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Hansen warns of terror on the streets swamped by Asians


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Obviously yes as she has received significant votes in the election.

One Nation may even get 4 senate seats.


Apparantly she has really sharpened up her act and is a force to be reckoned with.

A lot of the coalition votes have gone to One Nation rather than Labor. Particularly in NSW and QLD.

Shades of UKIP, she will inevitably drag Australian politics rightward.

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So the migrants pouring into Europe are doing it by hard work? Sorry don't agree with you. And the Asians that came in the 80s to Australia did not mix - they took over suburbs by violence with gangs - I had a friend who had a business and she had to get out because of threats to kill her - assimilate - yeah! More open and tolerant world - what planet do you live on???

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well, i am an asian, lived in australia for more than a decade, i dont do drugs nor do violence. i am a bhuddist, but i ocassionally attend church semons, or go to hindu temple and pray, heck, i even fasted a day in ramadhan, i like meeting people from different culture because i am curious, i like to learn about other cultures. i work hard for my job and pay my taxes for the country...


so i not sure why there are alot of assumptions here about asians like to be in a ghetto or, or they are violent.

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So the migrants pouring into Europe are doing it by hard work? Sorry don't agree with you. And the Asians that came in the 80s to Australia did not mix - they took over suburbs by violence with gangs - I had a friend who had a business and she had to get out because of threats to kill her - assimilate - yeah! More open and tolerant world - what planet do you live on???


Yes they are! You think it's easy having the city you grew up in blown up, and then moving your family across the med by boat, then across Europe by foot? That's harder work than you've ever done in your life I can tell you that. Besides the poster said they worked hard are AFTER they arrive and that is demonstrably true.


You had a friend who was threatened and therefore all Asians who came in the 80s were thugs? That says more about you than about Asians.


Yes it is more open and tolerant. There are fewer wars and fewer restrictions on travel/trade. Of course there are still pockets of distrust as you have so ably demonstrated.

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Saw that Hanson may get six seats in Senate now this would be a big problem if that happened.


As a migrant here I have no problems with migrants coming to Aus. I came he second time with my husband and we both took out Australian citizenship as soon as we could as we were intending having family here. We also got on with the Aussie way of life and mixed with a variety of nationalities and people, people we liked. That is what most people want I think. People also do not like people playing the racist card all the time. We know there are people who are rude crude and horrible and do and say horrible things but they would do it anyway and not just to people from other countries. They are unfortunately very unhappy in their lives.


I do think though if I lived in UK I would want migration to be a gradual process as there is only so much land there given UK is not as big as Victoria. There comes a time when arable land goes under housing that a country then becomes reliable on others to provide food for its population and if there were to be a war, heaven forbid this would not be a good thing. All bases need to be covered.


Just because I say Melbourne is too Asian and reminds me of Hong Kong does not mean I do not like Asians it just represents the mass migration of the last two decades which has changed the face of the country. So older people find this confronting which is natural.


People will live near to people who are similar to them so of course we get ghettos. We just notice them more when another nationality is involved who does not look like us. You could say Surrey and the Thames is a ghetto of richer people. The home counties for example they are ghettos of privilege.


The funny thing is the people who do not want change love the variety of different foods etc which are now available and would not like to lose them.

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Sadly, man is a tribal animal but the Western world seems to think it has transcended to a higher status that so white Westerners (mostly the English speaking ones!) are not allowed to be tribal any more because we are above that primitive way of thinking. Other cultures are still fiercely tribal, some more so than others, and for them it has been an effective survival strategy so of course they aren't going to let it go and move within other tribes and let their tribal affiliations go in a hurry - some take longer than others!


Until the West learns that the assumptions it makes about other cultures wanting the same as they do might be flawed then we are going to see more and more dissent. Funny that usually the only good thing people mention about multiculturalism is the food!

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Sadly, man is a tribal animal but the Western world seems to think it has transcended to a higher status that so white Westerners (mostly the English speaking ones!) are not allowed to be tribal any more because we are above that primitive way of thinking. Other cultures are still fiercely tribal, some more so than others, and for them it has been an effective survival strategy so of course they aren't going to let it go and move within other tribes and let their tribal affiliations go in a hurry - some take longer than others!


Until the West learns that the assumptions it makes about other cultures wanting the same as they do might be flawed then we are going to see more and more dissent. Funny that usually the only good thing people mention about multiculturalism is the food!


