loads of england I want to explore too


Do you really think the politicians in Scotland are/will be any different?

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I must say that it is hard to see how they could become more anti-Westminster.


The SNP are riding high on creating a bogeyman that is an easy target really. Have the Scots considered a post-independence landscape or do you feel that they would become effectively a one-party state like the ANC in South Africa without a credible opposition. I have a feeling that Independence would be the worst thing that could actually happen to the SNP and to the Scots though I know that its supporters believe that Scotland would then proceed as a unified socialist utopia ruled by Brussels (sorry, Holyrood).


I think a lot of people, in and out of Scotland, have the misconception that after independence Scotland would have only one political party. Within the SNP at the moment there are people with various political views, who have come together to fight for common goals, namely more autonomy for the Scots Parliament and ultimately independence. With independence the SNP will split into other political parties e.g. conservative, labour, liberal etc. The difference between then and now will be that they will truly be Scots parties with Scots mps and their headquarters in Scotland. Oh, believe me the Scots could become very much more anti Westminster. I base that on what a large number are saying.

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What independence ?

That was comprehensively rejected. Why on earth bring that up ?


As I have said before, you don't have a clue. You should research a subject to learn something about it before you comment on it.

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Guest Guest66881

Just how much of an impact will all these Scottish mp's have in the big house though?

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Mate you're welcome to the nuclear weapons, we sure don't want them! There's a Twitter hashtag going around from england called "take us with you scotland" and people saying they want to move here. They are more than welcome! :laugh: some of the media hate doesn't work on some people :)



I would seriously consider it Stacey.

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I think they were rather silly to not have shouted about the stuff they did BEFORE election day... they didn't really do a good job of campaigning.

Ideally I wanted a Con/Lib coalition again but I knew it wouldn't happen so I voted the party that had the best manifesto to suit my interests/needs... and since DC had already been in power for 5 years I thought he would be the most capable to continue.


I'd put money on DC lasting under a year. This wasn't a vote for DC. This was a vote for gove... The Tories will lurch to the right to counter ukip. Careful what you wish for...

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Because the election clearly repudiated the previous referendum.


No - there were plenty of people who voted NO to independence in the referendum who voted for the SNP in this election. The numbers clearly show that. And many of them would vote No in a future referendum. The party is not called the Scottish Independence Party - it has plenty of other policies to further the cause of the country, which many Scots supported, e.g. opposition to Trident in Scotland.

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I think a lot of people, in and out of Scotland, have the misconception that after independence Scotland would have only one political party. Within the SNP at the moment there are people with various political views, who have come together to fight for common goals, namely more autonomy for the Scots Parliament and ultimately independence. With independence the SNP will split into other political parties e.g. conservative, labour, liberal etc. The difference between then and now will be that they will truly be Scots parties with Scots mps and their headquarters in Scotland. Oh, believe me the Scots could become very much more anti Westminster. I base that on what a large number are saying.


That was exactly my point. At the moment there is a common enemy to unite the Scots and distract them from many of the real issues. Get Independence and all the factions will split, the unity will go, and it will be business as usual with most Scots ultimately dissatisfied with their Government but they will be a small nation with little clout in Europe.

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The UK needs to change. People are fed up with westminster holding all the power. I can sense more protests this year


If the weathers good Stacey you might be right. You will get the usual crowd though. Maybe 10% interested and aggrieved enough to get out on the streets and the other 90% will go and smash things up, loot a few shops, set fire to a few things, have a fight with the cops. There will be a big spend on an investigation why it happened. The conclusions will be that there is an underclass of disenfranchised, mostly immigrant black kids running around causing problems.


The government will be blamed for their problems and the local representative groups will say how they've been neglected for years and it's not their fault that they rioted 'cos there's no jobs and the cops pick on them.


The government will spend millions on another investigation why these people feel like they do and nothing will change.:rolleyes:

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That was exactly my point. At the moment there is a common enemy to unite the Scots and distract them from many of the real issues. Get Independence and all the factions will split, the unity will go, and it will be business as usual with most Scots ultimately dissatisfied with their Government but they will be a small nation with little clout in Europe.


I doubt if it will be any different from any other democracy. How well do you know the Scots? I don't think there is distraction from the real issues which independence would bring.. At the minute there is a focus on autonomy for the government and ultimate independence, but that doesn't mean that the Scots think it will be paradise when it happens.They are used to hard work. The prize is deciding their own future not having it decided by people miles away who don't know them and are not interested in getting to know them.

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No - there were plenty of people who voted NO to independence in the referendum who voted for the SNP in this election. The numbers clearly show that. And many of them would vote No in a future referendum. The party is not called the Scottish Independence Party - it has plenty of other policies to further the cause of the country, which many Scots supported, e.g. opposition to Trident in Scotland.


I read somewhere that the vote for the SNP was for more power at Westminster, not independence?

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Ooohhh....hark at everyone getting all bitchy. Quite pathetic to be honest.


I have no shame in admitting that I voted for conservatives. I am glad they got in. I have my reasons for voting for them just like the scots for voting SNP and others voting Labour or UKIP.


That's fair enough BC. You have to weigh up your personal situation and vote for the party that seems to be right for you. If I was you I would probably have voted conservative, if I was Stacey I would have voted for the SNP, if I was living in Derbyshire still I would have maybe voted labour but more than likely UKIP. I would have been looking at the local Labout and UKIP guys and seen what they stand for. My cousin's a Labour councillor in Derbyshire and he's old fashioned Labour, ex-miner and has the interests of his constituents at heart. I would vote for him if I was in his electorate.

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I'd put money on DC lasting under a year. This wasn't a vote for DC. This was a vote for gove... The Tories will lurch to the right to counter ukip. Careful what you wish for...


Who have they got better to replace him though? No-one that I've seen and if someone is not better then they would be stupid to get rid of him. Boris Johnson is a nutcase liability to the whole country. Anyone who thinks he's just a bit of a quirky character should have a look into his past.

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I doubt if it will be any different from any other democracy. How well do you know the Scots? I don't think there is distraction from the real issues which independence would bring.. At the minute there is a focus on autonomy for the government and ultimate independence, but that doesn't mean that the Scots think it will be paradise when it happens.They are used to hard work. The prize is deciding their own future not having it decided by people miles away who don't know them and are not interested in getting to know them.


Not many people in the south east of England feel much of a connection with politicians of any hue tbh and it is good that Scottish voters do so at the moment. You cannot underestimate though the uniting power of a common enemy which has been stoked up for years by SNP supporters. Think how united the British people were during the last war and immediately afterwards.


I have little doubt that Scotland will one day become an independent country and that may herald a complete split of the union in the long run. Whether any of the people living and working in Britain today will see any actual benefit from it all is open to doubt but then I suppose that is not the point of it really.

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I'd put money on DC lasting under a year. This wasn't a vote for DC. This was a vote for gove... The Tories will lurch to the right to counter ukip. Careful what you wish for...


Okay. I'll take the bet.

how much ? 500 quid ?

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No - there were plenty of people who voted NO to independence in the referendum who voted for the SNP in this election. The numbers clearly show that. And many of them would vote No in a future referendum. The party is not called the Scottish Independence Party - it has plenty of other policies to further the cause of the country, which many Scots supported, e.g. opposition to Trident in Scotland.


I think there were a lot voted no to independence because they thought it wasn't going to get up. Since then the SNP haven't really stopped campaigning for it and the people who were sitting on the fence have got a bit more nationalistic and think there's a chance of another referendum.


I guess a lot of the people that are opposed to trident and all the other work that the industry is generating will get a bit of a backlash from the employees. Should it come to getting rid or not.

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