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Ozzy Food/Drink


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I'm quite partial to some good grub and a slurp of vino or two... So I was wondering if anyone had a particular "Ozzy" food or drink they like?


Whilst most countries have a national dish or speciality i didn't find much in way of this whilst i was in Australia (despite the restaurant food being delish & the BBQ's Epic) i only really saw the offer of Kangaroo & Emu steak and a stubbie & Oyster earlybird as stereotypically Australian...


Would be nice to hear if anyone has tried anything in Australia that they haven't anywhere else?


I think the only two things i found as unique to Australia that i missed when i got back to the UK were Tim Tams & Bundaberg's Ginger Beer (Which i have hunted down here in the UK & drink in copious amounts! With a tipple of Sailor Jerry's or two :wink:)

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Snitzels (sp) seem to be an Aussie staple.


I prefer the sausages out here, especially cheese kranskies.


Lamingtons are definatly Aussie too.


I don't actually think there are many foods here that I go mad for. Maybe tuna and creamed corn pie... But there are far more pies I miss. Calamari in chip shops is great, but doesn't make up for everything they don't do.

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That's one that's passed me by. What is Chicken Salt?


It's flavoured salt (NOT chicken flavoured) that goes well with chicken (I'm told). Some fast food places put it on your chips unless you specifically ask them not to. Like marmite - you love it or you hate it

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I don't know what is in a Chico Roll but they taste great.


Mutton. Ie, old sheep.


They add lots of spices then roll in thin pastry and deep fry to disguise the old sheep taste and smell.


There is NOTHING worse than the smell of stewing mutton!


Once again, a love or hate relationship.

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Aussie meat pies. Anzac biscuits.Fresh seafood is a must ,would try snapper , barrumundi, bay bugs, mud crabs. Some more groceries I would chuck in the basket would be 2 litre chocolate breaka, Angus beef hamburgers, cheese twisties and chicken and corn schnitzels. Try them with some salsa sauce and melted cheese on top. Yep I'm hungry now.

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Fresh figs - I eat loads! I'm sure you can get them in the UK, but I never noticed. Easy to find over here when in season


Pure coconut water was easy enough to get in the UK, but ever here there's lots more brands and it's much cheaper (relatively speaking). I drink one little carton a day, sometimes 3!


And chocolate sorbet / sugar free chocolate gelato. I never saw that in the UK!

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As an aussie living in the UK the aussie food I miss are:


an aussie picnic bar ( dont like the uk ones)


sausages ( I remember coming over here and being shocked by the sausages lol)

fairy bread ( no one over here has any idea what this is and I am ashamed to say my 5yo and 1yo are yet to taste it...really need to make some)

aussie meat pies full of chunky meat not full of minced meat like the ones I seem to get over here

schnitzels - used to love chicken schnitzel sandwiches

cherry ripes

and strawberry freddo frogs.

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