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Just Outrageous!!


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Some say " blood on their hands " is too critical a statement , that it was "just a prank " , that the radio presenters meant it to be a "joke " ... BS I say ... This is a result of a rubbish radio station employing presenters who think they have free rein to say and do what they like with impunity . If the station management had any balls what so ever , they would have sacked Kyle Sandilands months ago , but no , they set a presitent and gave the message that its OK to go on air and say what ever . Now two other presenters go down the same path and look what has happened . My heart is heavy , and my thoughts go out to the dear family of that precious departed angel ... Shame on the radio station , the presenters and anyone who tries to excuse their demonic actions ..

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Some say " blood on their hands " is too critical a statement , that it was "just a prank " , that the radio presenters meant it to be a "joke " ... BS I say ... This is a result of a rubbish radio station employing presenters who think they have free rein to say and do what they like with impunity . If the station management had any balls what so ever , they would have sacked Kyle Sandilands months ago , but no , they set a presitent and gave the message that its OK to go on air and say what ever . Now two other presenters go down the same path and look what has happened . My heart is heavy , and my thoughts go out to the dear family of that precious departed angel ... Shame on the radio station , the presenters and anyone who tries to excuse their demonic actions ..


You missed the hospital management, shame on them for not having correct procedures in place to protect their staff. This poor lady mustve felt awful about what happened so IMO they are as guilty as the ones who made the call.


As for Radio Stations making prank calls, was it not Steve Pelk who used to do the prank calls on his daily show?


Cal x

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You missed the hospital management, shame on them for not having correct procedures in place to protect their staff. This poor lady mustve felt awful about what happened so IMO they are as guilty as the ones who made the call.


As for Radio Stations making prank calls, was it not Steve Pelk who used to do the prank calls on his daily show?


Cal x



I agree the hospital should have procedures in place in this event , they may well have had them , time will tell come coronial inquest time , and we shouldn't speculate . As for sharing the guilt , I disagree , the hospital didn't make the call and as I said there may have been procedures in situ .

Perhaps I live in cave , but I've never heard of Steve Pelk , so I can't comment there . I have heard of Kyle Sandilands though , and his radio prank calls , which just so happens to be from the same radio station as the one in question now , coincidence or what ? There will always be jokes and pranks in society , in fact life would be boring without them ,the question is , where do we draw the line ? ... Clearly these two radio presenters crossed that line , and in my opinion should have lots of free time in the future to ponder on their actions ..


Dave C

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You missed the hospital management, shame on them for not having correct procedures in place to protect their staff. This poor lady mustve felt awful about what happened so IMO they are as guilty as the ones who made the call.


As for Radio Stations making prank calls, was it not Steve Pelk who used to do the prank calls on his daily show?


Cal x


What procedures to protect their staff? You expect someone on reception to put you through to a ward - I ring hospital switch boards every day and expect to be put through to the ward/dept i'm asking for


Regarding confidentiality - the hospital will have a policy regarding policy as does the NMC Code of conduct which hightlights maintaining confidentiality so there would have been policy/procedure in place.

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This is where the hospital policy fell down Ali,,,

This poor lady wasnt on reception, she just happened to be in the vicinty when it rang (at 5.30am) and answered the call as the recptionist wasnt there, she didnt ask who it was or any security questions,, the hoaxer just asked for her 'grandaughter,Kate' whilst people in the background pretended to 'Bark like dogs'. Now surely a trained receptionist ,knowing royalty are on site, would've / should've been trained (or in the least briefed) in how to and what to say if a call came through for a member of the royal family or any other VIP .


Royalty visit anywere and its a mass security issue, lots of extra police, security etc,, it seems the hospital let its staff down on this occasion. They know this, as they have now '' reviewed phone call security'. I also think the hospital spokesman blaming it on ' Human Error' didnt help this ladys feelings, one can only presume if the top dog held his hands up in the first place and said ''our cock up, security wasnt tight enough;this nurse wasnt briefed on what to do'', then this poor nurse would still be alive today.


Cal x

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I agree the hospital should have procedures in place in this event , they may well have had them , time will tell come coronial inquest time , and we shouldn't speculate . As for sharing the guilt , I disagree , the hospital didn't make the call and as I said there may have been procedures in situ .

Perhaps I live in cave , but I've never heard of Steve Pelk , so I can't comment there . I have heard of Kyle Sandilands though , and his radio prank calls , which just so happens to be from the same radio station as the one in question now , coincidence or what ? There will always be jokes and pranks in society , in fact life would be boring without them ,the question is , where do we draw the line ? ... Clearly these two radio presenters crossed that line , and in my opinion should have lots of free time in the future to ponder on their actions ..


