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June 6th, a sad day I will never forget.


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At about lunch time yesterday my wife and myself witnessed somebody commit suicide off the Storey Bridge. We had just left the Kangeroo Point Park pulled up to a junction in the car directly below the bridge. My wife was looking up at the bridge and saw the whole event. I very fortunately was looking at the road but caught the event out of the corner of my eye.


Extremely sad, shocking and will scar our memories. The desperation of somebody prepared to take this action is beyond my imagination. It makes my signature block seem completely crass.


Obviously this is an eye opener for ourselves and clearly shows everything is not well for everybody. Things do go very wrong for some people however surely suicide can't be the solution.



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I'm sorry to hear that, and you'll probably never know the circumstances. I hope you are able to convince yourself that the person had insurmountable problems and chose the right way out. You have to distance yourself from it.

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One week ago we received the devastating news that my younger brother had committed suicide. Hubby and I are currently at the airport, travelling to the UK for his funeral. He was just here with us 4 weeks ago. Doesn't seem real.


So sorry to hear that paisleylass, how devastating for you - sending love x

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Srg73,What an awful thing to witness! I guess its hard to understand what goes through a person's mind.I recently watched a doco (UK)about a guy who nearly jumped off Tower Bridge in London.He was only I think late 20's.Lots of people saw him on the outside of the bridge but just walked past.Fortunately a guy who was walking to work saw him and stopped and talked him out of it.The guy who was going to commit suicide said that day he just couldn't take anymore of life,and was about to jump.After the other guy spoke to him he realised suicide wasn't the answer.

Paisleylass:I am truly sorry to hear of your younger brothers death.Very tragic and sympathies to you and your family.I can't really say anything to make you feel better but I hope the flight back to the UK is as comfortable for you as it can be.Very sorry to hear your news.

My cousins husband commited suicide years ago.He was apparently happily married with 2 small children.It was such a shock at the time that it still haunts us today.

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Oh Paisleylass how devastating, your poor family, and your poor brother that he ever thought the world would be better off without him in it. It is so very very sad when someone hits such a low point. I hope your family are able to find comfort together and get through the devastation to the point where you can celebrate his presence in your lives for such a lamentably short time, as well as mourn his loss. Thinking of you.

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So, so sorry Paisleylass. I know little about mental health from a professional point of view, but have personal experience of the effect on someone close, and common sense, balanced judgment, rational discussion all seem to be squeezed out by the weight of the illness. The individual stumbles under the weight of the depression and convinces themselves that everyone, particularly those they love and care for, would be better off without them. I think when an individual reaches the point of action rather than words there is little anyone could have said or done to change events – so those left behind should not question or blame themselves in any way.


I hope over the next few days and weeks you can find strength in sharing good memories of your brother with others who knew and cared for him. Mental health is no different to any other illness in that it can dramatically affect the quality of our lives, but it is not always easy to see or understand.


((hugs)) for you, and for Mr and Mrs SRG73. Tx

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One week ago we received the devastating news that my younger brother had committed suicide. Hubby and I are currently at the airport, travelling to the UK for his funeral. He was just here with us 4 weeks ago. Doesn't seem real.


I am so sorry to hear about your brother ...

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Oh guys! (((Hugs))) to both of you, what awful life events to have to deal with. If you feel you need the support of a counsellor (and I'm not saying you will, by any means) please reach out and talk to one.

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Sorry to hear of all the sadness here today, my thoughts are with all of you. My daughter's best friend took her own life 3 years ago and my own daughter attempted it almost 2 years ago. It is a horrible thing with so many people affected. Big hugs all around.

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awful, horrible. we lost a dear friend to suicide ten years ago and I will never forget the effect on his family. The trouble is that the person concerned is not in their right mind, it's important to remember that if they were thinking straight, they wouldn't inflict it on their worst enemy. Sorry you had to witness it and sorry most of all to Paisley lass.

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One week ago we received the devastating news that my younger brother had committed suicide. Hubby and I are currently at the airport, travelling to the UK for his funeral. He was just here with us 4 weeks ago. Doesn't seem real.


So sorry to hear this, my mam died four weeks ago today but the circumstances are not comparable - she was 83 and had cancer (just didn't know) and knowing what my family are going through I can't imagine what yours are.


I hope you and your family find peace.

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One week ago we received the devastating news that my younger brother had committed suicide. Hubby and I are currently at the airport, travelling to the UK for his funeral. He was just here with us 4 weeks ago. Doesn't seem real.


Sadly depression is something people tend to conceal from others. Especially men. You always think if I'd known or if I'd done or said this. My deepest sympathies.

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Sorry to hear of all the sadness here today, my thoughts are with all of you. My daughter's best friend took her own life 3 years ago and my own daughter attempted it almost 2 years ago. It is a horrible thing with so many people affected. Big hugs all around.


Thank goodness you daughter only attempted it xx How sad for her friend and for you all x

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Sorry to hear about those with troubles- in one way or another it affects all of us and as I grow older I find many, many families are touched ( including ours). I once had the priviledge of talking a stranger out of jumping off a carpark roof and it felt such a relief but you really go through stress at the time- and it does come back sometimes in your mind.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just popped back to say thanks heaps for all the lovely thoughts and comments. My head was an absolute mess when I did that post and in hindsight it was maybe an odd thing to do, so public and candid. But depression and suicide are often taboo, not to be discussed, and hidden away. Perhaps these issues should be discussed more openly.


The funeral last week was harrowing but a lovely celebration of my brother's life. And if it wasn't apparent to many of the huge crowd that turned up how my brother had died, it would have been by the end. So many saw him as happy, funny, crazy... But his other side was openly discussed, to the shock of many.


I agreed to see the place where he ended his life, which was helpful as well as immensely upsetting. I can't begin to imagine how awful it would have been to find him. To the OP, that is absolutely harrowing, I hope you are not troubled by this memory too much.

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Just popped back to say thanks heaps for all the lovely thoughts and comments. My head was an absolute mess when I did that post and in hindsight it was maybe an odd thing to do, so public and candid. But depression and suicide are often taboo, not to be discussed, and hidden away. Perhaps these issues should be discussed more openly.


The funeral last week was harrowing but a lovely celebration of my brother's life. And if it wasn't apparent to many of the huge crowd that turned up how my brother had died, it would have been by the end. So many saw him as happy, funny, crazy... But his other side was openly discussed, to the shock of many.


I agreed to see the place where he ended his life, which was helpful as well as immensely upsetting. I can't begin to imagine how awful it would have been to find him. To the OP, that is absolutely harrowing, I hope you are not troubled by this memory too much.


I can't imagine how you and your family must be feeling xx

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