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Everything posted by sawyer

  1. here are a few article that account what was it like when pauline was in the parliament 20 years ago. i thought it's a good read, pardon me as i say this but i felt in someway it reminded me the aftereffects of brexit's anti-migrant sentiment. http://www.businessinsider.com.au/i-remember-how-pauline-hanson-sent-a-wave-of-anxiety-through-asia-20-years-ago-2016-7 http://www.traveller.com.au/pauline-hanson-elected-to-australian-senate-how-do-we-explain-this-overseas-gq0vzz http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-08/chinese-community-launch-campaign-against-pauline-hanson/7581952 ps: personally, having lived in malaysia (a muslim country) for 20 years, i have never felt religiously oppressed or life threatened because of different faith... surely we cant generalise entire muslim because of a minor group rebelling.
  2. stumbled upon this article today, i guess we need to be careful what we wish for - source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-07-08/chinese-community-launch-campaign-against-pauline-hanson/7581952 sort of reminded me of the recent post-brexit rise in racial abuse happening in uk.
  3. well, i and many others moved to australia because of it's diversity and heterogeneity, that's why we left asia, and that not all of us desire to live in an asian dominated suburbs. tbh, i do see your point, but i think it's not a fair to group china with other asian countries altogether. culturally and language, we are all very very different.
  4. mind if i ask what is wrong with well behaved asians, are they not a good outcome for australia?
  5. well, i am an asian, lived in australia for more than a decade, i dont do drugs nor do violence. i am a bhuddist, but i ocassionally attend church semons, or go to hindu temple and pray, heck, i even fasted a day in ramadhan, i like meeting people from different culture because i am curious, i like to learn about other cultures. i work hard for my job and pay my taxes for the country... so i not sure why there are alot of assumptions here about asians like to be in a ghetto or, or they are violent.
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