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Casual Racism?


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Just work on your aussie accent mate!! Its all friendly banter & would just laugh it off. I appreciate it must get a little annoying after a while. Its not racism - just banter!! I used to get it all the time now its started to fade!

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Going slightly off topic (for a second and then back again) to the response of the police to incidents. At the weekend some damaged the entire side of my car when parked and drove off. Luckily there was a witness that took their registration and left me their details. I called the witness they told me what happened and that the drive knew he done the damage and just drove off.


I went to the police station with this informaion. They said they like to give people the benifit of the doubt and they called him, he said he didnt remember doing it but would check and call back. For the rest of the day his phone was engaged, the police woman said he probably didnt hang his phone up properly and would try again tomorrow! I said he could be trying to cover it up or buy some time. She wasnt interested and just said they like to give the benifit of the doubt.


He eventully called back the next day and admitted what he had done and agreed to give me his number. I called and got his wife but was told there was no one by that name here. I confirmed the number and repeated the name and what I was calling about, was told there was no one here of that name in a really snooty voice and then she said another name or the same name pronunced differently, I said it must be my Irish accent, she muttered something about it but wouldnt repeat it. I managed to stay calm and ignore her but felt like saying you are in the wrong here and damaged my car dont give me crap over the way I say someones name. I would predict this lady is in her 60's and probably born here from her accent. I do find at times the older generation have little time for migrants, not just in Australia but everywhere.


The thing that always gets me about here and most Australians agree is that every family moved here at some stage or they were convicts. But the few that dont realise that do give the country a bad name. But I dont let it bother me, all I can do is bring my kids up with respect for others along with knowledge of where they came from.

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the boys are playing soccer, on the sideline a father from another team, shouting to his son take the pommie basta*ds out, i dont think you can get more casual than that.

but dare i whinge about it, i wouldnt here the last of it from the f off back if you dont like it plonkers.

ive met soo many whingers out here, but NONE of them have been poms. i worked with a fella from Melbourne who started whinging at 6am and stopped i dont know when, while we worked up north building a town for the indiginous people (abbos) he moaned about them all day, it got worse when one of the indiginous ladies dropped her knickers on the pavement and done a poo in a public street casually pulling up her drawers and walking off.

i said is that normal in a jovial way and that was it he didnt stop whinging about it for weeks


to say Australia is 50 years behind emotionally and culturally may be harsh

technically yes, power cuts 2 or 3 times a week is normal, id buy a UPS for my pc if they knew what one was to sell it to me.

adverts on TV are a moving photo with someone shouting as loud as they can, and that is from a multinational company, (my whinge justified) disgraceful. they have no broadcast standards


while working with a Kiwi and an Aussie, they argue over nothing then the Kiwi says

(when the tall ships came out here, you got the convicts and we got the culture)

i havent been to NZ yet but theres usually a slither of truth in jest


I will agree the Australians do like a whinge about anything espically at work. I get told I am quiet at work (for the first time in my life), but all I do is work and dont complain. My manager in my last job was from south africa but worked in london for 12 years prior. He siad he spends 80% of his time listening to people whinge about pay, desk, chair, computer screen, drive to work, drive home from work, office to cold, to hot, the seating arrangment, noise in the office, dont like the new coffee beans (in the free cafe quality coffee maching), toilet paper. That was just from the IT staff, not to mention the rest of the company whinge about the IT service. You name it he has had a complaint about it. He cant get any real work done unless he works from home! It makes me laugh, but you cant tell them they are being a whinge, they will go whinge to the manager!

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Guest BadSeed

I have lived here 11 years I am an Australian citizen, my mates are Australian, my children are Australian, I work with Australians.

I know the difference between banter and right wing vitriol when I hear it.


I used to see the same thing in England directed at Indian and Pakistan families. I lived in an area which was about 80% Asian families.

I have never understood this kind of nationalism/racism/hatred - call it what you like, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck etc.


People like the vile woman who verbally abused my wife need to be stopped from teaching this to their offspring, which they are doing.

The police should act and tell them it's wrong, make a note about them or whatever they do. But to dismiss it as just name calling is poor form.

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Guest guest32776
I have lived here 11 years I am an Australian citizen, my mates are Australian, my children are Australian, I work with Australians.

I know the difference between banter and right wing vitriol when I hear it.

I used to see the same thing in England directed at Indian and Pakistan families. I lived in an area which was about 80% Asian families.

I have never understood this kind of nationalism/racism/hatred - call it what you like, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck etc.

People like the vile woman who verbally abused my wife need to be stopped from teaching this to their offspring, which they are doing.

The police should act and tell them it's wrong, make a note about them or whatever they do. But to dismiss it as just name calling is poor form.

