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Just Outrageous!!


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I don't think I've ever started a thread before but just had a call from a friend in UK telling me how 'outrageous' it was that an Aussie radio show called the hospital where Kate Middleton is pretending to be the queen!


Her words..'it's all over the news and some heads are rolling....'


Ive done a quick google search and from what I've seen it was totally hilarious and good on em for getting away with it, what's the problem? I've belly laughed, it's totally hilarious and I for one say what's the blooming problem???

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To be honest I don't know too much about the story just had my mate ranting on about it being bad! I hope the nurse survives, we all make mistakes! I didn't think of the issues and yes you are quits right, illegal, but I suppose the royals being high profile are always going to be a target. I hope the nurse gets a little bit of support we all make mistakes and I'm sure she felt under tremendous pressure,

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There's another thread on this and generally people on that one aren't that impressed nor think it was particularly funny. The nurse could at worst get suspended or lose her job altogether for breech of confidentiality, she will then find it difficult to get other jobs as she will have to disclose her suspension/sacking and what it was for.


Whilst dealing with the prank call, relatives of genuine patients wishing to speak to staff would be unable to do so.


The hospital will no doubt review their policies but the scapegoat for the prank will probably be the poor nurse who answered the phone.

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I didn't think it was funny, think the presenters should be fairly ashamed of themselves.


Think they sounded fairly unconvincing as the Queen - but that poor nurse sounded quite young and probably had in the back of her mind - "but what if it IS her?" she'd have been scared to death.

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TBH I think the whole thing is being blown out of proportion.. If the Royal Family themselves can laugh about it (as per media reports) then surely there is no real concern or damage done.. All its really done is highlighted a 'blip' in the hospital security system.


Cal x

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TBH I think the whole thing is being blown out of proportion.. If the Royal Family themselves can laugh about it (as per media reports) then surely there is no real concern or damage done.. All its really done is highlighted a 'blip' in the hospital security system.


Cal x


Actually some harm may come to the nurses career, Breeching confidentaility is a big thing. If it were one of the staff at our hopspital, I can assure you that it would be a very big deal and that the least that would happen is that the nurse would receive a councelling record.

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Legally it was privillaged information obtained by deception and the nurse can lose her career over it. Confidentiality is a huge issue.

So no laughing matter for her.

William and Kate may sue those who phoned as it was a gross violation of their privacy.

So whilst very funny in theory, in practice the ramifications are huge.

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Im not sure William would be suing when there are reports and pics of his father laughing about it. I havent watched or listened to the clip (most seem to have disabled), but is this a hospital the RF regually use ? If so, then the staff should surely be trained/ briefed on giving out information over the phone. I know ive always found it hard to get info when i used to ring about my Dad or Nan and we are just everyday Joe Bloggs people.

One report said 2 more radio presenters were in the background and 'barking' pretending to be the Queens corgi's, im only going off what ive read in media articles and reader comments and tbh it reads like it may be the wake up call the hospital and its bosses needed so they can adjust their security policys and i guess we need to be thankful it was meant as a harmless prank and not some nutcase psyco stalker looking to harm Kate. Im not agreeing with what they did, i guess i'm more 'not surprised' at the media for blowing it out of proportion, it will be a shame if a nurse loses her job because of what seems to be a lack of training.


Cal x

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I think it was an ill advised prank that went further than they expected. They thought they would be felled at the first hurdle but weren't which is entirely the hospital's fault.

I listened to the call and I noticed that the nurse seemed to think it was the Queen beforehand - like the operator had told her it was. Maybe she thought the security had already been done so the failure was at the operator's end?

I think the fault is with the security protocols at the hospital

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Im not sure William would be suing when there are reports and pics of his father laughing about it. I havent watched or listened to the clip (most seem to have disabled), but is this a hospital the RF regually use ? If so, then the staff should surely be trained/ briefed on giving out information over the phone. I know ive always found it hard to get info when i used to ring about my Dad or Nan and we are just everyday Joe Bloggs people.

One report said 2 more radio presenters were in the background and 'barking' pretending to be the Queens corgi's, im only going off what ive read in media articles and reader comments and tbh it reads like it may be the wake up call the hospital and its bosses needed so they can adjust their security policys and i guess we need to be thankful it was meant as a harmless prank and not some nutcase psyco stalker looking to harm Kate. Im not agreeing with what they did, i guess i'm more 'not surprised' at the media for blowing it out of proportion, it will be a shame if a nurse loses her job because of what seems to be a lack of training.


Cal x


It isn't just about security policy but the nurse upholding the code of conduct which identifies confidentiality, and that a nurse will be held accountable for any action or omission. If thought severe enough they could lose their registration ... lets hope not as it would yet again be a nurse being made a scapegoat.

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I'm sure nothing will happen to the nurse. They wouldn't want the bad publicity.

But it may be positive in the end as the hospital will need to revisit their policies and training for the nursing staff in how to handle these situations.


Tricky thing will be when the Queen really does ring, how do they know it is her ?

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I don't think it is partcularly funny but I don't think it was outrageous either, well not on the part of the radio show hosts. Pretty incredible that they got through so easily. I haven't listened to it but saw a truncated transcript and the deails given sounded pretty harmless.

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I had it on the radio in the back ground, so heard it before I realised exactly what it was.


I knew it was about William and Kate, but didn't realise until the end if it, when it was talked out, that they were pretending to be the queen. She sounded nothing like the queen, and if I heard right she was asking about her grand daughter. I would have assumed it was her actual grandma from the call had I been the nurse.

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I don't think it was particularly funny - 'funny' needs to be 'witty' or 'clever' for me & this was neither.....

A bit childish really - it's a shame radio presenters can't be witty enough without resorting to 'playing pretend'.... & I don't like phone jokes - it always ends in tears.... it's been done to death.....

BUT - if anything it's shown up the lax security practices at the hospital - whether or not the nurse thought security had already been done - really bad security.....


As for Charles laughing it off ?

Trying to be 'cool' about it ?

Too little far too late - and when did he ever get his priorities right anyway !

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sorry but if you genuinly thought it was the Queen phoning, you'd feel like you'd have to tell about kate wouldn't you? If the Queen actually did phone it'd be awkward saying 'sorry, i know you're the queen but we still can't give out info'. Not excusing what the nurse did but you'd be in a weird and awkward situation.

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Of course it's funny....just not actually legal, the problem being the nurse spilled the beans more than the presenters pretending to be someone. That hospital staff are idiots for actually thinking the royal family would phone in....


Htf do you know the queen does not ring up , are you in the royal security , , the nurses reaction wasn't surprise , members of the royal family are human , they use communicating devices eg phones

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Guest Guest26012

As I said on the other thread, the nurse in question will be so mortified! As nurses, we are not allowed to divulge any confidential info to anyone on the phone! Relatives sometimes get angry with us but that's how it is! I don't think I would have fallen for it to be honest but maybe the nurse was a junior who was a tad inexperienced? Don't know but feel quite sorry for her! I think the royals will have laughed it off and wouldn't want any action against the nurse! She just needs a gentle reminder of the protocols!

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Guest Guest26012
Htf do you know the queen does not ring up , are you in the royal security , , the nurses reaction wasn't surprise , members of the royal family are human , they use communicating devices eg phones


I don't think for one minute the royals would call and go through a switchboard etc! They would surely have their own direct private line, or mobiles always work!

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