Yep, your pretty much correct about the tribal factor, it has taken many centuries for things to blend in the UK, Danes, Vikings, Romans and the like, it's just those pesky Lancastrians remain the fly in the ointment:wink:

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So the migrants pouring into Europe are doing it by hard work? Sorry don't agree with you. And the Asians that came in the 80s to Australia did not mix - they took over suburbs by violence with gangs - I had a friend who had a business and she had to get out because of threats to kill her - assimilate - yeah! More open and tolerant world - what planet do you live on???


Where was this? Cabramatta in Sydney had a bit of a bad rep at one time but it's cleaned itself up hugely over the past few years. I haven't heard of any other problems in other suburbs.

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Well You Should!.Pauline knows whats going on.And says What she sees.Other Politicians haven't the guts,she also spent Time in The Uk. Now that's a EYE OPENER. The Change In the UK in 30 years Is Catastrophic.I was in Shocked to the core, when we visited family and Friends In London,Burnley And Bradford. 82% of The Population Is Curtain People(Muslims) there's more Muslims there than The Whole Of Bahrain. London and NW London. Is a Shocker,there's more blacks there than Nairobi,Where I Met My Wife in 1957 in Edmonton Its called Shank City now.A police no Go area.How Many More Is there like that i Don't know. Pauline Hanson,Reminds Me Of Enoch Powell. A Tory that Warned Heath And Thatcher What They Would Do to Britain If they Joined the EU.And didn't stop Immigration into Britain.The Open Door Policy Would Be a Disaster. But the Tories Were Obsessed with Smashing the Unions And Bringing in Cheap EU Labour. Back Home When i was was there 2 years ago, My Life Long Friends Would Say Sitting in the club or pup having a pint.It's just as well The North East is A Depressed Area, No Immigrants Like the Midlands and the South. Most of You on Here Don't know any Different. Many Of You are From Multiracial Parts of the UK And A Lot from London.I thought The Press Gave Pauline A real Hard Time. She Says What Most Australians Think.And It's all true. Those with their Head in the Sand about Immigration don't Care They are Not Patriotic. Australia is very Patriotic And has Already Had Race Riots With Muslims,Personally We Left The Uk in 1973 Because we Could See what was Happening,but It's Worse than Even Enoch Powell Predicted. Beautiful Northumberland is still Untouched thank god.One Day To Rest My Bones.And Thank God For Brexit. The Patriotic People In the UK. Have Done The Remian Traitors a Favour,But they Don't Know it.

The People In London That Demonstrated poured fake blood on themselves,and had placards saying they weren't British,They were Europeans. Are A National Disgrace. The Students In London Are Not Britain's Future.They Are LOW LIFE. To Think I served 12 years in the army,and good friends,never returned,or were maimed.For Scum Like Those In London Sickens Me And My Family. I hope one Day they get whats coming to them.

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Well You Should!.Pauline knows whats going on.And says What she sees.Other Politicians haven't the guts,she also spent Time in The Uk. Now that's a EYE OPENER. The Change In the UK in 30 years Is Catastrophic.I was in Shocked to the core, when we visited family and Friends In London,Burnley And Bradford. 82% of The Population Is Curtain People(Muslims) there's more Muslims there than The Whole Of Bahrain. London and NW London. Is a Shocker,there's more blacks there than Nairobi,Where I Met My Wife in 1957 in Edmonton Its called Shank City now.A police no Go area.How Many More Is there like that i Don't know. Pauline Hanson,Reminds Me Of Enoch Powell. A Tory that Warned Heath And Thatcher What They Would Do to Britain If they Joined the EU.And didn't stop Immigration into Britain.The Open Door Policy Would Be a Disaster. But the Tories Were Obsessed with Smashing the Unions And Bringing in Cheap EU Labour. Back Home When i was was there 2 years ago, My Life Long Friends Would Say Sitting in the club or pup having a pint.It's just as well The North East is A Depressed Area, No Immigrants Like the Midlands and the South. Most of You on Here Don't know any Different. Many Of You are From Multiracial Parts of the UK And A Lot from London.I thought The Press Gave Pauline A real Hard Time. She Says What Most Australians Think.And It's all true. Those with their Head in the Sand about Immigration don't Care They are Not Patriotic. Australia is very Patriotic And has Already Had Race Riots With Muslims,Personally We Left The Uk in 1973 Because we Could See what was Happening,but It's Worse than Even Enoch Powell Predicted. Beautiful Northumberland is still Untouched thank god.One Day To Rest My Bones.And Thank God For Brexit. The Patriotic People In the UK. Have Done The Remian Traitors a Favour,But they Don't Know it.