I'd say Australia is the most racist country I have ever visited or lived

in and sometimes I feel as though I am complicit by not standing up to it as much as we should. My OH and I do try and challenge the most abjectly unpleasant comments and they are not few and far between in North Queensland by any stretch. I think the main trigger for this unpleasant Oz trait is the screwed up relationship with the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. After years of abusing them they then feel afronted that they don't want prefabricated houses, positive discrimination on jobs and scheme after scheme.. The average white Australian feels embittered their taxes go into these and the stand off, mutual loathing and racism continues. The OECD has often pushed the Australian government to tackle racism and it is certainly a tough one whilst the wounds are so raw...

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I'd say Australia is the most racist country I have ever visited or lived

in and sometimes I feel as though I am complicit by not standing up to it as much as we should. My OH and I do try and challenge the most abjectly unpleasant comments and they are not few and far between in North Queensland by any stretch. I think the main trigger for this unpleasant Oz trait is the screwed up relationship with the Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders. After years of abusing them they then feel afronted that they don't want prefabricated houses, positive discrimination on jobs and scheme after scheme.. The average white Australian feels embittered their taxes go into these and the stand off, mutual loathing and racism continues. The OECD has often pushed the Australian government to tackle racism and it is certainly a tough one whilst the wounds are so raw...


I guess we can blame the POMS for that one!!!!! :wink:


The way the British treated natives (worldwide) wasn't really good now was it? But thats OK because it happened 200 years ago :jiggy:

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I know what you mean charlie. I felt the UK was the most racist place I had lived or visited. Like everyone I had obviously read all about the war between citizens in Northern Island and problems in Scotland but was surprised at the open and constant criticism about Poles and every other minority plus the anger and general sense of "separateness" from Asians. I wasn't used to hearing this sort of anger from everyday people in Australia.


After a while when I really analysed it I realised that it was the same as Australia - it depended on the demographic of the people you were around. In the UK I was in a smaller provincial city with less PC people and this was obviously a different demographic to what I was used to. To me that was the more likely explanation for why it seemed so much more racist than Australia as I knew that generally each western country has the same mix of people.


Of course you may feel that Australia is more racist than the UK, for example....I don't agree but in the end it doesn't really matter....both have major issues that need continuous effort.


Each country has its own race issues to deal with...Australia's is particularly difficult given the gulf between the two peoples in question. I feel that Australia still has a long way to go on the road to reconciliation but after living in another country I can see that all countries are struggling with these sort of issues with only partial success. I think the key is that all good people try and stand up when confronted by this stuff and I commend you for it.


Thought I would post this to show you are not alone: Bridge Walks - Reconciliation Australia


More than 300,000 people walked across the Sydney Harbour Bridge in support of Indigenous Australians and reconciliation. For five hours the human river flowed across the Bridge—never before had the strength of public opinion been so clearly illustrated.


This ‘mass mobilisation’ in Sydney was quickly followed by similar gatherings in other capital cities and towns, involving almost a million people around the country. In Brisbane more than 60,000 people crossed William Jolly Bridge, 55,000 filled the heart of Adelaide when they walked over King William Street Bridge. In Canberra, people braved snow and sleet to cross Commonwealth Bridge. Walks were later held through the streets of Melbourne and Perth in December—with another 300,000 people taking part to support the reconciliation movement

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I personally think that a lot of people need to toughen up and not be so sensitive. I actually take everything that is said to me in a "rascist" way with a pinch of salt and give as good as i get. I love the fact that most Australians are not politically correct. Look at the way some races in the UK complain about things like displaying the Union Jack on St Georges Day. Do you want to be living in a country that mirrors the way the UK has turned out. I for one do not!!! So toughen up Princess'! and get on with integrating.

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I found this forum as I was googling for casual racism.

Earlier this week my wife (Scottish) asked a woman to keep her language down in the School car park <more to this story but not relevant>.

She responded with "You don't belong here, if you don't like it F*** off out of my country"


We reported this to the police (along with another thing) and the police responded with "It's just a bit of name calling"

So, to me, this is beyond name calling it is the worst kind of nationalism, xenophobia or racism and it should not go unchecked. The police should act.

This is filling her children (who were present!!!) with the same hatred that she is consumed with, and the police attitude does not help. The woman (and children) need to know this is wrong before they learn this kind of behaviour. I believe it is learned, nobody is born with this.


Let me give you another example. I have 2 children aged 9 and 6 they hate vegetables, early nights and in one case Justin Bieber. They don't even have a concept of race or nationality.

Until this stops these people are enforcing the stereotype that Australians have as being rednecks.

Oh, and if it is relevant we have been here 11 years.


I have emailed the WA police to see if "Aw shucks, it's only name calling" is the official police line for this kind of abuse.


Wonder how many generations Australian she was?

