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ok do you want to be buried here

beach pig

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a bit morbid i know but it happens to us all.there is alot of immigrants who say i will never go back .the uk is doomed blah blah but if you came out here on your own as a family with no grandparents,brothers,sisters,basically no tie to the the country, where would you want to be burried.only asking as it might help in your plans/doubts to move back.i know where i want to be ,pushing the nettles up in the green green grass of home.:wink:with a weekly bunch of fresh roses .roses won't last a day here ha ha:biglaugh:

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Guest Guest26012

Not morbid at all, erm, maybe a bit lol! Yes, we would like to spend our last days here. Hubby wants throwing in the ocean so no burial necessary!

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a bit morbid i know but it happens to us all.there is alot of immigrants who say i will never go back .the uk is doomed blah blah but if you came out here on your own as a family with no grandparents,brothers,sisters,basically no tie to the the country, where would you want to be burried.only asking as it might help in your plans/doubts to move back.i know where i want to be ,pushing the nettles up in the green green grass of home.:wink:with a weekly bunch of fresh roses .roses won't last a day here ha ha:biglaugh:


Feed me to the possums, couldn't care less where my remains end up.

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Not morbid at all, erm, maybe a bit lol! Yes, we would like to spend our last days here. Hubby wants throwing in the ocean so no burial necessary!


yeah i am a bit like your hubby ,but i can just imagine the family saying ,bloody hell we came this far and there is no decent pub for the wake ,then they will say how much for a pint:cry:it wil give them a heart attack lol. trying to make humour out of the post. cheers beach

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What would your relos think about the sausages too?:laugh:


yeah i am a bit like your hubby ,but i can just imagine the family saying ,bloody hell we came this far and there is no decent pub for the wake ,then they will say how much for a pint:cry:it wil give them a heart attack lol. trying to make humour out of the post. cheers beach
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Guest Guest26012
yeah i am a bit like your hubby ,but i can just imagine the family saying ,bloody hell we came this far and there is no decent pub for the wake ,then they will say how much for a pint:cry:it wil give them a heart attack lol. trying to make humour out of the post. cheers beach



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Just get rid of my remains the cheapest legal way possible, I don't care where tbh cause I'll be having fun downstairs where it's nice and warm and toasty :wink:


where is that?in a semi detached in the uk in winter in front of a log fire.

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Ahh now I may not be sure of many things in life but of this I am sure......I specifically told my wife that if I croak over here in oz that part of the deal in us coming out was that I am to be flown back to blighty and am to be buried in north Wales from where I was born and grew up ....I understand that yes I will be dead and that I 'possibly' won't know anything about it .....(who knows for sure).......it's just that I take comfort in the fact that there will forever be a small part of Britain that will be permanently be mine....and it will be there for any freinds and family and even strangers to visit....to be just chucked in the ground or cooked and have your ashes thrown anywhere in a ......'foreign' country seems very impersonal to me ...as if you never existed .......just my opinion for what it's worth :swoon:

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I would quite like to donate my body to medical science. In the uk you couldn't do it if you were under 50, I will have to look into it here.


When I was 16, and a bit head strong, my parents invited over the man from the pru, to discuss life insurance. They gave me no warning at all. The poor bloke was trying to work out how much cover I would need and asked if I wanted to be buried or cremated. 'Neither, I want to donate my body to medical science'. My parents were trying to get me to choose one or the other, but I wasn't budging. Eventually they told me that when they had finished with my body they would then have a funeral and what would I want (through very gritted teeth as I was embarrassing them lol). If only I had known back then that they pay for it if you donate your body lol.

They never sprung anything like that on me again lol.

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Ahh now I may not be sure of many things in life but of this I am sure......I specifically told my wife that if I croak over here in oz that part of the deal in us coming out was that I am to be flown back to blighty and am to be buried in north Wales from where I was born and grew up ....I understand that yes I will be dead and that I 'possibly' won't know anything about it .....(who knows for sure).......it's just that I take comfort in the fact that there will forever be a small part of Britain that will be permanently be mine....and it will be there for any freinds and family and even strangers to visit....to be just chucked in the ground or cooked and have your ashes thrown anywhere in a ......'foreign' country seems very impersonal to me ...as if you never existed .......just my opinion for what it's worth :swoon:


i agree thats what i meant about the roses and being on home turf.a bit like soldiers in ww2 burried far away from there homeland. what i am trying to say is home is home life or death and for me its the uk.not like we know anything about it when we do go but at the moment i cannot stand life here never mind dying here .i had the disscussion with the wife and neither of us wants to grow old here .i will say though those who have a large family supporting them here there perception would be different. cheers beach

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I couldn't really care less where my mortal remains are buried and I would hate for my family to spend any money on me once Im dead! Ideally, cardboard coffin, no cremation, I want to go back to the earth in a natural way, but put me whereever you want ideally somewhere free. Mourn me in your hearts and minds not over my grave.

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I've told the DH that when I cark it I want my ashes (half) scattered in UK and the other half with his. He can have half of his with me in UK if he likes. Illogical as it may seem I can't bear the thought of being left in Australia for eternity!

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I was talking about this with my aunt the other day, we were actually discussing the cost of shipping a dead body from England back to Ireland and it is apparently extortionate!! I think international repatriation of remains is about £10,000. I really don't care what happens to my body when I die, I suppose I'd like to donate organs or something like that but I think dead is dead I'm not worried about my decaying flesh!


Edit: sorry I just googled it, I was wrong its about £3,000 apparently but that's on top of funeral costs!

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I did tell my wife that I wanted my ashes scattered in Crosslands, in Hornsby Heights, North Sydney.


She hit the roof. 'Seriously!' she said. 'You've just died and you want me to scatter your ashes over the other side of the world where we can never visit without heaps of hassle'


I said it's where I grew up, but I did see her point. So, if I'm in the UK, then I'd go for the south downs, near Ditchling in view of the Jack and Jill windmills. If I was in Perth, then it would be the Swan, probably Matilda Bay.


I did want my organs to be donated, but sadly they won't take them.

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It is all very well to say "chuck me in the bin" (or similar) but honestly do you think your relatives will be happy doing that? I have lost both parents and a sister in the last seven years and what to do with the ashes is a very difficult and serious question. My sister died last year and asked for her ashes to be scattered over water, so that is what we did and there is something peaceful about it, she also fixed our dilemma and we felt that we did one last thing for her.


I would like to be cremated, I think that part of me would like to be scattered in UK, but the ocean also sounds good.

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