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Everything posted by paulhand

  1. I usually find it easier just to comply with these types of (not uncommon) spurious requests rather than try and push back. A new AFP check is $42 and only takes a couple of days to receive back.
  2. All periods claimed must be in your nominated or a “closely related” skilled occupation. Under departmental policy “closely related skilled occupations are those occupations that fall within one unit group classified under ANZSCO. For example, if an applicant’s nominated occupation is Accountant (General) (221111) and the applicant has provided evidence of skilled employment in the occupations of Management Accountant (221112) and Taxation Accountant (221113), decision makers should consider these periods of employment as closely related for the purpose of awarding points.“
  3. Hi, My visa 155 is expiring in Nov 2022 and I haven't live in australia for 2 years in last 5 years. But, Currently i am in Australia and will complete my 2 years requirement in July 2023. I am planning to go overseas in July 2023. Can I apply 155 visa in July 2023 or I have to apply before it expire in Nov 2022? I believe PR visa generally not expire just travel facility is expired.Do I will get 5 yrs visa if I wait and apply? Because if I apply in Nov 2022 I may get only 12 months visa. Can you please advice? TIA. Your RRV will not expire as long as you remain onshore. If you are sure you will have no need to travel, you can wait until you qualify for the 5 year one. “Because if I apply in Nov 2022 I may get only 12 months visa“ - will not “may”
  4. If you have an agent I can’t give you immigration advice … but you should check the ABN is actually still active as they do automatically cancel them after a couple of years of inactivity.
  5. Their bridging visa is also now gone … you need to get them back and then apply for another one. As suggested above, I would get some professional help.
  6. You will get a bridging visa to enable you to stay until your 191 is granted.
  7. You can see if/when the medicals have “cleared” by checking your immi account under the health section. You won’t get details (but, to be frank, I have never actually had anyone ask the clinic for copies).
  8. It’s open to them to request it anyway. It’s $42 and done completely online, so, personally I’d just include it.
  9. Google is useful… try “[state] settlement funds requirement”
  10. Item At the time of invitation to apply for the visa, the applicant had completed ... Number of points 6D61 a professional year in Australia in: (a) the applicant’s nominated skilled occupation; or (b) a closely related skilled occupation; for a period totalling at least 12 months in the 48 months immediately before that time 5
  11. I think it would be much better to get some urgent professional advice as to the best way forward, based on a proper understanding of the circumstances.
  12. No you can’t and you will need to start again with a new EOI.
  13. Once the visa is granted then no, but check the website for the state that you want to nominate you, as some have specific settlement funds levels that they need you to meet for nomination.
  14. People's mileage on this type of thing varies and delegates do have some leeway on recently expired checks if they choose to exercise it. The only way to be sure is to have a current check in place.
  15. Yes - you can. You can also apply for a subclass 600 visitor visa which would permit a longer stay.
  16. My details are in my signature ...
  17. Did you claim points for this work? That would stop the show. ”For any Australian employment you must have held a substantive visa or a Bridging A or Bridging B visa and complied with the conditions of that visa to be eligible for points.”
  18. Yes, it is.
  19. This is a good place to start: https://www.asmirt.org/careers-and-employment/overseas-assessments/
  20. There's not enough information here to provide an accurate answer - it would make sense to seek a short professional consultation to make sure the issues are fully understood and you do not inadvertently create problems.
  21. The answer is on the Department's website: "You can only claim points for employment if the employment was in your nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation; and you were employed for the relevant periods set out in the table, in the 10 years before you are invited to apply. For any Australian employment you must have held a substantive visa or a Bridging A or Bridging B visa and complied with the conditions of that visa to be eligible for points. Employed means engaged in an occupation for remuneration for at least 20 hours a week. Closely-related occupations must be: - in the same ANZSCO Unit Group or - consistent with a career advancement pathway or - recognised by an assessing authority that it is closely related to your nominated occupation, as part of your skills assessment."
  22. This is not the case, actually. As long as the OP doesn’t use the visa by entering Australia on it, but rather just lets it expire, then he can apply again at a later stage as long as he still meets the criteria.
  23. Which, of course, should have said “increasingly difficult to maintain”.
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