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The way the British treated natives (worldwide) wasn't really good now was it? But thats OK because it happened 200 years ago :jiggy:


To be honest with you in some cases the Brits weren't hard enough on some of these natives, if they used a more of an Iron hand then we might have not have as much trouble in the world today especially in the middle east.

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Look at the way some races in the UK complain about things like displaying the Union Jack on St Georges Day. Do you want to be living in a country that mirrors the way the UK has turned out.


I hear this line spouted all the time (along with the banning of 'Christmas' lights) but have yet to see any evidence of this happening. It seems to be just a load of rhetoric with no substance.

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the boys are playing soccer, on the sideline a father from another team, shouting to his son take the pommie basta*ds out, i dont think you can get more casual than that.

but dare i whinge about it, i wouldnt here the last of it from the f off back if you dont like it plonkers.

ive met soo many whingers out here, but NONE of them have been poms. i worked with a fella from Melbourne who started whinging at 6am and stopped i dont know when, while we worked up north building a town for the indiginous people (abbos) he moaned about them all day, it got worse when one of the indiginous ladies dropped her knickers on the pavement and done a poo in a public street casually pulling up her drawers and walking off.

i said is that normal in a jovial way and that was it he didnt stop whinging about it for weeks


to say Australia is 50 years behind emotionally and culturally may be harsh

technically yes, power cuts 2 or 3 times a week is normal, id buy a UPS for my pc if they knew what one was to sell it to me.

adverts on TV are a moving photo with someone shouting as loud as they can, and that is from a multinational company, (my whinge justified) disgraceful. they have no broadcast standards


while working with a Kiwi and an Aussie, they argue over nothing then the Kiwi says

(when the tall ships came out here, you got the convicts and we got the culture)

i havent been to NZ yet but theres usually a slither of truth in jest


Sorry to carry on with the poo theme but here's a good one.

When we were at Uni in Birmingham my mate and I used to go to a local leisure centre for a game of squash. It wasn't really a healthy place for white guys to be hanging about but it was the closest one to where we lived in Sparkhill.


The guys on the front desk were just about all West Indians and the gym was full of them. They made it pretty clear that you wouldn't be welcome in the gym, the odd game of squash was OK though.

We walked down to the court one day and a young West Indian guy with dreadies ran out of the court door laughing. We walked in to be greeted by a pile of crap in the middle of the court. The guys on the front desk were even more pissed off about it than us as they had to get a shovel and clean it up.

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I guess we can blame the POMS for that one!!!!! :wink:


The way the British treated natives (worldwide) wasn't really good now was it? But thats OK because it happened 200 years ago :jiggy:


i would have to disagree, if history says anything you could say the same thing about the Romans, but they brought baths, roads, medicine and education amongst a lot more


and Great Britain did pretty much the same thing, from fightiing other peoples wars, trading world wide, helping those in need, and still to this day were still educating some people Good Manners, its uphill in Queensland but we will get there, i have personally explained the meaning of thank you to many people.


we do more good than harm


Tributed to one of the greatest men who walked the planet

Captain James Cook

murdered by natives on a beach whilst protecting another human being

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I hear this line spouted all the time (along with the banning of 'Christmas' lights) but have yet to see any evidence of this happening. It seems to be just a load of rhetoric with no substance.


"Rhetoric with no substance"!!!! What planet are you living on??? The local council where we used to live told people to take down the Union Jack when the world cup was on, " because it upset the muslims" !!! FACT!!

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Guest Guest31881

I have removed a couple of posts from this thread, It is a shame because the thread has run for a long time with no problems. Out of respect for the OP could we please keep the thread on topic without the deliberately racist or homophobic comments.

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"Rhetoric with no substance"!!!! What planet are you living on??? The local council where we used to live told people to take down the Union Jack when the world cup was on, " because it upset the muslims" !!! FACT!!


I live on planet Earth, not planet Daily Mail thankfully.


Did people take it down? if they did they had no need as its nobodies right (including the councils) to tell you to take a Union Flag down from anywhere if its on your own property. I would bet they didn't tell anyone to do anything, how would they do this by letter, email?? They may have warned it could cause offense if there was particular racial tension in the area at the time, but they can't enforce a ban on such a thing.


A few questions.


Who are you quoting here " because it upset the muslims" and where from?


Also why would you fly the Union Flag during the world cup? Surely you mean the ST Georges Cross?


Where did you live and which council were you under?

