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Is NYE overated?


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What do people think? I thought about this today as I wonder if there's sometimes a lot of pressure to 'enjoy yourself' to the extreme and have the mother of all p**s up's, carnage etc? I'm just off round a mates for a few nibbles and drinks... Maybe I'm just getting older:biglaugh: and can't be arsed with it all...:twitcy:

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No I totally agree, If you're young/single/childless, or have older children or children who have left home then you can do a bit more, -if you want to -, but with my young children I'm not bothered about getting a babysitter just to go out on NYE. We're just having a takeaway in, couple of drinks and to be honest I prob won't even stay up til after midnight. My children are early risers, between 5 and 6 usually, so I'd rather just get the extra sleep, lol. That's my priority at the minute! :) Happy New Year though everyone ;)

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In a way I agree with 3Fcats...I get a bit emotional on NYE for her reasons.... But in the same breath I do try and enjoy it for the loved ones I have in the here and now.


Been through lots of NYE now, all different...the ones when I was young and single, the ones as part of a couple, ones I didn't do anything because I had young children...now though with the youngest at 18 we are kinda free.... But not for me standing in line to get in somewhere then having to fight 6 deep at a bar.


quite happy with the free entertainment and fireworks Perth puts on....don't need a drink to enjoy it...I dance at every opportunity..


Cant thank Perth enough for giving us a brilliant free night...

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Been quiet for quite a few years for me as it's my sons birthday New Year's Day so we have a night together on the eve, usually go away for the night in a motel as he used to go skiing in Leeds, not this year as there's a football match on NYD so just a night in.


I think it just changes as we get older. Even if not sons birthday I couldn't be doing the pub scene anymore however we initially planned doing this in Oz but came back to UK for Crimbo so feel like we're missing out!

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. Maybe I'm just getting older:biglaugh: and can't be arsed with it all...:twitcy:


I am older...and it's just another day! :biggrin: The same problems which existed on 31st December will be still with us on 1st January. And there's nothing magical about the date...NYE used to be 24th March (before 1762).


Having spent yesterday doing laps at the local pool, then whippersnipping fields of long grass, I barely made it to the "children's" fireworks at 9.30pm....was well and truly gone by midnight. :SLEEP:


(And, for those who lament the lack of long summer evenings in Oz, I noticed, while watching the early fireworks, that it still wasn't completely dark at 9.40 pm here in Hobart :biggrin:)

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Guest Guest16631

........I don't ...do......anything.....!

........usually just me in anyway....

.........but I do like to sit and think of those who are no longer with me....

.........a walk down memory lane ,and give thanks to the wonderful times I had ......

........a time of reflection ime.....

........and a time to plan ..........

...........it's what you make it......just another day......but a chance to make a few commitments.....

...........and hopefully stick with them.....!

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We went out on our own last in night for the first time ever had had a good time, but it is just another day after all and quite frankly I find fireworks a disgusting waste of money!


Don't be a party pooper.

A city has to do fireworks for its residents

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We went out on our own last in night for the first time ever had had a good time, but it is just another day after all and quite frankly I find fireworks a disgusting waste of money!

I agree, $9million just between Sydney and Melbourne. Seems an awful lot of money going up in smoke.


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I would agree.....however this year my lovely lady, persuaded/cajoled/nagged/ordered me (meaning us) do something different for NYE......so we did. We flew to Sydney, booked into a hotel, dined at Quay on Monday night and spent NYE on this.


James Craig.jpg The James Craig.......all food and drinks included and she anchored between the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge for the midnight fireworks.............what a night, spectacular, you are right in the middle of the fireworks display best NYE I have ever spent. After not really wanting to go initially I will definitely try to do this again.......I really can't begin to describe what a spectacular event this was was. Flew back to Cairns at lunchtime and back home for an afternoon beer. Sydney......you've done it again.

James Craig.jpg

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Guest The Pom Queen
We're going to try to do Sydney next year!

We want to as well but I know the place we usually stay charges over $1000 per night. I can't afford that. Would love to know how much the boats are that are docked in the harbour

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