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Just Outrageous!!


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Playing devils advocate...


If I'd been involved in this exploit, I certainly wouldn't have expected to speak to any nurses. An expensive private hospital with a future Queen of England as a patient? I'd expect to get a dedicated PR person. If any party to this should be humiliated it should be the hospital itself for having the inadequacy of their out of hours phone system shown up.


Put it this way...if you phoned 10 Downing Street out of hours, would you expect to get a cleaner who would transfer you to an office junior who starts to brief you on the latest developments in finding chemical weapons in Syria? No, there would be a system in place--maybe a 24 hour switchboard or at least a recorded announcement with an emergency contact number.


I might agree with you if this had been a live broadcast, but it wasn't, it was recorded, reviewed and repeated over and over again, regardless of the possible consequences, yes the hospital did make mistakes but 2Day took a positive decision to broadcast, and to be honest to suggest that the hospital or the British press (who are the lowest of the low) share the same level of culpability as the radio station is laughable.

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As the OP I set up this thread after hearing about what sounded to me to be a hilarious prank, it was meant to be a bit of a jokey thread and I suspected there would be a 'those that thought it was funny/those that didn't' debate. I definitely wasn't thinking of the implications to the nurses involved in terms of code of conduct issues and I absolutely NEVER EVER imagined the ultimate tragedy this story would become. obviously as this has all unfolded I've had many different thoughts and lots of the comments posted on this thread have been very thought provoking and have certainly made me see things differently, thank you to everyone who has contributed.

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"......Least we're not a bunch of whingers....."


Oh please let's not turn this into an 'Aussie' versus 'Brits' slanging match......that certainly wasn't the intention of the OP & the OP has gone to the trouble of stating that....

Many of us have different opinions of what constitutes 'humour' & many interesting points have been raised.....including a few snarls & expletive-bleeps....

It's understandable that some of the comments have been strongly worded - shot from the hip - or posted from a feeling of sad exasperation - but that's OK.....it's all acceptable as such....


But to reduce any particular opinion stance to 'whingeing' is a little disrespectful....given the unfolding tragedy of it all......


To be honest I feel everything's been said - there's nothing much more to add - it's awful....tragic & nothing any of us think or say will make it 'righter' or 'wronger'......

Sniping at each other certainly isn't going to help anyone or anything.... :no:

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The whole thing is just awful. The chain of events to me is staggering.....a week ago a woman was in the early stages of pregancy and feeling really ill but nobody knew about it, down the road a nurse was going about her duties at work and on the otherside of the world 2 radio presenters were doing their job too...... I didn't agree with what they did at the time as I found the whole thing rather crass but the chain of events is tragic and to me as I said completely staggering.

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