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Down Under Live Expo - Help!!


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I am planning a move to Australia with my family in the next 2 years so I thought it might be helpful to go to the 'Down Under Live' migration expo in Birmingham this weekend.


I just had a rather bizarre experience! I phoned the Down Under Live 'hotline' to ask which exhibitors will be there this weekend as I wanted to know if any will relate to us. That seems a fairly reasonable enquiry to me! The guy on the phone was really evasive/defensive and wouldn't give me any information at all. He said he thought I was from a "rival exhibition company trying to find out what was going on at their expo". When I said I just wanted to know what was going on at the exhibition before spending £15 per ticket and travelling a long distance he said "I don't really understand why you want to know" and got quite assertive. Eventually he said there would be 25 stands, but refused to say what any of them would be. I was only asking for an exhibitors list to decide whether a visit would be worthwhile, I wasn't asking for the guys personal bank details for god's sake!!

It rang a bit of an alarm bell that it might be an utter waste of our time - potentially a 2hr drive to visit a few people behind folding tables trying to sell removal services etc. Hrm, strange!


Can anybody help with advice: Are you going? have you been before and was it worthwhile? Is this unhelpful turd in customer services a reflection of a Mickey Mouse expo/event?


Thanks, all advice greatly appreciated.



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Hay up,

I gave them a ring a week or so ago as I was gonna drive down, but after putting a post on perth Poms decided not to if you were local may be worth piping in but don't think it will be worth a two hour drive, would be to get a hell of a lot of freebies to make it worth while, there is a lot of info on here and the other expat sites, check them out first read about other people's experiences before you start parting with cash, there is a lot of people out there who just want to rip you off!!

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My OH got offered a job off the back of an Oz Expo - but it was industry specific to his job - plus we already had PR visas. It was a 5 min drive from our house - the rest of it was a bit of a waste of time, he only really went to speak to that company.


It just reminded me of one of those uni open days.


Better off spending a few hrs researching things on the net if it is just general info you are looking for.

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We went to one, years ago when my OH first suggested it and we didn't know where to start. There were hospital recruiters there which I found useful to talk to for my job, but nothing relating to my OH, who is the main applicant. From what I remember it was mostly migration agents and mining companies. There were people from the department of immigration who gave us lots of information, which probably led to us choosing not to use an agent, but as the previous post said, you might be better spending your time researching online. If I had my time again, I probably wouldn't go?! Saying that, I was only thinking about a move back then and it definitely played a big part in winning me over. It was a big expo, there was a great atmosphere and we had a really good day. I walked out, really wanting to go for it, much to the relief of my OH!

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We had planned to go to the London one the following weekend but also found a dearth of information. Our suspicion like you was that they are struggling to get exhibitors particularly as demand for immigrants is slowing. Your post is the final nail in the coffin on this. Will stick with PIO and our own research I think.

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We went to one for NZ and there was an Aus agent there. We had a free one 2 one and then went it alone. The expo was free to. I wouldn't pay to goto one as we are the potential customers. IMO the ones that charge are just grabbing cash and all the info you need is on here or the net.

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I went to one in London a couple of years ago. It was pretty useless and I was glad it was only 20minutes from home at the time. You'll get more information from searching through this forum for 30 Minutes. Although it was nice at the time to feel like I was 'doing something' in my search to get over here.


I wonder with the tightening of the 457 Visa restrictions in the last year or so and the slowing of the australian economy (and increase in unemployment) if these expos are now even less likely to yield anything of use.


Seems pretty odd not to tell you who is exhibiting though - it wouldn't surprise me if most of the exhibitors aren't people offering jobs but companies like removalists, Migration Agents etc.



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It was not long ago that registered migration agents were barred from attending immigration department expos, presumably because registered migration agents, unlike recruiters, education agents, immigration oficers and prospective employers, are required to tell clients and prospective clients the truth.

