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Delaneym last won the day on June 25 2012

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About Delaneym

  • Birthday May 17

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  1. <p><p>Hey , you ok ? X</p></p>

  2. Mine emailed me for extra info on the Friday , I uploaded it on the Tuesday, visa Thursday....good luck!
  3. I applied for 186 employer sponsor stream 25th November, allocated case worker last Thursday asked for extra reference on Friday and national police check as only did nsw clearance one. Applied for that on Friday got it through yesterday..uploaded it with work reference and got my notification through today..I officially am now a permanent resident.....
  4. <p><img src="http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT1dh9tro6gZHDyHpurrvbs3msj56mMPBelSPC1vtr4ePWymwho" alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT1dh9tro6gZHDyHpurrvbs3msj56mMPBelSPC1vtr4ePWymwho" /></p>

  5. <p><p>Hi, hope you are keeping well x x</p></p>

  6. <p><p>:hug:</p></p>

  7. <p><p>your up late honey ..............</p></p>

  8. <p><p>hi it hasnt come through yet so maybe you might need to pm me yours and i text you! yes did the borough lead for child protection for Hackney, the city of London and covered tower hamlets and newham as well for 7 years.. the job here is at st georges in kogarah so i need to be somewhere by the sea for some peace of mind!</p></p>

  9. <p><p>Hi, I sent u a text so u have my number. Would so love to met up, be fab to speak to a Cp worker from UK. Aussies don't know any better, but they know the practice here is not right. Where its your job based?</p></p>

  10. <p><p>hi arrived saturday, all good here, started getting in touch with estate agents today, enjoying my toes feeling the daylight and weather instead of my kicker boots! still cant believe im here! hope all good with you x</p></p>

  11. <p><p>Hope are you Marion? Hope you had a safe journey Oz side. Take care.</p></p>

  12. I will forward some stuff to you now sorry its on the back of someone elses but am out and about and with the blackberry ( which I am handing back today so still on work one till friday morning) x
  13. ha ha I will be in touch still and if you need any help with job etc let me know! You will find a job for sure x
  14. thank you its quite a roller coaster! have 17 days left.. and 4 days in the old job
  15. pm me i give you my work email and send you my stuff i used if you want. I am at the office tomorrow
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