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Casual Racism?


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Guest Working to fish
I know all that,but you seemed to be implying that stereotyping was ok,or at least not as malicious as racism,while i think theres not much difference?

I just think you seem a bit too sensitive tbh,ive no doubt every race has a laugh and joke and a bit of racism/stereotyping about other races,it just the way it is,i dont beat meself up about it tbh,you are obviously looking for this utopia where everyone respects every other race/creed as much as the next,im pragmatic enuf to realise it wont happen.


Pabs your getting well deep ,hope i will still get my stereo when you come over :wink:

I call this light harted banter ,no need to stress ,am sure Pabs is not .:yes:

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Assume what you want, but you seemed to be confusing the two.


Don't get me started on Religion, that's a whole different thread :biggrin:

No, your assuming,im well aware that pakistani is NOT a religion,and im also saying that theres a grey area between stereotyping and racism,a "crossover" if you like.

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I know all that,but you seemed to be implying that stereotyping was ok,or at least not as malicious as racism,while i think theres not much difference?

I just think you seem a bit too sensitive tbh,ive no doubt every race has a laugh and joke and a bit of racism/stereotyping about other races,it just the way it is,i dont beat meself up about it tbh,you are obviously looking for this utopia where everyone respects every other race/creed as much as the next,im pragmatic enuf to realise it wont happen.



Im not a massive fans of blatant stereoptyping neither to be honest, as i said earlier I find it all a bit tiresome.


Believe me I'm not looking for Utopia, I know this doesn't exist. My original post was highlighting the fact that I have found Australia to be far worse for blatant stereotypes, mick taking and racism tahn England. Others may well have different experiences, I can only write about mine.


I can take a joke and have a laugh at my own expense, but I have had some experiences since moving here which have been flat out rude, and not how I would treat someone I have just met or someone I know for that matter. The thread has moved on from this, which is not a bad thing as I think debate is very good.

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Im not a massive fans of blatant stereoptyping neither to be honest, as i said earlier I find it all a bit tiresome.


Believe me I'm not looking for Utopia, I know this doesn't exist. My original post was highlighting the fact that I have found Australia to be far worse for blatant stereotypes, mick taking and racism tahn England. Others may well have different experiences, I can only write about mine.


I can take a joke and have a laugh at my own expense, but I have had some experiences since moving here which have been flat out rude, and not how I would treat someone I have just met or someone I know for that matter. The thread has moved on from this, which is not a bad thing as I think debate is very good.



Fair do's,im sorry you've had some bad experiences over there,maybe the pom thing DOES get a bit tedious after a while,im sure i'l find out!

But tbh ive been stereotyped by the press and media all my life because of where im from,thats NOT a whinge btw,we brought a lot of it on ourselves in the 70's/80's.

Its just the way it is,what doesnt kill yer makes yer stronger an all that,helps to develop a thick skin etc,loads of times on here people have even posted scousers arent english!

Mostly in jest,but not allways,cut me to ribbons it did:cry::skeptical::biglaugh:.

So i guess all im saying is that stereotyping will allways happen(as you know),and tbh im not that arsed about it,like i say,i just give it back,such is life christopher.

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Guest guest36762
How drunk do you need to be before they taste good though? :policeman:


Depends. Growing up near Luton there was (is?) a chinky in stopsley with the best chips ever. The gold standard of chips. And they went so perfectly with sweet and sour chicken which was basically posh chicken nuggets.......

Ah memories!

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We immigrated a long time ago, long before the words 'politically correct' was invented. At our first school, the teacher took us to his office at lunch time every day for 20 minutes to make us speak 'English' we of course having a northern England accent didn't understand what he was on about, basically he was just offended by our accent. This didn't work of course and his frustration was so intense that he ultimately took to other methods. And yes people do bluntly in your face repeat the accented words they find amusing or incorrect back to you with a silly mimic of your own accent, sometimes as an amusement and sometimes in an offensive manor. Best to ignore it but dont ever change your accent on purpose just to please them.

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We immigrated a long time ago, long before the words 'politically correct' was invented. At our first school, the teacher took us to his office at lunch time every day for 20 minutes to make us speak 'English' we of course having a northern England accent didn't understand what he was on about, basically he was just offended by our accent. This didn't work of course and his frustration was so intense that he ultimately took to other methods. And yes people do bluntly in your face repeat the accented words they find amusing or incorrect back to you with a silly mimic of your own accent, sometimes as an amusement and sometimes in an offensive manor. Best to ignore it but dont ever change your accent on purpose just to please them.


Wouldnt dream of it tbh,not the best accent in the world,but its me,so tough titty

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i travelled the world for 20 years and never came across such a rascist country as Australia, no they are not rascist against all cultures, they will bend over backwards and take one up the jacksy for many cultures as you would notice if you lived im my area, but they have this inferiority complex with british FACT!

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Guest siamsusie
i travelled the world for 20 years and never came across such a rascist country as Australia, no they are not rascist against all cultures, they will bend over backwards and take one up the jacksy for many cultures as you would notice if you lived im my area, but they have this inferiority complex with british FACT!


:huh: really? oh and welcome to PIO:wubclub:

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Guest guest22466

I have a very northern yorkshire accent ....and yes I get a few people in Australia taking the piss out of how I talk but have to be honest it really does not bother me as Im english and ive got a great sense of humour so give as good as I get really.......I turn it into banter and put the accent on even more for amusement to others and myself .....There are also the ones who love the accent ...god bless them lol eeee by gum ..........