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We went to one near Solihull before we migrated and to be honest it was probably a bit of a waste of time. We did get to speak to one of the removalists who gave us some good tips and it made us think about a few things that hadn't crossed our minds previously (it was the first place we came across Moneycorp) but at that point I wasn't on this forum. I think had I found the forum before the expo I would have been very disappointed with it.


On the plus side though we did get some time away from the kids and lunch out in Solihull afterwards.

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I went to one in London a couple of years ago. It was pretty useless and I was glad it was only 20minutes from home at the time. You'll get more information from searching through this forum for 30 Minutes. Although it was nice at the time to feel like I was 'doing something' in my search to get over here.


I wonder with the tightening of the 457 Visa restrictions in the last year or so and the slowing of the australian economy (and increase in unemployment) if these expos are now even less likely to yield anything of use.


Seems pretty odd not to tell you who is exhibiting though - it wouldn't surprise me if most of the exhibitors aren't people offering jobs but companies like removalists, Migration Agents etc.




Spot on, there is definitely a sense of "doing something" when you have an Expo in your calendar. It is about five years since we went to ours and I got the tickets before I discovered forums or really knew anything. By the time the day came around, I had already learned a lot, but my OH was still excited about our trip out. Excitement didn't last long though, we were gone in 30 minutes and had a nice pub lunch nearby.

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We have been to Birmingham at the start of our journey, it was a long journey and we stayed over night, but to perfectly honest we though it was worth it. We were able to talk to lots of companies and admittedly we weren't at the point of moving but it gave us lots of things to think about, i.e. banking and removals. It was also good just to get away and really consider the move and have time to talk!! I don't think its a lot of money to spend to go in the grand scale of things.

We intend to go to another before our move, if only to talk to other couple who are planning the move and make links with them .

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Hi there Ardita I was the “unhelpful turd” you spoke to on the phone. :wink: The reason I was defensive is because you asked who was the full list of exhibitors at the show and this is an unusual question asked covertly by rival exhibition companies from time to time, it certainly hasn’t been asked by anyone ever who just wanted to find out more information about the show.


I did state on the phone that we have medical recruiters and everything covered at the show who can help get you to work and live in Australia. The shows are useful as in a few hours you can find out lots of information about emigrating that you can cover in 1 place. Including people with jobs.


As a doctor you will have no problem at all and you will get a position quite easily - at the show we have medical recruiters who can get you a job, a visa agent who can get you a visa, and all of the other areas that you need covered (shipping, finance etc), which area actually quite important things to consider when you get to the stage that you need to consider them.


Of course you wouldn’t even have to attend and can do it all through google but the shows are useful to get an overview and speak to people directly including Australians and Kiwis who are licensed to give qualified information. You can get a lot of research work covered and confirmed in speaking to people at the show – answers to questions, information on property values, settling in, quotes specific to attending the shows etc, that can be useful along with your research on the internet.


Also in terms of migration agents all of the exhibitors at the show are registered migration agents, unlike some of those who spend vast amounts of money on the search engines (always check if agents are registered by Mara).


Relocating to the other side of the world is a huge undertaking, and the show has value in helping to provide a timetable in your mind about what is needed. It is intended to form part of planning and research and get a lot of questions answered in 1 place, along with research on the forums and elsewhere. & yes as a Doctor we have people there with jobs for you.

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at the show we have medical recruiters who can get you a job, a visa agent who can get you a visa,




... & yes as a Doctor we have people there with jobs for you.


Isn't this a bit misleading as surely it's down to the individual's skills and experience rather than a blanket "there are people here who can get you a job"? Granted there may well be a lot of exhibitors who can help with the job search or visa application but that's very different to saying there is someone who can actually get you a job / visa

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Yes you are right it is indeed down to the individuals skill and experience in terms of getting through the migration process.


In the case for Ardita being a Doctor he will be more than fine - Doctors are always in demand and I know people will bend over backwards to help him. Doctors are unique as they are in such demand.

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I don't think wanting to know who the exhibitors are is such an odd request from someone being asked to shell out money for tickets. I wouldn't buy tickets for anything if I did not know what was on offer. Imagine a show or a concert without the venue telling you who the act was or who was appearing in it or a theme park not stating what rides they had.