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Guest guest36762
i would have to disagree, if history says anything you could say the same thing about the Romans, but they brought baths, roads, medicine and education amongst a lot more


and Great Britain did pretty much the same thing, from fightiing other peoples wars, trading world wide, helping those in need, and still to this day were still educating some people Good Manners, its uphill in Queensland but we will get there, i have personally explained the meaning of thank you to many people.


we do more good than harm


Tributed to one of the greatest men who walked the planet

Captain James Cook

murdered by natives on a beach whilst protecting another human being


agree, apart from the use of slaves, and the effects of withdrawal of colonial administrations in many African nations leading to civil unrest, but overall good IMO

democracy (for better or worse:wink: ) is our greatest legacy

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agree, apart from the use of slaves, and the effects of withdrawal of colonial administrations in many African nations leading to civil unrest, but overall good IMO

democracy (for better or worse:wink: ) is our greatest legacy


i think the slavery thing has been misinterpreted over the years for political gain

it wasnt really slavery, it was residential training courses with free food and lodging


thats equivalent today with HMP Brixton and HMP Pentonville giving free food and lodging to the ancestors of the persons on the original training courses



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Guest BadSeed
I hear this line spouted all the time (along with the banning of 'Christmas' lights) but have yet to see any evidence of this happening. It seems to be just a load of rhetoric with no substance.


Spot on there. Rhetoric spouted by Daily Mail readers.

Usually proeceeded with the phrase "They are going to make us..." or "They are going to make our kids..."

Absolutley 100% baseless spouted by people with their own right wing agenda or at best little Englanders.

Did 'they' take the flags down from your Council or mayors office?

Of course the answer is no.

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The worst racism I have come across is from a fellow POM who I met recently. This guy was mouthing off to my hubby about the fact that the Queenslanders used their golf clubs to whack the cane toads.......he then went onto say that in the UK they were used to whack the "Pakis" ........his 12 year old daughter then joined in and asked her dad if he was talking about the "Pakis" again


My husband looked at the guy and said "mate, that's not right" and then proceeded to tell him that we have an Asian daughter (who had been with us all evening, so this guy must have noticed her!)..... he got no response from this guy, no apology or anything. Needless to say, I have not pursued friendship with these people.






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I live on planet Earth, not planet Daily Mail thankfully.


Did people take it down? if they did they had no need as its nobodies right (including the councils) to tell you to take a Union Flag down from anywhere if its on your own property. I would bet they didn't tell anyone to do anything, how would they do this by letter, email?? They may have warned it could cause offense if there was particular racial tension in the area at the time, but they can't enforce a ban on such a thing.


A few questions.


Who are you quoting here " because it upset the muslims" and where from?


Also why would you fly the Union Flag during the world cup? Surely you mean the ST Georges Cross?


Where did you live and which council were you under?


I was actually talking about a council office....they were told to take the flags down from the office walls...I do apologise for not making myself clear.

And no, i do not mean the St Georges Cross i mean the Union Jack, so don't be so patronising. And just because you don't want to believe it, it doesnt mean its not true. It happened.

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I was actually talking about a council office....they were told to take the flags down from the office walls...I do apologise for not making myself clear.

And no, i do not mean the St Georges Cross i mean the Union Jack, so don't be so patronising. And just because you don't want to believe it, it doesnt mean its not true. It happened.


Yes Paul you were very, very vague, So we're talking about a place of work, which is of course very different to councils forcing people to take flags down in general public.


It's not a case of me not wanting to believe it, I'll believe it if I see any evidence, and as I say I've heard/seen the same thing spouted many times and I've yet to see any piece of evidence of it actually happening. i.e its rhetoric.


Take your example, did they have to take them down because a person of Muslim faith complained (quite what religion has to do with supporting a sporting team Im a bit confused about also!) or did they have to take them down because it was inappropriate in that workplace? where did you get the info? did you work there?



I'm not being patronising about the Union Flag, just seems weird to fly a UK flag in support of an English team.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Would you do that to a person who you have just met or were say, serving in a shop though? this is more my point. For example, I cannot imagine speaking to an indian or chinese person (or any other person with a different accent to me) and openly mocking their accent after they have just spoken to me for the first time, can you?



i take the piss out of the chinese and indians and imitate there accent when they cold call me on the phone

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We're from Lancs and have been here 7 weeks. I've been told 3 times that I've got a "lovely accent" much to the annoyance of my husband who's been asked if he's Irish :eek::biglaugh:

I haven't been copied yet but if/when I am I think I'll just take great pleasure in doing it back, I Love taking the mickey out of people I know can take it and give it back, all in good fun of course :wink:


i got a cockney accent and 3 people have asked me if i'm irish (duh)


when i say i'm from near london they ask me if london is in the north!


from now on if they ask me if i'm irish again i'm going to ask them

"so what part of new zealand are u from?":biglaugh:

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Guest burgledad
Wonder how many generations Australian she was?

I lived in the USA for a short while and they have a healthier view of heritage altogether, proudly describing themselves as "Irish American" or "African American" and so on. Apart from the Aborigines, there is no such thing as an Australian. All are decended from relatively recent immigrants, mostly from the UK, which makes their attitudes towards their own "tribe" very puzzling. Any ideas as to what is behind this?

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