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Guest guest32776
i travelled the world for 20 years and never came across such a rascist country as Australia, no they are not rascist against all cultures, they will bend over backwards and take one up the jacksy for many cultures as you would notice if you lived im my area, but they have this inferiority complex with british FACT!


I like the idea of the inferiority complex...Might work for some Aussies I've met.... Would explain why we are always accused of being 'whinging poms' - although I've met one heck of alot of native whingers! Also, why we Brits, are accused often of being 'up ourselves'. The sports thing too- the one way rivalry - of the Aussies being obsessed with beating the Brits at absolutely anything....whilst in the UK hardly anyone notices its on.


Does it come back to the origins of the white habitation as a penal colony? Check out this Al Murray bit on Oz....

YouTube - Al Murray - Australia & Spain (I cant seem to upload a youtube clip)

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When I read the post about 'chinky' fish and chips I felt very uncomfortable because that word 'chinky' is considered racist here- maybe not in the uk but it is here. I think different countries have different words that are racist to them and not others. My English sil was amazed that we have coon cheese here- I really didn't understand what he was talking about, he had to explain it to me. Same with the word 'paki'- it means nothing here, not used and therefore not racist either. I think there is a certain amount of racism against Brits-sometimes self-caused though. Not as regards employment though- I think they actually have an advantage if anything.

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Guest siamsusie

I think Starlight when the word "chinky" was mentioned it was said tongue in cheek.... Having asian backgrounds, it is deemed at laughing at oneself, so dont be uncomfortable because I certainly wasnt !


love Susie x

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Guest BadSeed

I found this forum as I was googling for casual racism.

Earlier this week my wife (Scottish) asked a woman to keep her language down in the School car park <more to this story but not relevant>.

She responded with "You don't belong here, if you don't like it F*** off out of my country"


We reported this to the police (along with another thing) and the police responded with "It's just a bit of name calling"

So, to me, this is beyond name calling it is the worst kind of nationalism, xenophobia or racism and it should not go unchecked. The police should act.

This is filling her children (who were present!!!) with the same hatred that she is consumed with, and the police attitude does not help. The woman (and children) need to know this is wrong before they learn this kind of behaviour. I believe it is learned, nobody is born with this.


Let me give you another example. I have 2 children aged 9 and 6 they hate vegetables, early nights and in one case Justin Bieber. They don't even have a concept of race or nationality.

Until this stops these people are enforcing the stereotype that Australians have as being rednecks.

Oh, and if it is relevant we have been here 11 years.


I have emailed the WA police to see if "Aw shucks, it's only name calling" is the official police line for this kind of abuse.

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Guest guest36762
I found this forum as I was googling for casual racism.

Earlier this week my wife (Scottish) asked a woman to keep her language down in the School car park <more to this story but not relevant>.

She responded with "You don't belong here, if you don't like it F*** off out of my country"


We reported this to the police (along with another thing) and the police responded with "It's just a bit of name calling"

So, to me, this is beyond name calling it is the worst kind of nationalism, xenophobia or racism and it should not go unchecked. The police should act.

This is filling her children (who were present!!!) with the same hatred that she is consumed with, and the police attitude does not help. The woman (and children) need to know this is wrong before they learn this kind of behaviour. I believe it is learned, nobody is born with this.


Let me give you another example. I have 2 children aged 9 and 6 they hate vegetables, early nights and in one case Justin Bieber. They don't even have a concept of race or nationality.

Until this stops these people are enforcing the stereotype that Australians have as being rednecks.

Oh, and if it is relevant we have been here 11 years.


I have emailed the WA police to see if "Aw shucks, it's only name calling" is the official police line for this kind of abuse.


I think it comes down to the fact that Australia is really quite conservative in it's outlook.

Conservative in terms of being resistant to change

Conservative in terms of being respectful of authority

Conservative in terms of being wary of people of a different colour/religion

Conservative in terms of being suspicious of non Australian entities


All these add up to an insular nation

Racism can be a product of this, yes casual racism

That's not to say that the same doesn't exist in the UK. I just think Australia is about 50 years behind emotionaly and culturally

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the boys are playing soccer, on the sideline a father from another team, shouting to his son take the pommie basta*ds out, i dont think you can get more casual than that.

but dare i whinge about it, i wouldnt here the last of it from the f off back if you dont like it plonkers.

ive met soo many whingers out here, but NONE of them have been poms. i worked with a fella from Melbourne who started whinging at 6am and stopped i dont know when, while we worked up north building a town for the indiginous people (abbos) he moaned about them all day, it got worse when one of the indiginous ladies dropped her knickers on the pavement and done a poo in a public street casually pulling up her drawers and walking off.

i said is that normal in a jovial way and that was it he didnt stop whinging about it for weeks


to say Australia is 50 years behind emotionally and culturally may be harsh

technically yes, power cuts 2 or 3 times a week is normal, id buy a UPS for my pc if they knew what one was to sell it to me.

adverts on TV are a moving photo with someone shouting as loud as they can, and that is from a multinational company, (my whinge justified) disgraceful. they have no broadcast standards


while working with a Kiwi and an Aussie, they argue over nothing then the Kiwi says

(when the tall ships came out here, you got the convicts and we got the culture)

i havent been to NZ yet but theres usually a slither of truth in jest

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