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I'm hoping that I haven't but agree with this sentiment. Those who were for Remain (like me) have now got to move on and deal with the world as it is and not as we would like it to be.


Yeah right you have at least another month of arguing about it before you get to that stage.


You are still in the denial stage I think.

Acceptance will come in a month or so.

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Pessimism among UK businesses almost doubles after EU vote - survey






This is why there is some confusion when things are 'cherry picked' which some determine to be lies. The article does say pessimism almost double at 49% but this is about the economy! pessimism about their own business outlook is only at 26% up from 16%. I wonder when looking back in history if similar movements in pessimism are recorded?

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This is why there is some confusion when things are 'cherry picked' which some determine to be lies. The article does say pessimism almost double at 49% but this is about the economy! pessimism about their own business outlook is only at 26% up from 16%. I wonder when looking back in history if similar movements in pessimism are recorded?


From my dim recollection. I have never yet seen data relating to optimism. As far back as I can remember these surveys always focus on the negative aspect ie they don't emphasise or pose the question "If 26% are pessimistic, can we assume that 74% are optimistic". IMHO British business always tends to put negative spin on the future, even in times of "easy sailing"

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Nope. I think it's absolutely hilarious that a bunch of dumb tradies have just voted themselves out of a job. I'm in the energy sector. My industry is still accessing how this will affect us. Probably put gas prices up quite considerably. Let's hope for a warm winter, or you will all be responsible for all those leaving pensioners freezing to death in their beds. Plus you won't find them till spring as there will be no care workers.


Just glad I work in a recession proof industry. Who knows, maybe I'll buy a bigger house at a knockdown price from your millionaire mates after they have voted themselves into the street. You couldn't make it up. Maybe very stormy should have gotten an a level in How not to be a donut 101!


This is fvcking hilarious!

Don't worry yourself too much about the "dumb tradies". They will be fine as always. When things get bad there is still work that needs doing and they may notionally be out of a job and claiming unemployment but they will also be doing lots of cashies and making just as much.

It's early days yet anyway mate. You say yourself that the company you're working for is still assessing how its7 going to be affected. Don't kid yourself that you are safe either, I've seen lots of people over confident recently. Including Malcom Turnbull.

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From my dim recollection. I have never yet seen data relating to optimism. As far back as I can remember these surveys always focus on the negative aspect ie they don't emphasise or pose the question "If 26% are pessimistic, can we assume that 74% are optimistic". IMHO British business always tends to put negative spin on the future, even in times of "easy sailing"


Yep! you may be on to something there Kev, pessimism is taking a front seat with approx. 48% of folk having trouble understanding how 52% can be so optimistic!

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Do you think that someone who just voted themselves out of a job and possibly out of their house is smart?


Its up to the individual how they wished to vote , to date nobody has lost their job just yet ,it may come further down the road it may not as its Un chartered territory nobody actual knows.

artical 50 has not been invoked so in reality it's the same as it was before the vote.

Just because somebody has a different view to you does not make them stupid ,dumb what ever you want to call them.

if things turn out to be a lot better in a couple of years are the remain in dumb or stupid for not wanting change no not in my book.

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to date nobody has lost their job just yet

How can you know that? Businesses may not even know that their hiring and firing decisions are based on Brexit or any other specific event. They will just take decisions based on their immediate pressures which may, or may not, have been exacerbated by the Brexit vote.

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Yep! you may be on to something there Kev, pessimism is taking a front seat with approx. 48% of folk having trouble understanding how 52% can be so optimistic!


But they're not optimistic! They're just racist thickos (albeit democratic ones) who were fed a pack of lies!:wink:

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How can you know that? Businesses may not even know that their hiring and firing decisions are based on Brexit or any other specific event. They will just take decisions based on their immediate pressures which may, or may not, have been exacerbated by the Brexit vote.



Well i I think it would be well and truly splashed all over the media for a start , and people like you would be singing from the roof tops I told you so.


its funny how you can pick me up on that small part of a sentence but in reality nobody actually knows what will and won't happen

and I have pointed out on a few post that it's only that persons opinion with no hard facts but have been shot down.

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Well i I think it would be well and truly splashed all over the media for a start , and people like you would be singing from the roof tops I told you so.


its funny how you can pick me up on that small part of a sentence but in reality nobody actually knows what will and won't happen

and I have pointed out on a few post that it's only that persons opinion with no hard facts but have been shot down.


Early days, and some are positive due to the drop in the pound. Might be worth keeping an eye on it.




I would love to be proved wrong. I did quite well out of the GFC after my redundancy. But I know many who didn't.

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Yes if the UK is not even in the WTO, that's even worse. I am becoming more pessimistic as to whether the trainwreck can be stopped. The UK government is going to argue "royal prerogative", apparently. i.e. that parliament cannot stop the process of exiting. Seems to me that Teresa May is a hard headed pragmatist and accepts that the electorate has spoken. All she can hope for now is to get the best deal possible. Suspect the Tories will have to truncate their usual process of appointing a leader too. Markets won't wait. Italian banks looking very shaky etc etc.

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Geez, who would have thought such an unimportant Country on the edge of Europe could cause such a fuss.


I know, completely unimportant.


Just the 5th biggest economy, the 4th biggest manufacturer, the biggest buyer of German manufacturing, the biggest buyer of Indian textiles, the centre of the worlds financial industry, the centre for over 90% of metal production sales, a G7 nation, a permanent member of the security council, the worlds 6th biggest military power, one of the worlds few nuclear powers.

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I know, completely unimportant.


Just the 5th biggest economy, the 4th biggest manufacturer, the biggest buyer of German manufacturing, the biggest buyer of Indian textiles, the centre of the worlds financial industry, the centre for over 90% of metal production sales, a G7 nation, a permanent member of the security council, the worlds 6th biggest military power, one of the worlds few nuclear powers.




I hope it goes well for the UK but there are verystormy (no pun intended) waters ahead and I bet it's the poorer areas that pay the highest price.

Has your aviation fuel for that chopper gone up in price yet?

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Branson has announced Virgin has already lost one third of its value. A planned expansion that would have produced thousands of jobs has been cancelled. The Japanese 20 year bond rate is now in negative territory for the first time ever. Australia's AAA credit rating downgrading to negative outlook by Standard and Poor's is not just because of domestic politics. It also reflects their assessment of a very low iron ore price - a product partly of the negative impact of Brexit on expectations of China's growth. It's an interconnected world out there. Did the Brits really think they could shoot themselves in both feet and no one would notice?

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