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Everything posted by Acidglitter

  1. It all depends on my o/h job so it's all hanging in the balance at the mo, but when it happens we expect it to be quick,so trying to get myself prepared! xx
  2. Awww gosh! I couldn't imagine having to do that! But obv you did what you had to and at least you know they will be well cared for. Our plan is to leave our dogs with my parents over here for 6 months until we get settled in over in Oz then look at getting them shipped over, i am concerned about the flight but they are only young so i imagine it might just be a little disorientating, must be more stressful on older dogs i'd imagine. Really nervous about it actually!
  3. Can i just ask, what sedatives do pet dogs normally get given when flying? We have two minature schnauzers and i was under the impression none could be given so i was initally worried about how anxious they might be on the flight..
  4. Sorry to hear how down you are feeling since emigrating, it's a massive change in lifestyle that you have made so you are bound to have a few wobbles, which i believe is only natural. Sometimes i think it's easy to think the grass is greener on the other side, no matter where in the world we are, idealizing a place/life can offer hope and a form of escapism from everyday life, but making the actual change in reality is often very different...:unsure: I read something the other day which i think kind of sums up for me, some of the unusual feelings people might experience when emigrating, it's just distinguishing between what is home sickness and what is a real, genuine desire to return to the UK before deciding to act on it... "When we make a change, it's so easy to interpret our unsettledness as unhappiness, and our unhappiness as the result of having made the wrong decision. Our mental and emotional states fluctuate madly when we make big changes in our lives, and some days we could tight-rope across Manhattan, and other days we are too weary to clean our teeth. This is normal. This is natural. This is change." Hopefully you don't have to make such another big decision so soon? i'd say take some more time before you make any definite decisions, hope things work out for you & your family.
  5. Goodluck! Hope you enjoy your new life down under...
  6. Thanks for sharing your experience, i have found it helpful as we are in the process of emigrating and already (despite having my family/friends full support) i am beginning to wonder how i am actually going to feel once i have emigrated and leaving my parents behind who may well need me more in the years to come...I'm sure most people can identify with the things you have written and for those of us about to emigrate it's good to hear an honest account of someone's motives for wanting to return to the UK. Good luck with your future whether it be in Oz or the UK, i'm sure you will follow your instinct.
  7. Good Q, I think i would be a little embarrassed to return after 6 months and i think i'd feel like i hadn't give it my best shot but it depends on the circumstance. I know my friends and family are really supportive though so i know they would understand, as long as i was making the decision for myself and it would make me happy then i think i'd ignore what other people thought about it and just go with what i felt was best for me and my future.
  8. Exciting news...good luck! Hope your little pooches are all ready too xx
  9. I have to admit when i was in Oz...i lost weight and felt healthier but i did more outdoor things and the weather helped, i also think i was more self conscious at having to wear more revealing clothes opposed to layering up...i did feel like there was a Maccy D's on every corner in Oz though...good job i don't like them much so steered clear or i could have piled the pounds on!
  10. Indeed you're right, i think i am a little bit of a nomad at heart...i'm sure i'll know if it;s right for me and if not...next!
  11. I think when people emigrate it's hard to say it's "forever" as most go on a temp long stay working visa so there is always that element of things not working out from a career perspective that could affect how long you stay. ​For me and my o/h we do intend to make the move with the idea of it being permanent (work permitting) but there is also the aspect of settling in...missing friends & family back home etc. I think you can have every intention of making Oz your perm home, but i don't think you can ever say for how long before emigrating...different things draw different people back to their roots etc. I'm going to keep an open mind and see what happens, but in that same breath...i aren't going with the pre-thought that i will return to the UK "someday"either but i think that could make it infinitely harder to settle.
  12. ...If you are emigrating with the view that you will work less hours for more pay, have more holidays and spend all your days down the beach, if you think the sun always shines...etc etc. But i also think some people go to run away from the problems life throw at them back in the UK thinking they won't face the same problems in Oz... and sooner or later it is bound to catch up with them. Most aren't naive enough to think emigrating to Oz is going to fix all their problems, and for me, it's nice to seem optimism in those who are hopeful that Oz could offer them a different, more positive life way of life. Everyone's reasons for emigrating are different, i agree with Bromney...no one reason is universally right or wrong...
  13. i'm looking forward to BBQ's and lots of them...we BBQ a lot over in the UK already...first bit of Sun and the coals are on! But it'll be different to venture to the beach often and throw some snags on the barbie!! I am looking forward to the sunshine...scuba diving....learning to surf...just overall generally experiencing life in another country...
  14. I have two friends that have both had double mastectomies and i just cannot imagine how you would even begin to deal with that situation, never been a major Angelina Jolie fan but i think her courage and strength will be inspiring to others.
  15. Acidglitter

    Aussie goodies

    I have no idea what chicken salt tastes like...and it sounds wrong to put it on yer fish & chips! I just remembered today - not really Aussie goods...but i used to love going to pieface! There's not really anything like that over in the UK...
  16. I would maybe set your sights a little lower to start with and look for something casual/ temp to start with as like someone else mentioned, it's often easier to get a job when you're already in one, strange as it sounds! Wish you the best of luck! Hope you find something soon, keep positive
  17. Acidglitter

    Pics please!

    I have some Oz Pics in my albums on here but here's a few i took and edited, Sydney/Melbourne/Great Ocean Road...
  18. Acidglitter

    12 Apostles

    thanks chick, i''m a bit happy snappy with the camera ! :)
  19. Candygirl - that's fantastic thank you!!
  20. Oh crikey...i best get googling...! Thanks for your advice!
  21. Oh lordy, where to even begin... I literally have no clue, i intend to spend my day researching the various shipping options but any bits of advice would be welcomed! We don't have much furniture to take... but i was hoping to get a container to take personal/sentimental items and some new bits and bobs i want to take but realise there may be restrictions on these?:unsure:
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