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Everything posted by northernbird

  1. I fell out with my father about 4 years ago and I have no intention of having a relationship with him in the future. I do not consider my family is dysfunctional. Just because someone is related doesn't preclude you from having a disagreement.
  2. Born in Preston into an RAF family so have lived in Melksham, Malta, Brize Norton, Huntingdon. Parents divorced and then moved to Carnforth nr Lancaster Married and lived Ealing, Flitwick, Sawtry, Wilmington (USA), Calgary, Halifax (Canada, not Yorkshire) and finally Perth.
  3. My clothes smell lovely, perhaps not the same as the UK but my youngest always gets complimented on how she smells. She doesn't wear any perfume to school so I can only deduce it's her clothing. I use Omo liquid tabs and Comfort Vanilla Orchid Aromatherapy fabric softner. Neither are the cheapest end of the laundry spectrum but I have to have nice smelling washing.
  4. You may be entitled to claim but don't bank on it being a liveable amount. I had to claim last year after a separation and it was poverty levels amounts I was entitled to. Personally I wouldn't be moving here to WA at the moment, the situation isn't great.
  5. I watched it and thought you came across well which some people really don't. Although I did laugh when one of you complained one of the houses you viewed was too small given that your home in England is a tiny terrace.
  6. You are lucky you weren't subjected to a thousand proof of ID questions hiring a car on a UK licence. I have always found it easier to rent a vehicle on my WA one.
  7. No Argos equivalent in Australia.
  8. I get Newstart allowance and FTB which cumulatively come to $1500 a month. As a single Mum with an unemployed ex husband this offers me just enough to pay my household bills excluding my mortgage and minimum payment on my ever dwindling credit card. I am on the proverbial bones of my backside. I am not sure how people qualify for more than that.
  9. $578 a fortnight is hardly considered paying very well. Not sure how I am expected to run a home on that!!
  10. I have met people like this too, usually accompanied by some narcissistic tendencies. I steer well clear to be honest and would be polite but would never let them enter my closer friendship circle as their ability to cause trouble and destroy relationships is phenomenal.
  11. The fields between Peterborough and Huntingdon are full of the stuff and the drive to work used to be hell.
  12. Less colds and no hayfever. I lived on the edge of the Fens where the rape used to drive my nostrils mad!! I obviously don't react to anything here. Weight gain due to drinking and socialising more.
  13. It's a tricky time for primary teachers in WA at the moment. This is the first year that year 7 has been high school and not primary so there are plenty of local, experienced primary teachers currently struggling for work.
  14. Agree with this and the insurance will not pay out if they see an adaptor, it happened to my neighbour. My ex just changed all the plugs on things, it was time consuming but I am glad we did it that way.
  15. <p><p>PM me your proper name or mine is Carole Marsh</p></p>

  16. I would agree with King George Whiting, a fantastic fish. The OP doesn't say where she is but KGW is available here in Perth. I also quite like flathead. Red Emperor, Dhufish are both lovely but on a budget not a good option! Sadly decent fish is expensive and I personally wouldn't buy fresh or frozen from the supermarket and I would go to a fishmonger.
  17. <p><p>Thanks FF, you are one of very few people!</p></p>

  18. <p><p>I have been here 7 years and it's home now, I wouldn't return to England for love nor money. It is hugely more expensive than when we arrived in 2005 but the quality of life our family have is second to none.</p></p>

  19. Just keep an open mind. I am a country girl and I couldn't live there as much as I love it for a holiday. Please do add me, her rental is lovely. Newly renovated and beautifully done within walking distance to beach.
  20. Very small town with small town mentality. Driven by tourism and fishing. Have to come to Perth for any proper shopping. I love Jurien but it isn't the normal destination for migrants. My bestie owns a holiday rental up there that she has just renovated if you need somewhere to stay.
  21. A sofa in the UK is the same as a sofa in Australia. The climate has nothing to do with it. We moved in with my Dad in the UK for 1 month. Took a holiday rental for 3 weeks, found a rental and then had our container delivered. Easy. Believe me, Australia is expensive. I love it here and have no desire to leave but it is VERY expensive compared to the UK. Best bring the lot IMO.
  22. We have done the same amount of moves as you and I would do the opposite. I would take every last thing. We have moved in with family and sent our belongs about a month before us. Once you have a holiday rental on arrival you can usually coincide your container arrival with the new rental/purchase. I am so grateful we brought everything with us, helped us settle no end. Unless your stuff is crap I would bring the lot, Australia is very expensive for decent quality things.
  23. Absolutely, it is all about where you currently live, where you came from and what you left behind. All of those things will be different for everyone and will influence how they feel about their new homeland.
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