Unfortunately the lack of candour persuades me that the event is struggling to attract enough exhibitors. That perception may be wrong but I sure as hell wouldn't buy tickets and then travel to London or Birmingham to find out.

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Hi there Ardita I was the “unhelpful turd” you spoke to on the phone. :wink: The reason I was defensive is because you asked who was the full list of exhibitors at the show and this is an unusual question asked covertly by rival exhibition companies from time to time, it certainly hasn’t been asked by anyone ever who just wanted to find out more information about the show.


I did state on the phone that we have medical recruiters and everything covered at the show who can help get you to work and live in Australia. The shows are useful as in a few hours you can find out lots of information about emigrating that you can cover in 1 place. Including people with jobs.


As a doctor you will have no problem at all and you will get a position quite easily - at the show we have medical recruiters who can get you a job, a visa agent who can get you a visa, and all of the other areas that you need covered (shipping, finance etc), which area actually quite important things to consider when you get to the stage that you need to consider them.


This weekend is the 27th exhibition that we have put on so stating a “few shippers with trestle tables” was not only patronising to the organisers but also all the people who have attended the show in the past. On the website there is much footage of the shows and testimonials, so you can see that it is serious event.


Of course you wouldn’t even have to attend and can do it all through google but the shows are useful to get an overview and speak to people directly including Australians and Kiwis who are licensed to give qualified information. You can get a lot of research work covered and confirmed in speaking to people at the show – answers to questions, information on property values, settling in, quotes specific to attending the shows etc, that can be useful along with your research on the internet.


Also in terms of migration agents all of the exhibitors at the show are registered migration agents, unlike some of those who spend vast amounts of money on the search engines (always check if agents are registered by Mara).


Relocating to the other side of the world is a huge undertaking, and the show has value in helping to provide a timetable in your mind about what is needed. It is intended to form part of planning and research and get a lot of questions answered in 1 place, along with research on the forums and elsewhere. & yes as a Doctor we have people there with jobs for you.



Personally I dont find it an unusual question to find out the full list of exhibitors that are going to be there is someone is going to be traveling for 4 hrs to get there.


The expo that I was at there was a full list of exhibitors advertised so we knew who we wanted to talk to, and didnt bother with any one else TBH.


Not being able to state who is going to be there says to me that some people have not confirmed or might not turn up.


Given your attitude in your post - it is not surprising the OP found you unhelpful.

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Hi all.

On a positive my hubby and I took a chance and drove down to Birmingham on Sunday (45 minutes drive away). We appreciate all of the comments and advice that is on the forum and have found these very useful but out of curiosity thought that we would give it a chance. we gathered a little more info ( Jobs, qualifications etc) and spoke to people in the same situation as ourselves. we enjoyed our trip and came back home full of excitement so the day was not a waste of time.

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I opened my bank account, learnt huge amounts about how to start a process and visa options, met the agent I used to get my ahpra registration.. For me 16 months on in Australia with my 186 application lodged nothing I have done since I decided to come has been a waste of time....

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We went to Down Under Live in London a year ago and it was there which really set our ball rolling. We were not really fully aware or up to speed on what visas were available and above all else where, Kirsty spoke to a migration agent and he gave us some very useful information. So much so that we have decided to do it all ourselves. We are going again on Saturday as a lot of the stuff that we bypassed last year as it wasn't relevant per se then, most certainly is now.


That said, I am not anticipating a lot though and we are still monitoring our potential move carefully.

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It was not long ago that registered migration agents were barred from attending immigration department expos, presumably because registered migration agents, unlike recruiters, education agents, immigration oficers and prospective employers, are required to tell clients and prospective clients the truth.


Quite right. I had a friend who was a civil servant and went to an Expo where he was told that it would be easy to secure a job and then the visa would be a formality. He took voluntary redundancy on this basis. He's now still in the UK having discovered that jobs don't grow on trees and there isn't a leprachaun holding a crock of gold at the end of the rainbow.

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