The People In London That Demonstrated poured fake blood on themselves,and had placards saying they weren't British,They were Europeans. Are A National Disgrace. The Students In London Are Not Britain's Future.They Are LOW LIFE. To Think I served 12 years in the army,and good friends,never returned,or were maimed.For Scum Like Those In London Sickens Me And My Family. I hope one Day they get whats coming to them.


Perhaps have a drink, relax and think about using paragraphs next time? :err:

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Well You Should!.Pauline knows whats going on.And says What she sees.Other Politicians haven't the guts,she also spent Time in The Uk. Now that's a EYE OPENER. The Change In the UK in 30 years Is Catastrophic.I was in Shocked to the core, when we visited family and Friends In London,Burnley And Bradford. 82% of The Population Is Curtain People(Muslims) ... racist rant removed....


The most recent census states that Bradford's population is 65% white. I should know as I lived there for 40 years. Your facts are incorrect...

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So the migrants pouring into Europe are doing it by hard work? Sorry don't agree with you. And the Asians that came in the 80s to Australia did not mix - they took over suburbs by violence with gangs - I had a friend who had a business and she had to get out because of threats to kill her - assimilate - yeah! More open and tolerant world - what planet do you live on???


Wow, do you only read about asylum seekers coming into Europe? If yes then you need to read more, European migrants both extremely skilled as well as manual labour folks are coming in for their hard work


Low Skilled Labour : Farming, picking fruits, harvesting etc : You know why they get work? Because the average British person living in the towns where they have these jobs think its too low paid for them to break a sweat

Highly Skilled : Medical Professionals, designers, IT and Technology experts etc : We just dont have them in the country. If not them, then we would need to look outside to Asia


Also, it is a fact that migrants contribute much more in taxes than they take out in benefits, that award goes to home grown British people. You talk of a single friend and use that as a bad example? I have seen enough home grown lads and gals beating each other to a a pulp before they get drunk, what about them? Or the benefits kids stealing and ganging up on other school kids. Maybe we should throw them out and keep the hard working immigrants :-)


More open and tolerant looking at the world as a whole not taking what's happening around terrorism. The unfortunate events in the Middle East has nothing to do with immigrants coming to a country to work hard, make a life and build roots in community



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Perhaps have a drink, relax and think about using paragraphs next time? :err:




Zack is telling us that he went back to the UK and was shocked and upset by what he found.


Did you have to come back at him with your smart arsed reply?


I sometimes wonder why anybody bothers to contribute to this forum.

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Zack is telling us that he went back to the UK and was shocked and upset by what he found.


Did you have to come back at him with your smart arsed reply?


I sometimes wonder why anybody bothers to contribute to this forum.


He also called a whole group of society 'curtain people', which I thought was bloody rude. I also disliked the hatred that seemed to be pouring out.


My light hearted comment offended you, apologies for that..... If you scroll the thread you will see that I have made some serious comments too. Perhaps those comments will offend you too?

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My light hearted comment offended you, apologies for that..... If you scroll the thread you will see that I have made some serious comments too. Perhaps those comments will offend you too?



Ok ok I scrolled through your previous posts and found this.............


Your advice to the OP was very naive, but I will leave it there.


Yes, definitely naive,


You are naive.

Oh rubbish.

.................I see you are a teacher, this explains a lot



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................. from rednecks and racists.


No but from people who are seriously concerned about the way our country is going.... she says out loud what so many people are scared to say. Apart from her comments about islam, which is the elephant in the room that no-one wants to talk about but everyone is worried about, she is supporting grass roots Australians from farmers and small business being rooted by the current government with their intention to sell Australia to the highest bidder... and that would be China and islam.

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Define Asian. Is it really a problem to have a suburb where there are large numbers of people that come from China, Japan, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, Syria, Afganistan, Indonesia and Malaysia? And would such a suburb be more of an issue than one where people came from places like England, Germany, Italy, South Africa, Canada, Russia and France?


Asian is not the issue.... islam is....

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