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For those of us that love life "DOWN UNDER"


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Just thought I’d start up a thread for people that love living in Australia

It’s up to you, you can tell everyone why you love it or simply just put a smiley to register your vote. It seems sometimes that the anti Australia brigade make everything in Australia look all doom and gloom. I’m not after a bitchy thread, just a thread that new members or people worried “am I doing the right thing” can see that there are members who are happy and enjoying life down under.

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Cant wait to read some good things about Australia!!!!! As you say, there are comments made which dont show Australia in a good light at the moment and I do sometimes wonder if I am doing the right thing for myself and my family. Thanks Tracy 123

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Although we were only there for 14 months, we loved it! We had to battle Cancer there and we did it (thanks to the wonderful Australian Health Care!!)

We made friends for life and made so many memories there.

We cant wait to go back, We will do everything we can to get back there!

There are so many awesome things to say about it, but you have to go and try it for yourself.

Hope you all get there and enjoy it xxxx

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Just thought I’d start up a thread for people that love living in Australia

It’s up to you, you can tell everyone why you love it or simply just put a smiley to register your vote. It seems sometimes that the anti Australia brigade make everything in Australia look all doom and gloom. I’m not after a bitchy thread, just a thread that new members or people worried “am I doing the right thing” can see that there are members who are happy and enjoying life down under.

"I LOVE IT" I have been here 40 years with my wife, have four children despite a couple having serious health problems, this country has been real great for us. We have always been very happy the way we have been treated, especially by Australians.

In our health crisis, and we have never had private cover, and we have never been let down by the system. We have moved a few times and changed careers a few times. That is one of the secrets is to be flexible!

The weather we love, sure we have had rain a lot this year, but hey, our dams are full so how can we complain.

The food, when we came here we really noticed any different, we had our roasts etc at first, then we noticed the diversity of food, especially Italian,Greek and Asian.

Now we can have so much food from so many countries.

We find the cost of living here is not a problem, just don't compare. We find to eat out is cheap compared to when you go to some countries. We have as much good quality meat, the fish is also great, fruit, well you name it, and the best vegetables also.

Schools we found to be more than adequate. Our children excelled in them here.

I have just got out had a shower, and watched the sun rise over Moreton Island to another beautiful day. When I see that each day there is not much more in life I need, Thank God I am living here.

So to those who are coming down, be flexible in jobs and where you live,make the most of the situation,and go out of your way to make friends, there are plenty here waiting for your friendship. Be content with your situation. Look forward to what is coming, and not behind at what you had.:smile:

We believe it is the Lucky country!

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Thank Geoff,


I'm very happy and content with my life in Aus, our bonus for living here isn't materialistic, we've not become richer in the sense of having more money ... but our time together as a family has gained a quality it didn't have before.


I'm happy to be a Pozzie

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We have been here just over 3 years now and Australia isnt perfect, however for me and my family the life we have now is a vast inprovement on what we had in the UK.

Like other members i have found the public health system fab and havent yet found the need for private health cover.


Cal x

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Guest bearamus

Things I love about SA,(soon to find out about VIC as moving very soon for work reasons)


winter being so short and summer, spring and autumn being so lovely weather-wise


when you go into a shop the sales staff know what they are selling, can advise properly and are very courteous in my experience here


The Adelaide hills and beaches are just fantastic. Port Willunga is our fav.


Eating fresh locally grown fruit that's so cheap (especially cherries from local cherry farms in December)


Watching a family of koalas in our garden over the past year( we live in the Adelaide Hills)

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Guest Skippyplus6
Just thought I’d start up a thread for people that love living in Australia

It’s up to you, you can tell everyone why you love it or simply just put a smiley to register your vote. It seems sometimes that the anti Australia brigade make everything in Australia look all doom and gloom. I’m not after a bitchy thread, just a thread that new members or people worried “am I doing the right thing” can see that there are members who are happy and enjoying life down under.


Brillient idea Geoffrey. I'm contemplating moving back to Oz and am getting really worried about all the negative posts. Should I or shouldn't I go?

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Guest bearamus

I forgot to say we are celebrating ONE YEAR today since we landed at Adelaide airport, there have been ups and downs along the way but as you can see from the post I just wrote we are pretty happy. I don't regret coming here, we're giving it a shot here and are loving it so far. Hope VIC is lovely too as moving very soon.

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Coming up to our 2 year anniversary here and completely loving it! I don't know if it's the area we're in but the Aussies have embraced us and we've never been busier having fun. Still learning how some things work (buying secondhand car from a different state... so confusing!) but we're getting there. I just think you really need a sense of adventure and some enthusiasm then you'll be fine. Plus with the sun shining from a clear blue sky the countryside is just awesome!



