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Ozzy Food/Drink


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As an aussie living in the UK the aussie food I miss are:


an aussie picnic bar ( dont like the uk ones)


sausages ( I remember coming over here and being shocked by the sausages lol)

fairy bread ( no one over here has any idea what this is and I am ashamed to say my 5yo and 1yo are yet to taste it...really need to make some)

aussie meat pies full of chunky meat not full of minced meat like the ones I seem to get over here

schnitzels - used to love chicken schnitzel sandwiches

cherry ripes

and strawberry freddo frogs.



I almost feel as though we should send you a care package but a virtual hug will have to do :hug:

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Easy. Lamingtons. Take a crap baked sponge. Roll it around any street. Buy some nasty coconut and pour over. Job done.


An Oz sausage. Take a can of pedigree chum. Pour into a condom and eat.


Pies. Take what you could not eat above / vomited and take some soggy pies with the highest amount of preservatives possible. Done.


As an aussie living in the UK the aussie food I miss are:


an aussie picnic bar ( dont like the uk ones)


sausages ( I remember coming over here and being shocked by the sausages lol)

fairy bread ( no one over here has any idea what this is and I am ashamed to say my 5yo and 1yo are yet to taste it...really need to make some)

aussie meat pies full of chunky meat not full of minced meat like the ones I seem to get over here

schnitzels - used to love chicken schnitzel sandwiches

cherry ripes

and strawberry freddo frogs.

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Easy. Lamingtons. Take a crap baked sponge. Roll it around any street. Buy some nasty coconut and pour over. Job done.


An Oz sausage. Take a can of pedigree chum. Pour into a condom and eat.


Pies. Take what you could not eat above / vomited and take some soggy pies with the highest amount of preservatives possible. Done.

Your versions sound quite appetising when compared to the real thing

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Wow. This thread has managed to show why anyone with a taste bud should avoid Oz at all costs. A monument to junk and crap


Amazing what food lazy PB's can find, no matter where they are. Grow up eating filth and they just can't break the habit

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Your versions sound quite appetising when compared to the real thing


Food lazy poms, which is most of 'em, are hard to understand in a land with more amazing, organic produce than anywhere else. That miniscule mentality I guess gained from a miniscule land.

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Oooo i miss buying fresh mango from this little old guy at the side of the road and just scooping it out for brekkie.... i agree the seafood is awesome, except the oysters...they didn't go down to well...well they didn't go down at all...;-)

"He was a bold man who first ate an oyster"......Johnathan Swift

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Cherry Ripe's and cheese Twisties :jiggy:


Oh yes! Especially the dark chocolate Cherry Ripes!


As for Cheese Twisties, my favourite snack back in my Canadian youth was something called "Cheezies" and Cheese Twisties are the closest thing I've ever found to those memories.

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Coffin Bay oysters, Balmain bugs, crayfish (Tassie ones), barramundi. Hate chico rolls, hate fairy bread and not keen on lamingtons, too boring and bad for you anyway. Pavlova seems to have more or less disappeared now that people are more aware of how sugary and sweet it is but there seems to be a lot more and different salads than the old lettuce and tomato- often with macadamia nuts , cranberries etc. I think we've changed significantly over the last 15 years or so and most BBQs are a lot more healthy than they used to be. Sure Maccas is still popular as well as Hungry Chucks and Kentucky Fried Heartattacks but people also love the Middle Eastern and Asian foods just as much - plus the good old Greek and Italian and Spanish cuisine. Sushi and sashimi are also big- 15 years ago not the case.

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Coffin Bay oysters, Balmain bugs, crayfish (Tassie ones), barramundi. Hate chico rolls, hate fairy bread and not keen on lamingtons, too boring and bad for you anyway. Pavlova seems to have more or less disappeared now that people are more aware of how sugary and sweet it is but there seems to be a lot more and different salads than the old lettuce and tomato- often with macadamia nuts , cranberries etc. I think we've changed significantly over the last 15 years or so and most BBQs are a lot more healthy than they used to be. Sure Maccas is still popular as well as Hungry Chucks and Kentucky Fried Heartattacks but people also love the Middle Eastern and Asian foods just as much - plus the good old Greek and Italian and Spanish cuisine. Sushi and sashimi are also big- 15 years ago not the case.


