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Everything posted by paulhand

  1. Which is a pretty reasonable cost to get some expert advice on a visa process that may total to in excess of $100,000 for both your parents. Much of the information you requested is on the Home Affairs website.
  2. Broadly speaking: “For the purpose of awarding partner points, the nominated occupation of the partner (that is, spouse or de facto partner) must be on the Occupation List(s) applicable to the point-tested visa that the primary applicant has applied for. A suitable skills assessment must have been obtained [by the partner] at time of invitation but is not subject to the time periods prescribed in Schedule 2 and which apply to the primary applicant. This means that a suitable skills assessment obtained more than three years prior to the date of invitation can be accepted for this criterion.” I’d suggest you seek a professional opinion based on your specific circumstances to ensure any EOI is correct.
  3. It’s down to the tasks undertaken rather than the job title. He will be the best judge of that from this: https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs%40.nsf/Product+Lookup/9103286E6963E811CA257B9500131156?opendocument
  4. A$ 4240 is the fee payable to the Australian government for the visa application for the main applicant as mentioned. There are additional visa application charges for each applicant. The agent’s fees are separate and will vary by firm. I do have a higher charge if there are additional applicants as there is more work involved.
  5. When all else fails, read the manual: https://www.tradesrecognitionaustralia.gov.au/download/169/migration-skills-assessment-applicant-guidelines/483/migration-skills-assessment-applicant-guidelines/pdf/en
  6. From the Home Affairs website: ”Closely-related occupations must be: in the same ANZSCO Unit Group or consistent with a career advancement pathway or recognised by an assessing authority that it is closely related to your nominated occupation, as part of your skills assessment”
  7. Just get on the plane and arrive … actually entering will be the biggest anticlimax after all the waiting!!
  8. It’s theoretically possible, but pretty unlikely.
  9. I have been seeing the same … the PayPal option seems to be working fine.
  10. You need to do an online application in your immi account.
  11. I’m sure your agent can supply a checklist - it’s pretty much the first thing I give my clients. There’s also a decent amount of information on the Department’s website under the step-by-step section of the visa details: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/visa-listing/skilled-nominated-190#HowTo
  12. As Ali says above … but they will make their own assessment of the likely costs, whatever your consultant says.
  13. The initial flag to undertake medical is automatic. You will still get asked ‘manually’ if you haven’t done them when they come to assess the application. Whether it’s worth front loading the medical will depend on your view as to processing times vs cost vs speed of decision.
  14. No, there isn't, if you are eligible and have a sponsoring employer.
  15. Applications are processed in the order listed. If you do not have a “Health care or teaching occupation” then you will fall into the third category.
  16. Not an easy question to answer. It doesn’t ‘jeopardise’ your eligibility but can make things more complex if you then leave a long gap.
  17. “will cease” - “cancel” means something different (and not good) in an immigration context.
  18. That’s all good … the186 has replaced the visitor visa. You can check on VEVO.
  19. It's All digital now, so much quicker.
  20. I usually find it easier just to comply with these types of (not uncommon) spurious requests rather than try and push back. A new AFP check is $42 and only takes a couple of days to receive back.
  21. All periods claimed must be in your nominated or a “closely related” skilled occupation. Under departmental policy “closely related skilled occupations are those occupations that fall within one unit group classified under ANZSCO. For example, if an applicant’s nominated occupation is Accountant (General) (221111) and the applicant has provided evidence of skilled employment in the occupations of Management Accountant (221112) and Taxation Accountant (221113), decision makers should consider these periods of employment as closely related for the purpose of awarding points.“
  22. Hi, My visa 155 is expiring in Nov 2022 and I haven't live in australia for 2 years in last 5 years. But, Currently i am in Australia and will complete my 2 years requirement in July 2023. I am planning to go overseas in July 2023. Can I apply 155 visa in July 2023 or I have to apply before it expire in Nov 2022? I believe PR visa generally not expire just travel facility is expired.Do I will get 5 yrs visa if I wait and apply? Because if I apply in Nov 2022 I may get only 12 months visa. Can you please advice? TIA. Your RRV will not expire as long as you remain onshore. If you are sure you will have no need to travel, you can wait until you qualify for the 5 year one. “Because if I apply in Nov 2022 I may get only 12 months visa“ - will not “may”
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