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Should we move?


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I know this is largely personal and up to us but I'd really like some objective opinions. We've always wanted to move to Australia. We looked into applying ourselves some years ago but didn't have enough points.

Since then we've had two kids and have a really good life in the UK. We live on the outskirts of London, have a lovely house with a big garden for the kids to play in. We're in a good area, near good schools, parks etc and my husband and I both have great jobs which we love (for the most part ;) ).

Now, out of the blue he's had a job offer in Melbourne. We'd sort of put this dream to bed and now it's completely thrown us. We've never been to Melbourne but visited Sydney and Adelaide and loved the country, the friendliness and the outdoors life (which is something I grew up with).

Financially it's clear that at least to begin with we would be worse off. My husband's proposed salary AUD75 (nonnegotiable) would be identical to what he's on now (using today's conversion) but he wouldn't have the perks (at the moment the rent on our house is basically covered as a perk). He's also due an excellent pension if he stays in the UK which he would have to give up. I keep reading how expensive Melbourne is and for us, paying next to nothing in rent at the moment and initially going down to one salary, this is a worry. I'm not sure if it's worth moving if we can't afford to live near the beach - this is the lifestyle we'd be looking for. I guess what I'm asking is, for people who have moved to Melbourne from the UK, have you found the lifestyle/weather so incredible that it's worth compromising and scaling back dramatically to start with? I know it depends on person to person but what would you do?

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I know this is largely personal and up to us but I'd really like some objective opinions. We've always wanted to move to Australia. We looked into applying ourselves some years ago but didn't have enough points.

Since then we've had two kids and have a really good life in the UK. We live on the outskirts of London, have a lovely house with a big garden for the kids to play in. We're in a good area, near good schools, parks etc and my husband and I both have great jobs which we love (for the most part ;) ).

Now, out of the blue he's had a job offer in Melbourne. We'd sort of put this dream to bed and now it's completely thrown us. We've never been to Melbourne but visited Sydney and Adelaide and loved the country, the friendliness and the outdoors life (which is something I grew up with).

Financially it's clear that at least to begin with we would be worse off. My husband's proposed salary AUD75 (nonnegotiable) would be identical to what he's on now (using today's conversion) but he wouldn't have the perks (at the moment the rent on our house is basically covered as a perk). He's also due an excellent pension if he stays in the UK which he would have to give up. I keep reading how expensive Melbourne is and for us, paying next to nothing in rent at the moment and initially going down to one salary, this is a worry. I'm not sure if it's worth moving if we can't afford to live near the beach - this is the lifestyle we'd be looking for. I guess what I'm asking is, for people who have moved to Melbourne from the UK, have you found the lifestyle/weather so incredible that it's worth compromising and scaling back dramatically to start with? I know it depends on person to person but what would you do?


Honestly, looking at what you say in this post it is a total no brainer. You would be silly to move, you would be significantly worse off money wise if you will be on the same money. There is nothing incredible about the Melbourne lifestyle. It's not something good anyone else can decide for you though.

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I'd stay in the UK if I were you. Just reading what you would give up if you left the UK - I honestly think you would be better off there. Have you read the various threads on this forum stating how hard life can be here - it's not all beer and skittles. Also the winters in Melbourne can be quite chilly. Up to you though.

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Thank you for the replies so far. The new job would offer PR (although this is tbc) It's just letting go of the dream... but JockinTas I agree, I don't want to go over with rose-tinted glasses.

But if he doesn't have enough points he can't get PR, not for at least 2 years anyway

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Well I got half way through that and was thinking why not, seeing as it was something you always wanted to do. Changed my mind at the $75k salary though, this isn't going to go far in Melbourne and you will survive but you are not going to be in a nice suburb and you will be living hand to mouth. Stay put.

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While technically you will be in Melbourne, on that household salary I don't think you will be near any of the good stuff

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Well I got half way through that and was thinking why not, seeing as it was something you always wanted to do. Changed my mind at the $75k salary though, this isn't going to go far in Melbourne and you will survive but you are not going to be in a nice suburb and you will be living hand to mouth. Stay put.


I wouldn't say hand to mouth, it wouldn't give someone a luxurious lifestyle that's for sure. I agree though, stay put.

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We are heading back after 2 years and I'd have to agree with everyone else's replies - stay put. Unless you are both tremendously keen on the move... it will be hard going the first couple of years. Granted there might be a few positives, but really when you compare the two, London to Melbourne, there really isn't a huge benefit in the swapping of one lifestyle for the other. It's like changing an apple for an orange... in the end both are fruit, just really depends on your personal taste....

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You would initially be on a temporary visa for two years and would have to pay for schooling as a temporary resident. I believe this is $4000 each approx. That wipes $8000 off the proposed salary immediately.


