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Rudi last won the day on October 22 2011

Rudi had the most liked content!

About Rudi

  • Birthday January 13

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  1. Rudi


    Short Term Accommodation - Thornlands http://relocationbrisbanebayside.weebly.com
  2. Rudi

    Lorikeet Lodge

    Lorikeet Lodge - short term accommodation - Redland Bay http://relocationbrisbanebayside.weebly.com
  3. Rudi

    Redlands Retreat

    Short term accommodation, Bayside, Brisbane. http://relocationbrisbanebayside.weebly.com
  4. Well I am going to be tucking into my inferior chocolate today and enjoying every piece of it. Grow up Online Marketer. It IS your opinion that these things are inferior. It is NOT fact.
  5. 1. Bacon - not sure what the problem is there. When I ate bacon (am semi veggie these days) it tasted great. 2. There are PLENTY of places to find pork sausages - even the supermarkets sell them these days. 3. The reason that chocolate tastes different is because it has an extra ingredient to stop it melting so easy in the warmer Australian climate. 4. Where are you buying water??!!! Coles 600ml bottle 85 cents........
  6. <p>Hey Andy, I am booked up then, sorry - I have a booking from 22nd to 2nd Oct....and then it's free for a few days. Anyway, I've updated my link. I have no idea why it suddenly stopped working! Can you let me know if it works? Thanks. Cx</p>

  7. <p>You can check out when it's booked on the Takeabreak website, cos I am listed on there too. If you want to book though, come straight to me cos then I don't pay a slice to them!! x</p>

  8. <p>hey Andy, I noticed that yesterday and haven't been able to fix it yet, but thanks for letting me know. It's around 35 mins from Dreamworld, Movie World and Wet and Wild. Prob 45-50 mins from Seaworld. I have a booking from 4th to 11th Jan and i am waiting to hear about a couple of others, but often enquiries don't turn into bookings. I think that's all for the hols for the mo. Cx</p>

  9. <p>whats your facebook thingy or add me as friend andrew.hussey</p>


    <p>Hey Andy</p>

    <p> </p>

    <p>Well ok, not great though. It was a kind of topsy turvey competition for her! She is really a platform diver and was expected to do well on that.....she had a complete disaster on it and instead of winning the comp - which she could have done she came second last. She was devastated. She got 4th on 3m springboard which wasn't bad, a bronze in the synchronised diving and a silver on 1m springboard. She is usually TERRIBLE on 1m and the idea of a medal never even entered her mind!!!! She was really happy with that result and we laugh about just how mad it was that she got silver. She dived brilliantly on that though and did deserve the placing. Second in the UK in her agegroup isn't too bad!!!!</p>

    <p> </p>




  11. <p>so how did the daughter do??</p>

  12. <p>can I be your friend too? But I want you to know, that I'll only be your friend if you let me win! Love Rudi x</p>

  13. Rudi

    My big girl

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