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Won't be going back any time soon.


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So we had planned to make the move back to U.K. early next year. Seems life has stepped in big time to change that. I've just been given the worst news something given my family history i should have been prepared for. That bastard breast cancer has got me. Sadly i've lost two family members to this bastard thing an aunt and a grandmother both at roughly the same age i am now. My mother has also had the bastard have a go at her too she's made it through so far. I'm so upset not for me but for my partner who has for some time been desperate to return. I'm sure i have not actually processed this news yet. So now a completely different journey than we had planned must begin. Not really sure why i'm putting it out on here just felt the need.

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Oh Chicken. :-( I'm so sorry to read that. I will hope/pray/keep everything crossed that you beat this!!! And your life can then continue on whatever path you want and that you have a long happy healthy life wherever you reside with your family. Hugest of hugs.

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So we had planned to make the move back to U.K. early next year. Seems life has stepped in big time to change that. I've just been given the worst news something given my family history i should have been prepared for. That bastard breast cancer has got me. Sadly i've lost two family members to this bastard thing an aunt and a grandmother both at roughly the same age i am now. My mother has also had the bastard have a go at her too she's made it through so far. I'm so upset not for me but for my partner who has for some time been desperate to return. I'm sure i have not actually processed this news yet. So now a completely different journey than we had planned must begin. Not really sure why i'm putting it out on here just felt the need.


Sometimes it's easier to share with strangers, but even though hardly any of us know each other it doesn't stop us caring for each other.

so sorry to hear your news, and send you love and support.

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Sometimes it's easier to share with strangers, but even though hardly any of us know each other it doesn't stop us caring for each other.

so sorry to hear your news, and send you love and support.


I completely agree with this - so feel free to keep posting Chicken if you feel you need support or just a rant. Take care xx

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Ahhh thats ****, so sorry for you gal...dont know if these statistics are any help but the survival rates are really good.


[h=3]Table 3.1: Breast cancer (C50), Age-Standardised One-, Five-, Ten- and Twenty-Year Relative Survival, Females (Aged 15-99), England 2005-2009, England and Wales 2007 and 2001-03[/h][TABLE=class: OBI_PivotTable, width: 1]

[TR=class: PTRowLabelsRow]

[TD=class: PTIndentCell, bgcolor: white][/TD]

[TD=class: PTCOL3 OOCD, bgcolor: #1D4296, colspan: 4, align: center]Relative Survival (%)[/TD]


[TR=class: PTRowLabelsRow]

[TD=class: PTCOL2 OOCD, bgcolor: #BBC6DF, align: center]1 Year[/TD]

[TD=class: PTCOL2 OOCD, bgcolor: #BBC6DF, align: center]5 Year[/TD]

[TD=class: PTCOL2 OOCD, bgcolor: #BBC6DF, align: center]10 Year[/TD]

[TD=class: PTCOL2 OOCD, bgcolor: #BBC6DF, align: center]20 Year[/TD]


[TR=class: PTRowLabelsRow]

[TD=class: PTRH OOLD, bgcolor: #1D4296]Sex[/TD]

[TD=class: PTCOL1 PTCIL OOCD, bgcolor: #D2D9EA, align: center]2005-2009[/TD]

[TD=class: PTCOL1 PTCIL OOCD, bgcolor: #D2D9EA, align: center]2005-2009[/TD]

[TD=class: PTCOL1 PTCIL OOCD, bgcolor: #D2D9EA, align: center]2007[/TD]

[TD=class: PTCOL1 PTCIL OOCD, bgcolor: #D2D9EA, align: center]2001-2003[/TD]



[TD=class: PTROW1 PTRIL OOLD, bgcolor: #1D4296]Female[/TD]

[TD=class: PTC OORD, bgcolor: #F2F5F9, align: right]95.8[/TD]

[TD=class: PTC OORD, bgcolor: #F2F5F9, align: right]85.1[/TD]

[TD=class: PTC OORD, bgcolor: #F2F5F9, align: right]77.0[/TD]

[TD=class: PTC OORD, bgcolor: #F2F5F9, align: right]64.5[/TD]



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Thank you my man has been telling me he's not fed up wit me yet so i'm not allowed to go anywhere. To be honest after what's happened with that plane this morning and all those lovely people especially the children passing like that. I'm counting my blessings. There's always someone worse off.

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I'm sorry to hear your bad news Chicken,as previously stated,most of us dont know each other on here,but it doesn't mean we dont feel for each other,your news and other lovely people on here going through bad times puts my tiny woe's in perspective,best wishes girl. x

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Thank you so much to you all for such kindness. Despite my awful news today i do still feel blessed. I have a great man in my life whom i know will give strength when i need it. Hold me when i need to cry. Just be a pain in the arse when i need that too. Most importantly just be himself.

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Time for a bottle of wine ,a snuggle and most likely a cry on the sofa with my man. Night all. Thanks again it's helped.x

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My best friend in the UK was diagnosed a few years ago...lumpectomy and 6 weeks of radiation and so far so good...I work in the field and as we know breast cancer has some great stats/rates and even if not 'cured' is these days thought of by some as more of a 'chronic disease' than a terminal one...much like heart disease or similar......I guess I'm saying don't let the diagnosis change your plans....obviously you have to take stock and plan your treatment...but lots of scope for planning and the future. I hope your man is giving you the best cuddles and filling your heart with hope x

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Guest guest30085

Words don't seem enough.


You keep strong lass and fight that b****** with all your strength.


Sending you all the positive thoughts and best wishes that I can x

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Thoughts are with you today. I am sure you are feeling incredibly anxious especially with the enormity of the plane crash too. That has made me feel very sad today. I hope you've had a lovely evening with your man and you just work towards living each day to the full. If there are any negatives to a story like this, it certainly stops you living life for the future or not living life to the full. My grandma in law, had this disease which she has fought and survived. She has the most exciting life of anyone I have ever met. xx

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I was diagnosed with lymphoma 8 years ago, so I have an idea of what you are going through. It is something that comes into perspective with time, but never really fits. It's a journey, take a deep breath and face the road.


There will be windows where you can still do the move. Cancer is like a war. Intense periods of stress, interspersed with long periods of waiting. Both UK and oz have excellent programs, and I'm sure they would help you to switch if you wanted to.


Good luck. Keep strong, cry a little when you have to.

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