I agree, I think you would be fools to consider that offer and it is very unlikely for me to say that to people on this forum...

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We love Oz, and are totally happy with our move. But when I look at your situation, I think you'd see a serious reduction in quality of life making the move with that offer and compounded with the costs and stress of moving it could very challenging in so many respects. If you owned your house in the UK and your husband could get a career break, I'd have said rent it out and go for a year as an adventure and see what happens.

However, do look around to see if your husbands occupation is in demand, he may be able to get a considerably higher salary here then this initial offer from someone else.

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Agree with others. Take a long holiday to Oz if you fancy, but anyone with such an enviable lifestyle would be foolish to give it up for a punt on Melbourne. I love Melbourne but even on double that salary you wouldn't be living it large. Sounds like a big drop when you consider increased cost of rent, school fees, medical (health care very expensive in Oz you pray you don't get sick here). I'm from SE UK and cost of living in Brisbane is similar but Melbourne a more expensive city. My hubby earns around $75k and we couldn't survive on his salary alone.

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I know this is largely personal and up to us but I'd really like some objective opinions. We've always wanted to move to Australia. We looked into applying ourselves some years ago but didn't have enough points.

Since then we've had two kids and have a really good life in the UK. We live on the outskirts of London, have a lovely house with a big garden for the kids to play in. We're in a good area, near good schools, parks etc and my husband and I both have great jobs which we love (for the most part ;) ).

Now, out of the blue he's had a job offer in Melbourne. We'd sort of put this dream to bed and now it's completely thrown us. We've never been to Melbourne but visited Sydney and Adelaide and loved the country, the friendliness and the outdoors life (which is something I grew up with).

Financially it's clear that at least to begin with we would be worse off. My husband's proposed salary AUD75 (nonnegotiable) would be identical to what he's on now (using today's conversion) but he wouldn't have the perks (at the moment the rent on our house is basically covered as a perk). He's also due an excellent pension if he stays in the UK which he would have to give up. I keep reading how expensive Melbourne is and for us, paying next to nothing in rent at the moment and initially going down to one salary, this is a worry. I'm not sure if it's worth moving if we can't afford to live near the beach - this is the lifestyle we'd be looking for. I guess what I'm asking is, for people who have moved to Melbourne from the UK, have you found the lifestyle/weather so incredible that it's worth compromising and scaling back dramatically to start with? I know it depends on person to person but what would you do?



Can I ask how you can get a 75k job offer out of the blue? This is a lowish salary and not head hunter territory.


Beaches and weather aren't great in Melbourne. My parents went to Sydney because they thought the winters were like the UK.


But there is a lot of good sport there. Plus many consider it to be the cultural capital.


But I think you'd be mad. Take a holiday if you're curious.

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Just for some comparison, we live barely on the outskirts of Sydney (as in 50 minutes from the CBD) and live a lifestyle that sounds very similar to yours with our two children. Our house is modest bungalow with a fairly small garden, we live comfortably but shop carefully and eat out rarely. Our life is comfortable, but far from extravagant. I earn in excess of $200,000 per annum, and when I earned the same in the UK it felt like it went a lot further (but to be fair we didn't live in London, rather close to Southampton).

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You would initially be on a temporary visa for two years and would have to pay for schooling as a temporary resident. I believe this is $4000 each approx. That wipes $8000 off the proposed salary immediately.


I agree, I think you would be fools to consider that offer and it is very unlikely for me to say that to people on this forum...


Is Vic charging temp visa fees now? I'd missed that

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You would initially be on a temporary visa for two years and would have to pay for schooling as a temporary resident. I believe this is $4000 each approx. That wipes $8000 off the proposed salary immediately.




Not in Victoria. "Modest" school fees in State schools still apply. (Still several hundred $).

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I would urge caution like the other posters. We are in Sydney, we moved here a bit over 6 years ago. To start with OH's salary was $65k, which was fine as we had quite a bit of savings behind us if we needed it. However, the cost of living has risen dramatically since we have been here (I guess Melbourne is the same), and we couldn't afford to live on that now. OH earns quite a bit more than that now, and still there isn't much room for luxury once we have paid for things like swimming lessons, music lessons etc for the kids, and normal household bills. We live in a cheaper suburb right at the edge of Sydney, and couldn't afford to live closer.


If your husband had been offered a job in the mid-hundreds maybe you could replicate your UK lifestyle here, but I would think that $75 would be far too much of a squeeze to make it comfortable. You say that the $75 is equivalent to your husband's current salary, but you need to factor in that you also get extra in the way of rent paid. That cost would need to be factored in, in Aus.

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