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Guest Guest31881
Just thought I’d start up a thread for people that love living in Australia

It’s up to you, you can tell everyone why you love it or simply just put a smiley to register your vote. It seems sometimes that the anti Australia brigade make everything in Australia look all doom and gloom. I’m not after a bitchy thread, just a thread that new members or people worried “am I doing the right thing” can see that there are members who are happy and enjoying life down under.


Hi Geoff,


I am just coming up to my 1 year anniversary here and love it.


Despite all the doom and gloom I read I here, I do not find it expensive if you shop around, I pay $235 a week rent for a 3 bed unit on the sea front (only 2 units in building). My neighbours are friendly and share a joke.


I can travel for 1/2 hour and be in the Glasshouse Mountains, or 40min in the other direction I am in Brisbane or Redcliff. Í can sit on my balcony in the evening and enjoy a glass of wine and watch the sun set. The exchange rate has knocked my pension about, but that is not Australia’s fault. I wish I had made the move years ago.

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Three months in and we LOVE it!!


We aren't in a big city, so life is very different in some ways, but it's all good.


Not yet in "proper jobs" but we are now in our long-term rental. A HUGE 4 bed lowset for $380pw. Lovely breezes, beautiful beaches, great amenities all around us and terrifically friendly Aussies.


Not perfect, and there are a few things I might have done differently, but can't imagine ever wanting to go back.

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We have been here for 14 months, and we love it here. Money is tighter for a few different reasons, and hubby is working longer hours, including some six and seven day weeks. However, the time that we do have together as a family seems longer because we are more able to use it as we would like.


We came here with an open mind and attitude, and decided that we couldn't expect Australia to adapt to us, rather we had to adapt to it. So we have. It isn't all perfect, but it is what you make it.

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Guest guest30038

Everything Kernow said. I've had health problems but never once thought that I wasn't being cared for in the most professional manner.


I'm a grumpy old git but the Aussies seem to recognise that I have a good heart, and mean well............can't fault their acceptance of me and mine. My kids are well rounded and have a bright future thanks to Oz.


Sounds materialistic but is in no way intended to be, and is merely an illustration of how good Oz has been to us:.........I am grateful that since arriving here with only our clothes and $18000, 15 yrs ago, we are now mortgage free and "asset comfortable" and that my wife's superann, of which she will have paid in to, by age 55, the sum of 123000 is projected to pay out 279000, thanks to Qld Health and the Australian economy. I am also grateful that she has accrued 15 weeks leave, apart from her yearly entitlement of 6 weeks and also accrued 9 months sick leave............we feel secure :yes:


Spent a bit of time showing PIO'ers round these last 9 months and helping to get them settled and it has really opened my eyes to what I have become to take for granted. Oz really has been good to us and rewarded our efforts. I had also taken for granted the struggle and sacrifices that many have to undergo to get here. My hat is off to them and my thanks for Oz offering them the opportunity for a new life, despite that new life being harder to attain nowadays. I hope you all live your dream.



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You'll only get good vibes from me. We've been here 19 years and been back to the UK twice. One of those times was because my Mum was sick.

My wife loves it just as much. She misses her family a bit more than me and wishes she could see them more but realises what a great life we have here.

Just about everyone who's been out to visit has said how lucky we are. My sister and brother in law loved it so much they tried to emigrate but, unfortunately, couldn't get in.

My wifes parents have just visited and even though they miss us they agree that it's the best thing we could have done. I think it gives them a place to go on holiday too.

My kids have had great opportunities here. The schools have been fine. My youngest has an autistic spectrum disorder and the school has really tried hard to help him fit in. My eldest just went to the local public secondary school and he did fine. I think schooling is more up to the kids than the school and if the kids don't apply themselves it won't matter what school they go to.

I would recommend the move to anyone.

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Guest guest36187

Good thread Geoff x


We arrived here in early 05. I had a job waiting for me and OH started 6 weeks after that. I earn the same for doing less hours, he earns same money but does about 8 hours a week more. Swings and roundabouts.


We have a nice house, 2 cars, a good life and plenty of time together, much more than we ever did in UK.


I have found `truer` friends here than I ever had. Its the no bull approach of Aussies. What you see is what you get!


Lifes good!


Edited to add: Met many PIO`ers on here and had one couple stay with us when they first arrived!


OH been back to UK once to see brother who was sick. It cemented the fact for him that he does not want to go back there to live.

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As much as i whringe about Brisbane the last 22.5 Months have made me think what i have got in my life being here with my beautifully wife and step son and not forgetting the little one wouldnt have this back home that for sure:hug:

Before any one calls the Asluym and the men in white coats i'm Saine just not use to having to start from scatch and would like to say a big thanks to my wife south africain friends who gave me a good talking to and helped me see the white fluffy clouds and blue sky again

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