Dave C


Sorry Dave , my mistake (its been a while since i was in the UK listening to him / the radio station) this is Steve Penk (not Pelk)


- http://www.soundboard.com/sb/Steve_Penk_wind_up


Cal x

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This is where the hospital policy fell down Ali,,,

This poor lady wasnt on reception, she just happened to be in the vicinty when it rang (at 5.30am) and answered the call as the recptionist wasnt there, she didnt ask who it was or any security questions,, the hoaxer just asked for her 'grandaughter,Kate' whilst people in the background pretended to 'Bark like dogs'. Now surely a trained receptionist ,knowing royalty are on site, would've / should've been trained (or in the least briefed) in how to and what to say if a call came through for a member of the royal family or any other VIP .


Royalty visit anywere and its a mass security issue, lots of extra police, security etc,, it seems the hospital let its staff down on this occasion. They know this, as they have now '' reviewed phone call security'. I also think the hospital spokesman blaming it on ' Human Error' didnt help this ladys feelings, one can only presume if the top dog held his hands up in the first place and said ''our cock up, security wasnt tight enough;this nurse wasnt briefed on what to do'', then this poor nurse would still be alive today.


Cal x


Cal, that's an intelligent post. Hospital mgmt were MIA. Blaming the DJ's is an easy cop out

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The DJs arent faultless Wendee, but what was intended as an harmless phone prank as backfired and highlighted a few 'eyebrow raising concerns' about the hospital security en route, IMO. Prank Calls to the famous have been going for years the Queen , Prime Minster etc have all recieved them before now. Unfortunately the media blew this one up out of proportion and its seriously backfired. Hence i feel there is no one single person to blame ,there is quite a few.


Cal x

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You are correct Cal .. There is chain of events that caused this tragic event , however , had the two radio presenters not made the call in the first place , the chain wouldn't have started and hence , no tragedy .. I feel the blame rests heavily on the presenters shoulders . Sadly their level of intelligence may not allow them to realize .

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You are correct Cal .. There is chain of events that caused this tragic event , however , had the two radio presenters not made the call in the first place , the chain wouldn't have started and hence , no tragedy .. I feel the blame rests heavily on the presenters shoulders . Sadly their level of intelligence may not allow them to realize .


I think at the end of the day you know a prank is at someones expense and this one had a tragic outcome due to the pressure the person was put under.

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The two presenters must feel awful about this and wish they had never done it in the first place. What was actually quite amusing has had tragic results. Very sad all round.



Typical unfunny Australian humour I would call it ..what makes it even more disgusting is the fact that it now appears that the call was not live , it was a pre recorded call which was retransmitted . The radio station managers should be held accountable too as it was their decision to transmit the prank . There was plenty of time to concider the consequences, it was not a spontaneous act . Sorry starlight , there was absolutely nothing even remotely funny about the call ..

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Typical unfunny Australian humour I would call it ..what makes it even more disgusting is the fact that it now appears that the call was not live , it was a pre recorded call which was retransmitted . The radio station managers should be held accountable too as it was their decision to transmit the prank . There was plenty of time to concider the consequences, it was not a spontaneous act . Sorry starlight , there was absolutely nothing even remotely funny about the call ..


I can't get my head around why someone would prank call a hospital in the first place

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Guest Carpy58
You missed the hospital management, shame on them for not having correct procedures in place to protect their staff. This poor lady mustve felt awful about what happened so IMO they are as guilty as the ones who made the call.


As for Radio Stations making prank calls, was it not Steve Pelk who used to do the prank calls on his daily show?


Cal x

Normal australian humour. Witless and crass, what do you expect from this small little infantile island. Geographically it is exactly where it should be. Miles from civilisation.


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Normal australian humour. Witless and crass, what do you expect from this small little infantile island. Geographically it is exactly where it should be. Miles from civilisation.



If Australia is small what do you call an insignificant little pimple like blighty?

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Normal australian humour. Witless and crass, what do you expect from this small little infantile island. Geographically it is exactly where it should be. Miles from civilisation.



I think that Cal was making the point that Steve Penk the UK DJ used to do this in all the time ... so are they just copying normal British humour .. Witless and Crass?


Welcome to PIO by the way - I notice it's your first post.

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All this is way over the top, as I said before people do these sorts of things all the time. I have done so in my work, if we want information, we will try to weedle it out of people. Private investigators, journalists, law firms, debt collectors, many many people delving for information. People who steal identities. I have had it done to me from time to time. Goodness me we have just had the News of the World disappear, its not a new thing.


This poor lady just put the call through she was not the nurse who gave the info so what is going on here.


I feel very sad that our world has become such a nasty place that someone makes a mistake or error of judgement and social media goes mad. Just shows that there is no forgiveness anymore, what's that all about .

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Normal australian humour. Witless and crass, what do you expect from this small little infantile island. Geographically it is exactly where it should be. Miles from civilisation.



I thought Australia was the biggest island in the world.

Slightly bigger than your puny little thing.

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It started with a gross invasion of privacy, how anyone can find that harmless and amusing is beyond me, and it would never have been played on a U.K radio station.


The UK were doing prank calls long before this, not all poms are angels you know,lol - this guy was one of the 'masters' of prank calling - http://uk.news.yahoo.com/kate-prank-call-could-end-radio-wind-ups-195206017.html


Cal x

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