Whoever invented lamingtons should be summarily shot!

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Most seafood. I used to like jabob's creek claret - but haven't seen it for years. Really cheap but really good value. They must be calling it something else.


They don't call any wines "claret" any more - I think if you find a JC Shiraz Cabernet blend you should be pretty close though. All the wines are now labelled with their grape varieties.

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Banrock Station White Shiraz.

Mint slices.

Seedless watermelon (not strictly Aussie, but no so easy to source in the the UK).


Have you tried the honey (also seedless) watermelon? Same as the red stuff but it's yellow and really tasty - they sometimes have it at Tony and Marks in Newton. Absolutely gorgeous.

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Most seafood. I used to like jabob's creek claret - but haven't seen it for years. Really cheap but really good value. They must be calling it something else.


Jacobs Creek is the crap they ship over to England coz Aussies wouldn't be seen dead drinking it. A bit like Fosters then.

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Theres not many Aussie branded foods I would rave about. Cheeses, wine, fresh meat, fruit, veg and seafood are excellent, ice cream and yoghurts are better than in the Uk but most of the processed food here is just as bad or worse than the UK. I hated lamingtons - just a giant block of stale sponge covered in stale coconut. Vegemite tastes like marmite that has gone off. Chicken Parma - old shoe leather deep fried. Aussie cream - even the fresh stuff tastes like squirty cream from an aerosol can, Pavlova is what I imagine Polyfilla tastes like and Red Rooster is the worst fast food i have ever eaten and Aussie meat pies are on a level with Greggs the Baker.


One thing that I have done since moving to Oz is making more of my own food from fresh ingredients that I never did in the UK - pasties, pies, proper Victorian sponges, scones, clotted cream, Thai and other non-Indian curries, sushi, lamb, chutneys, barbies, salads, anything with prawns and going out for breakfast at the weekend, although I could kill for black pudding and Staffordshire oatcakes.

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Yeah, Jacobs Creek, Wolf Blass, Penfolds etc. is commercially mass produced and exported around the world. They are the most popular 'everyday' wines in Australia as well as they are generally cheap and of reasonable quality. There is an excellent winery in Victoria, Mitchelton wines, which is now owned by the big multinational corporation Lion Nathan and therefore commercially mass produced and exported (I assume) as well.


In Australia there are wineries absolutely everywhere and many people just drive up to the cellar door and buy the local stuff which is similar I guess to other major wine producing countries like France, Italy, Spain etc. In restaurants they usually have international wines, Australian wines from other states/regions etc. and 'local' wines (from the immediate area) on the wine list.


No one in Australia ever considers lamingtons to be some sort of complex delicacy, all they are is commercial sponge cake rolled in chocolate icing and coconut, often cut in half and spread with jam and/or cream. They are something to have with a cup of tea or coffee and that's just about it.


Australian meat pies are usually filled with mince meat and gravy when they are sold commercially and in most local bakeries, a significant minority have diced beef in them though.


I have never been a fan of Chico rolls, they are bland IMO and the 'pastry' around them is a weird chewy texture and flavour. Fairy bread is just white bread with butter/margarine and sprinkled with confectionary (sprinkles or hundreds and thousands). Anyone can make it if they want as obviously these ingredients are widely available worldwide.


Cherry ripes and Tim Tams are very nice to the point that they have developed a bit of an international reputation. Kangaroo meat is absolutely horrible IMO. The only reason it is in any way popular in Australia is because it is a very healthy alternative to beef and also because it can be farmed with very little impact on the native environment (as opposed to cattle, lamb etc.)

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In Australia there are wineries absolutely everywhere and many people just drive up to the cellar door and buy the local stuff which is similar I guess to other major wine producing countries like France, Italy, Spain etc.


Not everywhere....very few in Queensland close to where most people live.....and Australian wine is not cheap to buy....not if it is any good

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Agree that there's some great fresh produce in Aus. Also agree that, Tim Tams aside, the processed / manufactured stuff is fairly bland / mediocre. The one thing that really annoys me over here is it seems to be the only country in the world that doesn't understand that great bread is the cornerstone of any meal. It is ridiculous that you're eating stunning seafood or meat with lovely, fresh salads and wonderful wines and you get handed a partly stale, unbuttered slice of white sliced bread. Just ruins it.

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