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Keith and Linda

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Keith and Linda last won the day on January 25 2018

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  1. Next Wednesday looks a bit of a bummer! better batten down the hatch's and get the supplies in.
  2. Aussie weather? it's relentless, I get it all the time, day in day out, to get something different I have to go out of the country then when I get there all I get is their blooming weather, I tell you, damn weather it's all over the place, its like those flu viruses.
  3. Having just spent two weeks back in the uk for the first time at this time of year, generally the weather was quite good short sleeves most of the time some people in shorts too, but what was the best part was the autumn colours, something we don't get in Brisbane. The hot and sometimes humid weather of Brisbane bothers Linda more than it does me but then I have no choice having an outside job, much prefer it to my outside job in the UK during autumn and winter especially the driving in fog, drizzle ice and snow (sometimes all in the one day too). However next year is the start of retirement for me along with the first intended annual 4 - 6 month stint of UK living.............can't wait.
  4. Lazy beggars............doing people out of work too!
  5. I think England can better that 80% figure
  6. Looks like my reply got deleted! maybe because I mentioned something about a book full of faces! I will send you a pm
  7. I suppose these other empires had nothing to do with it then?
  8. Melbourne Storm, a lot more enjoyable than the aerial ping pong thingy game!
  9. Not according to the info from the ATO/RBA as posted earlier and again below. But rules do change or get interpreted differently I suppose. I am not complicating my life and I am trying to uncomplicated others, it is some posters that have placed the unnecessary doubt, worry and concern, but thanks for your assistance in easing folks minds on this subject. Private and domestic For most individual taxpayers forex gains or losses will generally be ignored if the gain or loss is of a private or domestic nature, but where the gain or loss results from carrying on a business or a profit-making undertaking or plan, the gain or loss will be assessable income or an allowable deduction. There are limited circumstances where forex gains or losses of a private or domestic nature are subject to Australia's capital gains tax (CGT) provisions. Foreign currency bank accounts are a CGT asset and may be subject to the capital gains provisions each time a CGT event happens to them. CGT event C2 happens each time an amount is withdrawn from a foreign currency bank account. If the gain is assessable, or the loss is allowable, under the CGT provisions the forex gain or loss will be subject to the forex provisions. Where the forex provisions do apply there is a provision that may allow the taxpayer to disregard any forex gain or loss. The '$250,000 balance' or 'limited balance' election enables a taxpayer to disregard specified forex gains or losses on certain foreign currency denominated bank accounts with low balances. Any capital gain or loss made as a result of CGT event C2 happening is also disregarded.
  10. Also as previously mentioned, it is based on the amount of the transaction so limit any transaction below the $250k good luck
  11. Very doubtful, It would be $250K each person and the pound exchange rate is probably weaker now than when you sold your house so you would have a loss and not a gain. Really there is nothing to worry about.
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