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Citizenship and the future


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I know I posted a 5 year thread a week or so ago but just wanted to update now our ceremony is over.

Our Citizenship ceremony was held today..Australia day...coincidentally also 5 years to the day we left the UK.

The ceremony was the BIGGEST IN AUSTRALIA!! Our council is the fastest growing in WA... (good enough reason to ship out:-)

Colin Barnett addressed the attendees alongside the mayor and others. Barnett was heckled by a protester against the shark cull policy. The ceremony was very, very enjoyable....the welcome to country was particularly humbling. The whole thing including the music...fab singers...the pledges...the anthem...the awards...all great. Huge event...news crews everywhere. My son..not to be deterred because none of us wanted to be interviewed...sauntered off while our backs where turned and asked the sky news reporter to interview him! Watch out for small cute blond boy on sky news!


It feels good to be 'Australian' at last and the overall feeling was one of multicultural inclusivity and a feeling of being very welcome and proud to be part of this country's continued success.


We have had a tough time with our eldest this year which has quite frankly overshadowed a lot of celebrations this year. I feel my happiness is marred by my inability to separate how she is doing from how I am feeling. That plus the sense of ' missing out' on family and all that living near to extended family brings...has left me in particular...feeling less positive than I used to about the merits of living in Australia.


Not sure what the future holds but for now I am proud to be an Australian! Love this country but love England too.

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Guest Guest16631

.......a lovely post HH.....

........and so very normal to reflect on your loyalties to where you've come from....

.........when you pledge allegiance to your new homeland......

..........but as we all discover.....

...........there is room in our hearts for both......


.........( your daughter will find herself soon........and her family....:hug:)


... Take care ......tink x

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Guest Guest66881

Barnett heard me loud and clear did he:wink:

Seriously Happy Heart well done and congratulations to you and the rest of your family:cool:

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Guest The Pom Queen

The photos were lovely and you should forget about little hiccups along the way and look back at what you have achieved, which in my eyes in a lot. None of us know what's around the corner, so make the most of what you have and love each day as it comes :hug:

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Hi Fiona, I remember you arrived in Australia just after we did and in much harder circumstances - we had a lot more money to bring and we both had jobs. Your determination to make it work shone through and you have achieved that. Despite the fact our flights home were booked I still found our citizenship ceremony moving - it wasn't at all about commitment to Australia above your own country, it was about being welcome in Australia and who knows our children may choose either country as their permanent home.


I am so sorry to here you have had difficulties this year, it sounds like they may be the kind of thing that can happen anywhere - for us that was definitely the case - but when the chips are down their is no substitute for lifelong friends and family.

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Congratulations HH! You arrived a couple of weeks before us, we are just coming up to five years next month, we got our citizenship in July. It is a nice feeling to have it, it kind of feels like the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed, if that makes sense. Best of luck for whatever is around the corner for you!

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Congrats from me too..


Did you manage to book a hotel to watch the Skyworks, I believe that's what's you were planning.


I Didnt see any of the Ceremony this year but watched the Fremantle one last year and agree they are emotional even for a spectator.


I loved the whole Skyworks day, such a lovely family friendly affair, was lovely watching all the people having their parties on their balconies too!! The fireworks were amazing, must have been a super day for you.


Hoping in a few years time myself and family can be following in your footsteps and become citizens too.

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Congrats from me too..


Did you manage to book a hotel to watch the Skyworks, I believe that's what's you were planning.


I Didnt see any of the Ceremony this year but watched the Fremantle one last year and agree they are emotional even for a spectator.


I loved the whole Skyworks day, such a lovely family friendly affair, was lovely watching all the people having their parties on their balconies too!! The fireworks were amazing, must have been a super day for you.


Hoping in a few years time myself and family can be following in your footsteps and become citizens too.


In the end..for various reasons we decided to go somewhere nice for lunch following the early start for the ceremony then come home and chill with a bottle of bubbly. We went to hippo creek at hillarys with friends. After stressing about the day it turned into a good one. X

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Guest Guest 47403

Congratulation Fiona, you and your family seem to have achieved a lot in the time you've been there, good luck with whatever the future holds.

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I've let my UK passport expire, admittedly through slackness, but now I've just had my Aussie one for a couple of years, it sort of feels 'right!?' (And I can say, without irony, 'we thrashed those useless Pommie cricketers again!')


We've also let our British passports lapse too, I didn't see the sense of spending a lot of money on something i'm probably not going to use.

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